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Part 5: Samuel Rees Howells trained Intercessor Brian Mason Joins Us and Around the World in Intercession we Go!


Philippians 3:10 Authorized (King James) Version

10 that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

Witnessing our vision to restore the college of Rees Howells where my father trained for the mission field in the 1930’s came a man to us, who had been trained under Rees Howells’s son Samuel in the 1970’s. This was Brian Mason from Lancashire with a passion to lay all he had down in Rees Howells fashion so that “every creature” could be reached.


Before joining the College at Swansea, Brian had been inspired by reading two books about two important men in the Lord of the twentieth century. Brian read Rees Howells Intercessor and Apostle of Faith which was about Smith Wigglesworth. On joining the College the Lord called Brian to give all he had into the College which is exactly the heart we had received through Margaret Ryder and it was as if on Margaret’s promotion to glory, Brian had been sent so as to take the vision to a higher level owning property in the Lord’s name and not our own and we did the same.


The accusations of those accusing us in taking money for personal gain from vulnerable people now looked ridiculous. We were all in this together, and those joining us needed to be led by the Lord in the path of his following for them, so we never pressurised as our accusers would have it.


Declared Brian, During the time as a student the Holy Ghost met with me as just like He had done with Rees Howells, the founder of the college and I said “ I am willing to be made willing for you to come in “. The Holy Ghost did come in and has dwelt there ever since. Also during the time as a student Rev Samuel Rees Howells said to me “ The Lord has a great work for you.” It has taken a lifetime of preparation before this work has been revealed. On students day 1976 when each student gave their testimony I informed those present that I too had given my body to the Holy Ghost for him to live His life through me. One lady who was present was Jean Diver a retired nurse.. Jean faithfully stood with me in prayer until she died a few years later. 


After a life of struggling with the great calling on his life to continue the ministry of Rees Howells, Brian found us on the internet witnessing our heart in that which had been given through Rees Howells needed to continue through us.


Continued Brian, A prophesy was given to Rev Dr David P Griffiths on 29 May 2012 which also spoke of me. This said “ restoring the work of Rees Howells through Brian with the added mantle of Smith Wigglesworth.” The mantle of Smith Wigglesworth is starting to be seen in the ministry. I know I will be used to preach the glorious Gospel, heal the sick and deliver those possessed of demonic spirits. This will be in whichever countries the Holy Ghost wants to work through me for the glory of our Heavenly Father through the name of Jesus. Prior to this there will be a visit to the Hebrides to prayer in the church where the revival under Duncan Campbell started.


This will be to prepare for a mission in which I know the Holy Ghost will once more come down in revival. Intercession will also be made by looking towards the United States Of America and Canada in order to open the way to take meetings to not only speak of the college but preach the Gospel pray for the sick and set free those possessed by demonic spirits. There will also be a visit to Ireland to visit Vida McLintock and pray in Naas. There will also be a visit to Swansea to minister to those in their eighties and nineties who remember The Bible College Of Wales as it used to be in the days it was a powerhouse of prayer. It will also give an opportunity to pray outside the gate that the old Derwen Fawr site will only be used for the glory of our Heavenly Father and our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “ Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” in relation to the Derwen Fawr site O Lord. Lord I plead with you that it would be better for the site to be demolished and houses built than it be opened to the counterfeit charismatic movement. Lord how my heart grieves at what happened to the college. I feel responsible as I now know that the prophecy of Rev Samuel Rees Howells all those years ago was that I should have taken over the work.


This was a powerful word through Brian, a word that has brought it challenges from the enemy of souls who is comfortable with the College buildings being in the hands of the charismatics, the last thing he wants is the full surrender ministry of Rees Howells being restored so the years of Brian became a time of great battle and at the same time great triumph as the fruits of the suffering are so immense it will amaze those who read this.

On 17th. April 2011 Brian began our communications with us in relation to the continuing College being at Rhos On Sea at that time, a time one year on from the threats we had received to destroy our ministry through official channels, and Brian was to join us in the battles that still continue today. There was a calling upon us however for Margaret Ryder had been interceding for a place of training to be built, she putting her all into this and Brian was to come and continue this as Margaret passed into glory. Brian joined is in Rhos On Sea on 20th. June 2012.

Joining us at the time of growth amidst trials, Brian discerned the witchcraft going on against us, active witchcraft coming against our ministry so strong it had not only looked to destroy our ministry but others also. Continued Brian after arriving in Rhos On Sea on an earlier visit,  As it was then somewhere around 12 o clock I said to David about leaving Blaenau Ffestiniog until I went there permanently. David, though, said he had had a word from the Lord and we were to go there that afternoon and David said he would take me home as there was no way of catching the 2.55 p.m. train from Colwyn Bay. I then went and spent sometime with Sylvia Griffiths who is the 98 year old mother of David and had visited the original Bible College Of Wales in Swansea as her husband had studied at the college under Rees Howells. After dinner I said that I needed to go and seek greater faith in order to go to Blaenau Ffestiniog and for the Holy Ghost to release His intercessory prayer through me. The reason for the need for greater faith was that Blaenau Ffestiniog at that time was the seat of Satan in North Wales. It was from Blaenau Ffestiniog that a witch had destroyed over ten church fellowships in North Wales and was also seeking to destroy the ministry of Pentecostal Church Continuing (name of a local church we were running there) and had succeeded in holding up finance which is vital to this ministry. Can you see that it was imperative that the Holy Ghost went to Blaenau Ffestiniog and dealt with this threat for it was a threat to starting Bible College Of Wales Continuing and the release of the finance in order for this great work of God to commence. This witch and all other satanic forces at work from Blaenau Ffestiniog had to be made powerless. On the way there the rain was torrential but it had stopped by the time we arrived. David pointed out certain places but I was led to pray from the highest point we could get to by car and then I got out of the car and looked down at Blaenau Ffestiniog. With Bible in the left hand and my little wooden holding cross which was handmade in Bethlehem on top of the Bible and the right arm held up high with the hand pointing to heaven the Holy Ghost began to deal with the task in hand. No wonder there had been need to seek greater faith than on any other day in my life. The Holy Ghost cried out through me and on the foundation of scripture tore down the stronghold of Satan in this town. Every devil, demonic spirit and evil deceiving spirit was cast out and commanded in the name of Jesus Christ to go to the pit of hell. The blood of Jesus was proclaimed along with His Lordship and Sovereignty.

The power of Satan has been destroyed in Blaenau Ffestiniog and in its place was prayed in the presence and peace of Jesus. My whole body shook under the power of the Holy Ghost and at the end I could just about take the few steps to hold on to the car. The work is such a complete work as this was based on the words of Jesus:

John 14:14 Authorized (King James) Version

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.


Intercession after intercession followed, of which we have written account, following intercessions being video recorded which can now be seen online.

Amongst the intercessions came a visit to South West Scotland to where the Bible College of Wales had been spiritually born through Rees Howells at Cardoness House in the Anwoth Parish, and from here the Spirit led to the place where Christianity was first preached in Scotland during the 390’s and the Spirit was moving on us to take us to a place free of the legal attacks which were continuous in Wales to the place of Ninian and the Covenanters on the Machars Peninsula looking south down the Irish Sea towards the Isle of Man.

This is what came through Brian at the Isle of Whithorn:


I Timothy 2 v 5:“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”

Ezekiel 11 v 18-19:“And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all abominations thereof from thence.”


“And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh.”


“Heavenly Father, Your Word says there is one God and one Mediator between God and man; the man Christ Jesus.


“O God, thank you for the Mediator Jesus Christ who, as God the Son, came in obedience to Thyself, and became the one perfect sacrifice for sin forever, and that through His redeeming love on the cross of Calvary He laid down His life, that all that are sinners could be received to Yourself through the blood which He freely shed.


“And Father God, as I am in this place of the Isle of Whithorn, the place where Saint Ninian, the first saint of Scotland, landed, and on this Saint Ninian’s day I am looking out to Saint Ninian’s Chapel, remembering, Father God, that Saint Ninian was obedient to Your call, and that he brought the gospel, the message of Christ and His redeeming love, into Scotland.

“O Father, in these days when the nation of Scotland has turned away from Yourself long ago, and that which is called Christianity is split, away from Thyself, and shows very little of Christ Jesus and His redeeming love – O Father God, I cry unto Thee, and repent of the sins of the people of Scotland today; that they have gone away and followed other gods for years.


“And yet Thy Word says “And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence. “ O God, have mercy upon us; take away the abominations; take away the sin in the body of Christ.


“I call unto repentance the body of Christ in Scotland. Turn the body of Christ to Yourself and in so doing, turn the people of Scotland, as Thy Word says “And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh.”


 “Lord, at a time, even this day when there has been a conference to discuss a referendum next year Lord, that is a way of men and women; Lord, show this day that you will move in power through this nation, and that pure life of Christ seen through Saint Ninian, and pure gospel of blood of Jesus Christ – that once more that holiness, righteousness and purity that was seen in Thy Saint Ninian and seen through him a life like Christ – that throughout Scotland there will be those changed through the blood of Jesus Christ, living as new creations in Christ.


“And restore once more the body of Christ – a people separated from the world; lives given to you and you alone – fully committed to the will of God.


“And all these divisions in the body of Christ – show them that sinners are reconciled through Christ, that they will become reconciled.


“This prayer is only through the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.



The presence of God during the prayer was very precious as there was a reality and depth rarely experienced. We did not know at that stage that God was calling us here to set up again the “white house” of Ninian for we had been called not only to restore that of Rees Howells vision at Cardoness, but also the cornerstone of Christianity at Whithorn with the sacrificial heart of the Covenanters moving through all of this, so significant today in 2023 when the Dumfries and Galloway Regional Planning Department has declared what we have built as not having planning permission, where our permission was of God rather than earthly statute, our Solicitors declaring that we could use this new “white house” for “qualifying charitable purposes” and what greater charitable purpose could there be but to restore the very foundations of Scotland which is its Christian roots and this we had done with the heart of Rees Howells, the Maxwells and Stewarts of Anwoth, of Ninian and of the Solemn League and Covenant written in blood of the Covenanters. This is our planning permission and it is on this we stand today, and it is to Scotland we are to stay pulling down that which has held back the ecclesiastical history of Scotland into a modern era of much fruit as the Bible College of Wales was to attain. In this regard came a trip to the former ecclesiastical capital of Scotland and a stone of the strongman holding Scotland back.

John Knox in founding Scotland’s national church was to hold state over all things not only ecclesiastical but also constitutionally of the matters of state. As we have discovered Scotland’s Solemn League and Covenant which in effect started the Bible College of Wales lays down the way our nation is to be run. “In this point could never our enemies cause us to faint, for our first petition was that the reverend face of the primitive and apostolic church should be brought back again to the eyes and knowledge of men.”


Clearly what was coming out of this ministry was the heart of not only restoring Pentecostal and Evangelical movements back to the landmarks on which they were founded but this was to include national churches, of Presbyterianism in Northern Ireland and Scotland, of the Episcopal church worldwide and so forth, all with one common aim, this aim being summed up by the inspirational prophet Knox, but something very dire had crept into Scotland, the spirit of God leading us to the place on which the affairs of state in Scotland began.


This was Dunkeld Cathedral in the land of Britain’s only private army, a land in which Lindsay’s mum and dad had lived, godly people who looked to get things going in the Lord but time after time they were thwarted, the harvest of souls not being brought in as one would expect. There had to be a barrier and Brian as an intercessor was being drawn to the place where Lindsay and I first met by the guidance of the Holy Ghost, a special place where we were to come back and smash the spirit of death that had invaded our nation.


This Spirit of Death had manifested itself by bringing human rationality into the church, taking it far away from what John Knox had envisioned, far away from what the Covenanters had died for, manifesting itself through a system of degrees by two roads to its Grand Architect of the Universe. We saw it in the local Kirk on coming to Whithorn with the announcement of closed session meetings, closed because they did not want its congregation to share its secrets.


We talk of course of freemasonry and on a number of occasions Brian was led to intercede right into the heart of freemasonry strongholds. This was certainly the case at Dunkeld with its masonic altar stone situated high above the symbol of the burning bush so as to show its suppression of it.

Through Brian Mason: Praise you Jesus, that at your name devils fear and fly. As the Holy Ghost prayed through your friend (Brian) - Satan and all his devils were cast out which had been working through freemasonry in this Cathedral.


Praise you Jesus that every evil power which was destroying the spread of the gospel in Scotland has gone.


Lord Jesus I ask in your mercy that the blindness which has prevented to be able to hear and understand the gospel message be removed so that sinners will know that they are sinners and repent of their sin and accept you as their Saviour.


Lord please build your Church in Scotland, the Church of those who surrender their all to you; a Church of those who are holy and untouched by personal interests.


Lord Jesus may your Church of those who are your living stones be as pure as in the days of Saint Columba and live to bring glory to your name.


Lord Jesus Christ your honour had been at stake through the Satanic influence from Dunkeld Cathedral but now you have been restored to your rightful place. This prayer is offered for your honour and glory. Amen.


Today, I am so happy because that which was exposed at Dunkeld is facing us today, facing us with unjust law just as the Covenanters had to face, looking to close down the historic and current sites of true Christianity which we show later in this presentation, spirits that are challenging us to withdraw and go away or face the consequences, spirits of Baal which we must face up to and believe God for the establishment of the victory declared through Brian Mason at Dunkeld.

In amongst all this tackling of the strongman came a prophetic word to me that a studio was to be set up in Sri Lanka, a studio so great that its output would set people free, and be part of a worldwide system of global mission houses “reaching every creature” by the “perfection of the saints.” Here the prophecy of 22 August 2012.

But at this time, I am stirring up an original vision of this ministry. This vision is from Sri Lanka, where a studio is to be set up at Bellwood.


“Now listen, & listen carefully: this equipment is to be new equipment. This equipment is to be used to broadcast My Word right across Asia & the Middle East, with reports going out on western television & radio.


“Now listen, & listen carefully, for this is the second part of Manuel Scott Junior’s (Preacher from Los Angeles USA) word; because I know you all have invited Me in – hence I am here.


“The second point is to do what I say. Now with your battles & your sufferings, the danger is, you become small-minded. Well, get this one: you do not have a small-minded God.


“When I create, you show Me evidence that I create small. I say, ‘Do not despise the day of small things, but you have been through the day of small things; & those who successfully go through the sufferings, are being prepared for the day of the big thing. But the danger is, you stay in the day of small things, rather than move into the day of big things. Hence, apostle Suresh is screaming to get the gear. For I have moved you all together for the day of big things.


“What I create, I create big! How many stars are there? The world’s scientists wonder ‘Why so big?’ With all their equipment, they cannot keep up with the size of My creation. For I am not a skinflint God. When I create, I do not create enough; I create more than enough.


“Now listen to this, & you all listen hard: what I have called you to is bigger than your human thinking can comprehend. The vision for Sri Lanka through India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal into Tibet: do not think in terms of college just in Bellwood, in Wales, in Harrow & in Paris, just getting by. How many people are there in India, hungry for the gospel, just to name one country? How many people are there in India hungry to study the Word of God? I sent My apostle to Orissa, one of the poorest states in the world. Now, understand My thinking. You, yet not you but I, are going to be invited to Orissa; & government in that state is going to change, for you are going to be invited by local authorities to come to places needing the gospel primarily.


“Now, listen to what Manuel Scott Junior said. When the people obey Me, there comes jubilation into the house. The same principle works in a nation, & in an individual state. For the coming of Jesus, whether into a house, a state, or a nation, changes grief & despair into jubilation!


“Now, what are the people of Orissa going to say to that? You look at My Word. When I am obeyed, I do not just give them enough to get by; I am more than enough. Same in Britain. When the west coast of Scotland was obeying Me, they were falling over themselves in herring. They did not have enough boats to pick them up. The sea was overflowing with herring – far too many.


“What happened with the disciples? They went out on the Sea of Galilee in their own strength. Could they find a fish? When they obeyed Me, the nets were overwhelmed.


“Are you seeing how I work? Now, when the little boy came with the loaves & fishes, he brought what he had to the Lord. Now, did I feed the people just enough? Or were there ‘baskets over?’ or were there ‘baskets over?’


“Remember, I am the God who is more than enough. Isn’t it El Shaddai – the God of plenty? That is who I am – the God of plenty – more than enough. Get a hold of it! It is all over My Word. When I am invited, when I am obeyed, there is jubilation.


For I overwhelm the people; as the scientists are overwhelmed, looking to analyse My creation; even building a tunnel, which was only enough to discover what they call a “God-particle”; when they only needed to understand the principle of what I an talking about to you today.


“Listen to the words of the song, ‘How big is God?’


“Now then, coming back to the immediate: in Britain there are a lot of mistrusts from ministry to ministry; & indeed this has gone on in the Asian context too. You see, where there is mistrust between brothers, then the Spirit cannot move in that situation, so men go into their earthly ways.


Now these 2 initial television & radio stations being planned, are only a start. The vision to be shared is, from Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, into Tibet. Colleges, with studios, will sprout throughout these areas; & with the studio in Wales, & elsewhere in western countries too, you will be able to live stream, record – whatever it takes, as led of My Spirit at different times. For I know all the technical terms & technicalities – I will tell you what to do.


“Now, My message is to go out in all of these lands; colleges & studios throughout these lands, all connected together. For the 5-fold ministry can oversee through the technology. For this is to be a quick work.


“Now get a hold of all this; for once you have started this, you are to do this in other continents too, with others I will send you. You will find out there are those with visions for South America, for Africa, for Europe, who will come to you to model what you have done in these countries, in the countries I have called them to. You will go to these countries & encourage them.


“But what I have called you to do now, is set up a college in Wales, with studio. Now, in founder Rees Howells’ day, transport ability to send people throughout the world was very much part of the vision. So it was not just a learning college. Part of the vision – the most crucial part of the vision – was to send out missionaries in the Every Creature Commission. The world was changed through this outreach. Now, My call to you all was never just to fulfil what Rees Howells did. Since when have I given a lesser portion mantle? I do not operate that way! Since when does it say in My Word, Elisha received from Elijah a lesser portion? That is not My way. He asked for the double portion!


“Now can you see how much more effective having a studio attached to a College is going to be? The students will be reaching lands they are called to reach during the course of their studies – not just after, as in Rees Howells’ day. So the Every Creature Commission, therefore, has not changed! But the ability for increase is enormous. For just as in My day on earth, when the Word became flesh, transportation was on a donkey, today you have got fast trains, planes, & all of that. Just as in My day on earth, natural echoes were used so large crowds could hear the Word, you can get equipment where the Word can be heard miles away; & having a studio, you can broadcast to the whole world the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.


“So invest in these 2 initial studios; but do not expect that I am going to stop there! But just as I have created the heavens & the earth, you are going to find studios all over the lands from Sri Lanka to Tibet – not only that; I am ordaining there to be satellite trucks, with the ability to go into rural areas, & broadcast meetings all over the world. So college, studio, satellite truck, is My thinking. Rees Howells would be jumping up & down.


“There are great foundational ministries throughout these lands too. In the Tamil lands, you have met Jeva. His calling is to continue. There are those who worked with him who will come to you, saying you are moving in the anointing of this man.


“So carrying on the landmark, not removing the landmark, is what this ministry is all about.


“But I am calling you – get a hold of this – to get the best equipment to fulfil My call.


“I am not a skinflint God. I am the God who created the heavens & the earth. I am the God who is more than enough.”


We invested in the studio in Sri Lanka and this is the latest report through Suresh Ramachandran of the fruits of the ministry there:

  1. Since the commencement of our YouTube channel, we have had confirmed reports of over two hundred thousand people coming to Jesus from other religions. 

  2. By watching my teaching on ‘Catholicism and Christianity’ in Sinhala, we have had over 50,000 (fifty thousand) confirmed salvations of Catholics who became Christians. 

  3. The same teaching in Tamil also brought thousands of Catholics to the Christian faith but we do not know the exact number. But we know that it exceeds the number of Sinhala converts so we are talking about way over fifty thousand. 

  4.  Our main YouTube channel has 74,000 (seventy four thousand) plus subscribers. We do have several other channels too that has thousands of subscribers on each. 

  5. Through our marriage counselling program at least five hundred couples who were contemplating divorce have been reconciled and are living happily.

  6.  Our programs and Sunday services are aired live online with thousands of viewers from all over the world. 

  7. Our Mission House which has 10 bedrooms and all other facilities, is used to bring many people with broken hearts to bring healing to their bodies and souls in the Name of Jesus. 


So the prophecy came to life with the branches to the vine bearing massive harvests of fruit in Sri Lanka and in Britain too initially in North Wales and then as led by the Spirit after intercession through Brian, to build such a studio in Scotland, one now that has been dismantled after an informer told of our activities to government but out of the present day turmoil, the studio here shall rise to greater fruits as we have seen in Sri Lanka, in a progressive way that will shatter the kingdom of darkness as it prepares for its time on this earth.

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Britain had been gradually ground down into believing that it did not have a written constitution, least of all that it had a constitution that demands virtue to increase in “Christ’s Religion.” This involves moving by revelation rather than the narrow adherence to the law’s letter so prohibited in the British Constitution, so God revealed a plan, a seven year plan now completed, the Lord leading us now to understand that the Kingdom of antichrist is upon the world, and that having completed the plan it is now time to go out and dramatically bring in the harvest of souls.


Part 1 had 7 stages – The Commissions & Blockage Removals


Stage 1: The bowling out of the Emerging Church and in this comes the teaching of entire sanctification and the all-day seminars

See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.

Jer. 1:10 KJV



Stage 2: The South to North Strategy – Mission Houses – the building up of the waste places


The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; Isa 61:1-2 KJV.




Stage 3: The Freedom from Continuous Deliverance and transfer to the “Go ye”! I The Return of Wesleyan Biblical Entire Sanctification gives the Solution and Ability to achieve this Commission. The Frodisham and Smith prophecies expose the infiltration.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,

and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:15-18; I Thess. 5. KJV



Stage 4: The Hitting Hard of the Communistic Blockage – the build up to Megiddo – to inform the people of the oncoming charge – to be taken seriously as Western countries are taken over by the communistic charge.



Stage 5: The Open Confession Movement - And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Rev. 12:11 KJV



Stages 6 & 7: The South to Norths Revival and the return of movements back to God with the Bible College of Wales housing missionaries to change Britain – same all over the world as the facilities of God’s pioneers are returned to those carrying those callings as the final Intercession of Norman Grubb is realised.



Part 2 had 7 stages – The Things being “added”


Stage 1: The Forsaking All and What this Means: There is another “Bethel Church” in California teaching the true hundredfold and this is very much part of the plan, with God ordaining the orthodoxy of this Church to be recognized on the world stage; But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. Mark 10:30 KJV.


Stage 2: Covenant: “As you are married to Me, thou art married to each other, for you are one in Me: one body, one faith, one baptism, buried into My death, to be risen again in resurrection glory. This is how Peter was able to say, ‘Silver & gold have I none, but in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up & walk.’ Acts 3:6 KJV


Stage 3: Awakening: The Coming Together of the remnant, not being isolationist, the claiming of the sevenfold, this business plan providing an international framework for revival.


Stage 4: The Legal Cover: “So, in Great Britain, thy legal protection is in thy Constitutional Acts. You are to reject any edict against thee not in line with the Constitution, & you are to point out the Constitutional violations; & indeed, as Protestant ministers, you are the legal lawyers called to uphold the law.” God will reveal his strategy in each individual country in relation to legal cover – this principle applies to UK and the Commonwealth and USA, however.



Stages 5, 6, 7:   Trading Company - the running of business in revival with the emphasis on sharing not personal greed; Building Within the Framework and the Final Intercession of Norman Grubb - seeing it through. “That is My will for thee. As one goes through the various stages of this plan, thou art more than conquerors. Time now to get going on this plan, that going being to reach every creature with the gospel.” 

Part 3 has 3 teams of mighty intercessors


Team 1: The Girls consisting of Sheila Standish, Margaret Dransfield, Lindsay Griffiths and Marjorie Beynon who have stood behind this ministry over many years overcoming countless impossibilities to fulfil the purposes of God. The work of this team has now concluded its work - Sheila & Margaret now in heaven with their Saviour, Marjorie living in North Wales so now it is time to bring forth a Scottish based team around the Ministry H/Q.


Lindsay continues the ministry with Pamela here in Whithorn, our hearts being for this to increase.


Team 2: Representing the Heritage of Rees Howells – David P Griffiths whose father William Griffiths was trained in the 1930’s by Rees Howells, going out as a WEC missionary to Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau; Brian Mason trained in the 1970’s by Samuel Rees Howells and now Director of the Bible College of Wales Continuing;


Team 3: All around the world the remnant is coming together in intercession and this plan is co-ordinating that intercession towards this objective of real revival, real revival of two aspects. We see teams of End Time Intercessors all over the World.

Part 4 : The Understanding of Three Eras

and what this exposure really means -


Relating to Great Britain (but these understandings apply all over the world) –


“Era Number (1): The Protection of the Criminal, the background to this being the integration of foreign interference into Britain’s political & legal processes, when situations were manipulated in relation to the European Referendum, as can be shown in the figures presented by Daniel Hannan, MEP.


“Number (2): The Removal of the Gospel from Church & State, the Queen having promised to propagate the Gospel, yet movement after movement was taken over by outside forces, to bring about the universalism of the community church today.


“And the final Era: The Criminalisation of the Righteous, who have become the defendants, & the sinners the prosecutors, there now being no heed to the Constitutional Acts of Great Britain, & the promise of God on oath by the monarch, whose crest now meaninglessly sits above a judge’s chair.


Our website goes onto give the passions of the revivalists of old including J Edwin Orr, Evan Roberts, Duncan Campbell, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Norman Grubb, and of course Rees Howells.


This prophetic word came right at the heart of this seven year plan summing up that which now has been achieved giving us the liberty to go forward with the Gospel fulfilling that which is demanded of us in Mark 16.

“I am grieved in My Spirit by those who react to the human condition; one moment, as with Peter, receiving the revelation, & the next moment reacting to the human condition.


“I am above the human condition. The apostle Paul was above the human condition, through the dying to self, which through the admission of human frailty; for he said, ‘It is when I am weak, I am strong.’


“My disciples on the Sea of Galilee responded to the human condition. They reacted to the storm, whilst the Saviour was not moved. Not being moved by the human condition is walking in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.


“As with Peter, they received the revelation, & then the human logic discussed the moves of God. It is from Christ the Saviour; it is there in Matthew 16 for all to see. Those who respond to the human condition put on themselves human laws & rules to control it, in an attempt to stay righteous. In other words, the human condition is suppressed, rather than dealt with. This is the religious spirit of the Pharisees. They suppress & suppress the great volcano of Satan, which erupts into destruction rather than life.


“Revival is when the human condition is recognised, rather than suppressed. This happened in the Hebrides, & My Spirit responded accordingly. The preaching of the Word opens up that which is suppressed, &some respond by more suppression, not wanting anyone to know their human frailty. But those of My Spirit confess openly their frailty, as indeed you have the openness of the apostle Paul. The confession brought the power, the dominion, the anointing, whereas the suppression brings death & destruction. Quenching the Spirit comes about through those that suppress, & live under a religious spirit of self-righteousness rather than God-righteousness. They are always the experts over what you should do. But thou art of My Spirit. You need people around you to whom you can confess thy frailty. Those who suppress are rigid, unmoveable, unable to hear what thou saith. They hide under a veil of religiosity a hornet’s nest of Satan’s cohorts, ready to erupt at any time. Their rigidity becomes obvious. They have a list of ways things should be done.


“This was the case with Peter before he was broken. Remember the issue after Pentecost? You see, My Spirit wants to do a work on those who suppress the Spirit by holding fast to religiosity, rather than confessing human frailty. Those of the frailty un-confessed fail to see the wider vision. They are caught up with themselves, whereas those with the wider vision see they have to be dead men to fulfil what God has told them to do.


“What I have called thee to do involves a lack of human thinking that is replaced by day by day obedience. Ask out openly, ‘Hast thou grasped it? Hast thou understood?’ When I said to Peter, ‘Thou art the rock,’ it meant not him, not the human Peter, but the Peter dead to self. This is the rock on which the Church is built. For men no longer live, but Christ.


“Those of the suppression look constantly to pray; but those of the Spirit are as one in Christ, knowing to speak out His words, not their own. They know not to think from the human condition, for they have become as Christ (I John 4:17). They are partakers of the divine nature; & that being married to Me, they have given their all, confessing human frailty rather than suppressing it.


“Quench not the Spirit; the Spirit responds to confession of the frailty, rather than suppression of it. That is how revival always begins: when man is at the end of himself is the point where the heavens are rended.”


This prophetic word I received on 13th. December 2014 sums up the period of time we had ministering with Brian, a ministry that now is to continue not only in Europe and Asia but also in Africa.

“The Sacrificial Remnant”

“I have spoken My Word over My suffering remnant, who has sacrificed their houses, homes, families for My sake & the gospel’s; & that they shall have the hundredfold now at this time, to walk in the fullness of God, with such power & authority that every devil from ‘hell’ – for hell-fire is their ultimate home – should flee to such a degree that this remnant should take charge of world affairs, the god of this world being bound up by them; My intercessor having gone to the seats of the Emerging Church, seats that indeed are thrones, but thrones of false authority over millions, this false authority having been taken up by those who run movements through witchcraft, like you witnessed those years ago at Elim.

“Thou art to name these movements, stolen from Me. For I am an angry God, whose movements & resources have been stolen from My remnant.

When thou spoke at Lowestoft those years ago, at the Lowestoft Elim, the cripple came out of the chair, after the proclamation of the foursquare gospel.

“You spoke as Jeffreys spoke, with the same result. If you spoke like that on entire sanctification in a Methodist church, you would get the same result as John Wesley did: the separation of flesh from spirit.

“For thou art to restore the mantles from rebellious movements; Elim & the Methodists are just two. You uncovered the cross of Baal at the Assemblies of God. You entered the graveyard of the Apostolic Church, & found out that the whole vision of the founders had been stolen. You pointed out the decadence in their ranks; but with stolen resources, that movement moved out of the place of its founders, to squander the founder’s resources on the trivial words that their god has placed among them.

“In thy position at this time, you personally have little of family resources to give them, should they sue you for the words of My prophecy. But you can back these words with hard facts. You saw the Egyptian gods in action at the Elim College. You saw the Egyptian scriptures being adhered to at the Elim College. Even then, you knew that College & movement had been stolen from Me, from the founder’s vision – a stolen movement. Same with the Assemblies of God, the visions of Carter, Harthern & Wigglesworth – stolen.

“In the Apostolic Church, the vision of D P Williams – stolen. But thou hast found the thief. What must he do?

“Then I took you back to your Mission Hall; no longer proclaiming the vision of Walter Crocker, & his wife, known in those days as Mrs Crocker. The vision to preach Christ & Him Crucified – no longer applicable, now the vision of a false Christ movement taking over a building many had sacrificed their lives for.

“That building belongs to thee. For it is your ministry that carries the mantle of Walter Crocker, & all the pastors that followed him, including Ted Scott, William Griffiths, Norman Gates, & George Harrison. You carry that vision & mantle; but the thief has stolen it.

“The intercessor cried from the graveyard – but the biggest grave there was that of the Mission itself.

“For I have called thee to be an Isaiah 58 ministry, to restore the breach; to set the people free from the controls of false leaders.

“Thou stood outside Bowland Mission in Bradford, the whole city being stolen from the influence of Smith Wigglesworth, not just the Mission. You held a meeting to restore that mantle. You interceded, & cried out from the graveyard too; but the biggest graveyard was the Mission itself.

“Thou art called to be the restorer of mission halls; mission halls that have become graveyards, from their former glory. But thou art called to raise them up, to restore the mantles of the founders.

“The list goes on. Thou art called to restore the Southport Convention. You can hold the Southport Convention today, by using the recorders of its speakers; & have a programme called ‘The Southport Convention Continuing.’ After all, you have restored Keswick, so why not Southport?

“Oh, Hallelujah! You are restoring My movements, My mission halls, My conventions. Not only this: you are restoring My seminaries, My colleges – taking them out of the hands of the rebels.

“It was right you went to Fuller first; for what I showed you at Fuller was pulled down through the intercession of the intercessor, who came to you seeing your heart to restore. My little army stood outside the gates of Fuller; & as Gideon pulled down the forces of the Midianites physically, so you spiritually pulled down the forces of the Midianites of Fuller, through the loud voice of the intercessor, who cried aloud & spared not, thy Telethon not just being a matter of two television programmes, but a loud cry to bring the resources back to the people of God.

“This is thy Telethon. Thou hast an immediate need of £25,000 to thy ministry; but thou is aware of needs of other remnant ministries;& you cry aloud for them as well as yourself.

“This is the sign of a true ministry: it sees not only its need, but the needs of others too; & you cry aloud for them as well as yourself. For this Telethon is about bringing back resources to the people of God, away from those of the rebellious movements.

“The holiness movements have been infiltrated too, My College at Birkenhead being made into a citadel of Satan. Thy ministry sends those of older years to the mission field, just as Emmanuel did. For I have called thee to carry the mantle of J D Drysdale & Stanley Banks; not the rebellious movement that placed that College under the Higher Criticism of Manchester& Professor Peake.

“You stood outside the gates, from where missionaries were sent out, choruses & hymns being sung, & those laying down their lives to preach the gospel.

“You stood outside those gates; for what had they built but a fortress of Satan, to deny My Word that youth is to be restored to those of years which the world would call a pensioner. “Oh, but oh yes! No more a pensioner, but a child. This is thy call: to raise up pensioners with wings like eagles.

“You formed a group called ‘Pensioners with a Mission’; & that is indeed what you became. But the forces of this world came against you, seeing pensioners as pensioners, & young people as young people; whereas in My eyes, there is no differential.

“So the Nazarene movement  - stolen by the organisers, with the policies & procedures of the god of this world, to whom they reported you to, so that you might abide by the policies & procedures of Satan, rather than the freedom & liberty of the living God.

“What safety procedures did you have, when you crossed the minefield to Batticaloa? Oh, but one did have a safety procedure crossing the minefield. They say that you had no policies & procedures; but your policies & procedures were that of an ancient landmark. Mark 16 was your policy & procedure; & these new policies & procedures they have made you take, have stolen resources from My kingdom, which you must now claim back from a Commission placing you under law, rather than the liberty of the Spirit – an action illegal under the British Constitutional Acts, which thou art teaching to government, governments not honouring the oath of the monarch to God Almighty.

“Thou hast placed governmental prophecy after governmental prophecy on the internet; but they give no heed. As in the days of Noah, they laughed at My prophet, they laugh, & still slaughter the innocents, which they will pay for in hell, unless they repent. The hell-fire is being stirred up for those that slaughter My children, all politicians & medical staff facing an eternity in hell, unless they repent of their sin.

“For re-defining marriage, they re-define the relationship between Christ & His Church. The fires of hell are awaiting those who voted in favour of such a blasphemy – that is, unless they repent.

“On thy Christian Financing site, (now CONSTITUTION KEEPERS ….  thou took on the banks which did not heed a House of Lords edict. They ignored thy court cases, & blamed thee. Yet all the blame was on their side; & thou has called a judgement against them; for they owe thee the resources to fulfil thy call.


“You are to continue the cases they have thrown out. You were right not to accept the return of court fees; for by doing this, you continue the cases against those stealing the very Constitution of thy nation –

“Now, finally for this prophetic word: thou hast been to Fuller, thou hast been to Saddleback; thou hast been to the money-changer of San Diego; thou hast been to Knock & to Mexico; even to the stronghold of St Paul’s, to restore thy nation & its national Church; a national Church embracing the Emerging movement through Alpha, rather than the mantle of J C Ryle, & other bishops holding to the truth; & in amongst all of this, comes the Bible College of Wales – rightfully yours.

“And now, the Every Creature Commission television channel; how you have seized the opportunity of the internet, & its possibilities of reaching every creature.

“Thou has looked to restore the Word of Faith movement back to Biblical Word of Faith, rather than the selfish lusts.

“In amongst all of this comes the Bible College of Wales – now Continuing. You carry the mantles of its missionaries; those of sacrifice rather than selfish gain. Thou has looked to contact the owner of its physical buildings, but to no avail. But it is you who walked those South Wales valleys those years ago. It is you who stood in Aberfan; you who stood in Treorchy; you who stood at Blaengwrach; you who stood at Moriah; you who stood in the seats of revival, even to the Hebrides, where you held a meeting in the Barvas Kirk, to restore the mantle of the lady intercessors & Duncan Campbell.

“It is you who did this on a limited budget; not those who come from the Charismatic world, with their stolen wealth & indulgences.

“So it is you who have the keys of the Bible College of Wales; not those of the Emerging Church background – but thee.

“You must continue to challenge them, & take back into the kingdom that which is rightfully yours.

“This is thy Telethon. Have you grasped it? The vision is big, isn’t it? Ha! Ha! Ha! The victory is assured. The intercession has been gained. Claim back into the kingdom that which is rightfully yours; for thou does not operate under thine own name, for thou art My body, My body carrying government on its shoulders; My body having the name above every other name; the body of Christ, that has only one name – the name, Christ Jesus.

“At His name, every knee has to bow, as you claim back My movements & My resources back to My remnant Church, the body of Christ.

“As thy brother Oliver would say: ‘The sons of Zadok, & not the sons of Eli.’

As if this was all with our ministry with Brian, for Brian was not content just to concentrate on one part of the world, the calling on us all is to “reach the whole world” and so the continent of Africa called.

In 2018 I entered the Democratic Republic of Congo with Brian so as to minister to Pastors of the Katanga Diocese at Lubumbashi, the Anglican Church in Africa choosing to keep to the old 39 articles of Faith rather than bow down to the left wing agenda of wokery as Canterbury had done. The split is well known and so to find those from Britain of the orthodox faith is rare for our brothers and sisters in this once dark continent that was now becoming light having not moved from the teaching of early missionaries from Britain.

We were walking in the footsteps of Norman Grubb who had worked with my dad in African missions in the 1930’s.

What a gathering took place on the 11th. July 2018 in the Compound of the Anglican Communion, Diocese of Katanga, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Clergy from around the parishes alongside students and even at one stage the Mothers Union came together in the Spirit, in the Anointing of God to hear God's Word on the Anglican Constitution, this Biblical Constitution having to be upheld alongside the Church of Scotland in relation to the Christian Heritage and Constitution of Great Britain that in the 1534 Act of Supremacy restored in 1559 by Elizabeth I to as we have already stated our obligation to increase in virtue (anointing) of Christ’s Religion. This means being bound to Christ, the present turning away from the real Christ Jesus of the Reformation being completely and absolutely unconstitutional.

  1. Repress and extirpate all errors, heresies, and other enormities and abuses. 

  2. The Monarch to act in the line of repressing the extremities that are religiously affecting the nation. This is extremely serious in the context of today for we are seeing a complete breakdown of all that is precious to us.

  3. To conserve the peace, unity and tranquillity of the realm. 

  4. To repress the infiltration of foreign laws and systems into our nation. Roman countries use the principles of Corpus Juris that have their origins in Babylon whereas our Protestant system of Habeas Corpus has its origins in Jerusalem, Greece and Protestant Britain. It is obvious to see that the activities of Rome Henry suppressed are coming back. Rome is taking away our freedoms and so those in Christian Ministry today must demand by quoting this act of Supremacy that our Monarch repress as she is obligated to do these infiltrations into our society.

Following on from this comes the Coronation Service and Oath that emphasizes the Bible, and the Bible alone of the Antioch Line as the "holy oracles of God", emphasizes the Zadok Priesthood that emphasizes ministering to God above ministering to each other which is the nature of cultural marxism that has taken over Great Britain. 


The Oath itself demands that the Monarch as Head under God of the Anglican Communion ..... note the rights and privileges given to Bishops and clergy that now have to be taken up, hence this extreme teaching from the Word of God - of the place in history of the Anglican Communion that has to be brought into the present and future by its bishops and clergy - who will do it - the Bishops and Clergy of Africa!

  1. Maintain the statutes, laws and customs of the realm.

  2. Government of the People is the Monarch’s responsibility according to the statutes of Parliament and the laws and customs of the same.

  3. Law and justice in mercy to be executed in all judgments.

  4. The Laws of God maintained, the Monarch being obligated to do this by the utmost of her power meaning she is honour bound not to allow laws onto the statute book that contravene the Word of God, any such law being null and void according to this constitutional demand.

  5. The utmost of the Monarch’s power has to be used in relation to the ongoing profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion that has been established by law.

  6. Rights and privileges are given by law to Bishops and clergy meaning in reality that anyone who tries to quieten the ministry of the Gospel would be in effect guilty of High Treason.


Here we have the crux of the matter with those of the DRC embracing and loving our precious Constitution whereas back home we are abused having to suffer legal action after legal action being taken against us.

Through Brian and I came a key message. It was clear that those who remained in Africa whose forefathers had been taught by early missionaries like my dad and Norman Grubb where still open to the old message, the old message of the Gospel, the never changing old, old story of redemption that now seems to have been thrown into the waste baskets of history back home.

The key message to come through was that as white missionaries came to Africa from Britain, now it was time for those who had come to Britain from Africa and Asia to minister the Gospel in Britain to the indigenous population.





Galatians 6:6-8 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.




A great battle was to take place however, Brian developing a great spiritual obsession over Africa and the Anglican Church there, for as he had been rejected by Anglicans in Britain so he was being accepted by people of like mind in Africa, for British Anglicans had changed, African Anglicans had not!


Brian at home began to talk about Africa constantly going to Malawi, Uganda and to Tanzania, God calling him to build Colleges in Malawi and Tanzania as well as supporting the College being built in an isolated village near Lubumbashi where children were dirty because of having limited water supply, the College there being built to supply fresh water too for the natural body as well as providing the living waters of our precious Lord Jesus.


We were and are living a “ministry of tears” as we minister in these lands, Martha being the wife of an MP in DRC clearly showing us how government wants to work with us rather than plaster us with the legal actions of affluent western countries.

In DRC western companies send such children down mines to collect lithium to be used in electric cars, oh the shame for if such countries left us to get on with the work it would be so much easier.

Our hearts have been so warmed towards this work and now Brian is in heaven that warming has not gone away. We must carry on with this work so precious to the Lord Jesus Christ, bring down the forces of darkness in western countries blinding the people from seeing that the reality is in the simplicity of those who simply trust in the name JESUS rather than the academic degrees of state.

In Tanzania, Brian ministered powerfully in the Holy Ghost, casting out devils and healing the sick within the ministry of the Ruvuma Diocese in Songea, Tanzania.


Here they ordained him a Canon, Brian sending out resources to expand the Sunday School and for equipment to livestream services from this highly anointed Diocese, this work yet to be completed, work on our hearts just as it was with Brian’s.

In Malawi too, Brian saw the need for a College ministering here to the people who had such a hunger for God, he till his dying day longing for a College to be here too, so much demand in Africa but the resources were not coming through from western countries as they ought, for these countries were preparing the way for the antichrist rather than THE CHRIST who saves the world from its sins.


As long as Brian ministered with these Anglicans all seemed safe but Brian received a call from a Pastor in Juba, South Sudan, and in response Brian moved to Kampala, Uganda in readiness for transport to arrive, so as to take him along one of the world’s most dangerous roads through Northern Uganda and across the border into South Sudan.

He never made it going into a major diabetic coma, a condition he had not previously been diagnosed with. Miraculously a Christian brother and sister came to the rescue staying by his bedside fighting death as he was to do over the coming months.

I knew there had been an entry point in the spirit and I kept asking the Pastor if there had been child abductions for witchcraft sacrifice in his area but failed to get an answer. I knew and knew discovering later on the internet that the Juba road had fallen victim to this so the battle was on to keep Brian alive.

Amazing miracles followed over the next 2 years keeping him alive against almost impossible odds. In this short period of time he had to recover from a six heart stent procedure (they would not do a quadruple by-pass), extremely painful vascular condition; stage 4 kidney condition that had now gone to stage 5, a massive hernia, infection after infection including e-coli and so on. It is amazing he lasted this long and we give our Lord Jesus all the praise for that. In amongst all of this spirits were attacking us in our battle to keep Brian alive, medics describing this as “intermittent explosive disorder”. Two times in the name of Jesus we pulled him out of palliative care and we became to be known for this by medical staff, those of Asian and African origin being able to understand better the significance of this.


We were greatly helped too by the tremendous support of the Whithorn Surgery. We will never forget their excellent doctors and nursing staff and their support of us, the local care teams being tremendous too but the whole equation was marred by a serious medical error, one that was in our view to cost Brian his life although we believe that through it all the Lord was calling him home.


What was to lead to Brian’s homecoming was not the conditions listed above except one, and that is the neglect of giving a vascular procedure to his leg, a procedure desperately required to keep him alive, a procedure that failed to materialise due to the failure of an ambulance to turn up.


A Nigerian Doctor at the Galloway Community Hospital in Stranraer called Dr Jonathan came to talk to me.


Dr Jonathan had done a check, & Brian according to this Doctor should have had a (vascular) procedure when the ambulance did not turn up – to save gangrene, i.e., his toes.


So therefore, the root cause of all his recent infections (there had been many) was not his urine, but his foot.

‘Can I talk to you spiritually, Doctor?’ I asked. I told the Doctor about the miracles over Stage 5 kidney failure changing to Stage 4, a phenomenon that had not been known in that Hospital and Brian did not die of this. A miracle had occurred and Doctor Jonathan was open for this, but what came up time after time was the fact that an ambulance had previously not turned up for a lifesaving procedure in Dumfries.

Dr Jonathan said he was working like crazy to get an ambulance to Dumfries for Brian, him believing it may not be too late stating they could use local anaesthetic for the toes. We were witnessing a major case of neglect leading to gangrene, admitting as reported to Dr Jonathan on the telephone that it was the fault of Ambulance Transport (i.e., Patient Transport).

It was clear therefore that they could have saved gangrene.

We battled in the spirit successfully for Brian’s life but in Dumfries with Brian in the care of the excellent palliative care ward, we entered a realm of the spirit where the Lord was clearly telling us he was calling Brian home. A lovely Asian Doctor who understood the things of the spirit, understood our previous two remarkable successes, understood also my statement to him that the Lord was calling him home. It was the mercy of God at work and Lindsay stood at his dying moments sing the hymn My Faith Looks Up To Thee and soon after Brian departed this world.

We have to carry on the work, the good work of Brian, the work the Lord was also doing with us but we had lost a cog in the wheel, we had lost a vital member all in the name of medical neglect which we are believing on being compensated, not compensated to us but to the work of that Gospel message that can never be thwarted, Lindsay being the administrator of Brian’s estate, Brian having given his all, we having to believe for the funds for his funeral and gravestone but what is important now is that the compensation comes in so we can carry on the work of the past years, the resources from the medical negligence case not coming to us but to the ministry of the gathering of souls.

Dr Jonathan had been quite furious because of the neglect! Brian’s longing was to return to Africa, we now must continue the work not only here but all over the world and overcome a further two legal actions that again thwart our progress but only temporarily as we once more overcome!

Part 6: The Set Up in South Wales


A Ministry of ECCTV.ORG and
the Bible College of Wales - 
The Original Vision

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