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The 95 Theses of 2007

In the summer of 2007 writes Rev David P Griffiths, God had me wake in the night with great prophetic insights to expose the evil that had infiltrated our Nation (U.K.) & it’s Constitutional “Church”. On three separate nights I awoke, my wife Lindsay writing down what God was saying with our Lord’s instruction as to the method in which we were to spiritually plant Theses on representative ministries that had moved away from their original call – had moved away from what God had originally instructed – this activity bringing in a judgment on a nation allowing Roman Catholic ideals and false doctrines to infiltrate what was once a great Protestant country.

On this door in Wittenberg, Germany Martin Luther nailed his God given challenge to the Roman Catholic Establishment Church on 31. October 1517. 7 x 70 years later God has ordained Rev. David P. Griffiths to place a further 95 Theses spiritually on doors of U.K. denominations & Church groupings bowing down to the same order Luther stood against.






“THESES (1): Thou hast embraced Egypt, the bondwoman, rather than the everlasting covenant of the Lord thy God.



“THESES (2): Thou hast embraced the Alexandrian scriptures of bondage rather than the blood covenant of the Lord thy God.



“THESES (3): Thou hast embraced the line of bondage rather than the line of Abraham’s natural son.



“THESES (4): Thou hast sought to do things thy way, rather than through the revelation of the Lord thy God.



“THESES (5): Thou hast not embraced the apostolic mantle of thy forefathers as I have caused thee to do. Remove not the ancient landmark.



“THESES (6): Thou art to speak the words of the Lord thy God, rather than the words of reason & intellect. The methods of higher criticism are cursed: remove them from the training of thy students.



“THESES (7): Remove hermeneutics for the revelation of Me, the Great I AM.



“THESES (8): Stand fast in the revelation I have given thee: the revelation of the martyrs’ blood speaks through the Authorised Version of 1611.



“THESES (9): Take heed not of the social conditions. My Word can not be returned void.



“THESES(10): My prophet has spoken to thee yet thou hast not given heed: & so My wrath is upon thee, & thou art as rags before Me. As I spoke through General Booth, to cry out ‘Blood & Fire’, thou art to return to the same cry, whatever thy movement be – for He was sent to make all men rich in Me.



“THESES (11): Thou art to return to the old paths. I have seen thy entertainment shows on a Sunday, & I am not pleased. I require the heart of conviction to return to thy praise singing.



“THESES (12): Thou hast failed to recognise that Britain is Church & state together. This means it is obligated under law to obey My Word. Yet it has brought in laws which are not of Me: laws that kill & maim, rather than emanate the blood of the Lamb. Yet thou hast stood silent as the nation has stood under the paths of judgement. ‘Cry aloud & spare not’ is My cry. Yet thou hast stood by & allowed the nation to wallow in sin. Thou art to bring back the family of Mum & Dad under God, in holy matrimony – that is, holy covenant. Thou art to proclaim to homosexuals the error of their ways, & to introduce them to a Saviour Who holds out His arms to the repentant sinner. To the paedophile, thou art to cast out the curse of Molech from a nation that slaughters its innocents through the ungodly curse of abortion.



“THESES (13): Thou hast allowed the nation to come under the curse of Rome, rather than the Commonwealth of nations I have given thee.



“THESES (14): The fish in the sea will return as the nation repents before Me.



“THESES (15): A word to the theological colleges: Cast out the bondwoman of Egypt: that is, the new translations, which have no root in Me. My true Word has been preserved & purified seven times, authorised by King James. Have no other. Do not say, ‘There may be textual difficulties’ – for this is My bloodstained Word. In the words of the song sung through Smith Wigglesworth ‘Only Believe.’



“THESES (16): ‘The Word of the Lord is a strong tower’ – but as thou hast moved away, & taken the movements away from this cover, thou must now pay the price.



“THESES (17): Thou hast changed the words in thy hymn-books from the words given to the saints. Thou art to return to the original versions, as in ‘Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah,’ thou art to include the words ‘Thou hast conquered sin & Satan & the grave.’



“THESES (18): Thou art in great danger by not following Me. Thou art to have thy complete trust in Me.



“THESES (19): The ‘Every Creature Commission’ given to Rees Howells is to be embraced by all of My Church. Every creature must be reached with the gospel rather than the ‘a’ or ‘an’ “gospel” of the new translations.



“Within these theses is a warning to thy nation to turn back to the Risen Christ, removing the Gnostic abominations, which thou hast called a Bible. Just as in My original theses given through Luther, thou art to cut all links with what is known as the Roman Catholic Church – i.e. thou art not to embrace a separate priesthood which is known as Pentecostal denominations as “Leadership.” There is only one priesthood in the New Testament.



“THESES (20): Thou art no longer to suppress the gifts in the Church, in fear of offending people; for I am the Giver of the gifts.



“THESES (21): Triumph over adversity, rather than bow down to the system.



“THESES (22): As these things are being written, so many acres of farmland in Britain are under water, placing a great strain on the finances of the nation. Return to the Book of the Coronation, & thou shalt be free from the curse of the Law.



“THESES (23): I hold your nation to every word spoken at the coronation of thy monarch.



“THESES (24): Thou hast removed the monarch in favour of apparent democracy, when thy nation has never ever been called to have its own choice. Thy nation is a nation under God: a theocracy rather than a democracy.



“THESES (25): Thou hast served a self-pleasing people, rather than a life-giving God that gave His Son, Jesus.



Explanatory Note: “There will now be theses in relation to specific parts of the nation. The next group of theses is for Scotland.



“THESES (26): Thou hast witnessed revival in the past. Do not come under this curse known as “contemporary Church” which refuses to use the language of old. Thy eldership must ensure that secularism, that is, reason, does not enter My precious Church.



“THESES (27): Thou hast an abomination at Dunkeld, which thou must remove.



“THESES (28): Thou must remove all signs of the occult from thy buildings, & all signs of superstition & unbelief. Thy capital has become a Sodom & Gomorrah, its festival emphasising paganism rather than Me.



“THESES (29): Thy nation in the past has stood against the inroads of Rome. Make sure that thou stands faithful to this call.



“THESES (30): The 1700 Act of Settlement is to be retained in thy nation, including the Act of Union – the union not being one with England, but with Me. For in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, or Scot or Sassenach.



“THESES (31): As thou hast stood against Catholicism in the past, so thou must stand today against its infiltration into the affairs of state. Thy parliament in Edinburgh is an abomination to Me, as it seeks to pass laws in contravention to the Holy Scriptures, so it lies in your capital city as a symbol of the curse upon thy nation. Thy elections will never run smoothly whilst you continue in your act of rebellion to the Act of Union. Thou will never have a Flower again, whilst one rebels against the covenant the Reformation fathers fought for.  



“THESES (32): I have called thy nation to be a nation of Covenanters, & now the nation must bear the consequences of breaking its covenant with Me.



“The next series of theses are for Wales.



“THESES (33): Thou must reject the dragon: Thou must reject the dragon! For whilst you have the symbol of defeat upon thy flag, so thou wilt be reliant on hand-outs to fulfil the affairs of state.



“THESES (34): Thou hast moved from being a nation under God, to being a nation under Roman control.



“THESES (35): Thou hast used holy ground that had restrictions & covenants upon it, to build secular & religious abominations within what were known as chapels. Repent before Me, & rebuild these chapels of glory.



“THESES (36): Thou hast changed the valleys from being the valleys of song to Me, to being alleyways of devils.



“THESES (37): Thou still hast in thy midst some of the miners of old, who used to sing praises to Me. I hear no more the heart of the miner, but instead see so-called churches of secular humanism & despair. I refer your nation to Deuteronomy 28, & declare your nation to be cursed with a curse, for not continuing the revival of Moriah, & before that, of William Williams.



“THESES 38: Your nation sings ‘Bread of Heaven’ at the Millennium Stadium, yet waves a symbol which William Williams would not tolerate. Return to the flag of David, or be cursed with a curse that your European Community will not be able to get you out of.



“THESES (39): Your National Eisteddfod is a disgrace to Me, at which you seek to honour the works of man, rather than the bloodstained pages of Holy Scripture. Your bardic abominations are seen before Me as a symbol of your adherence to the dragon, who is destined for everlasting torment in the pit of hell. I implore you to restore the ancient wells of Christianity; remove the high altars from thy cathedrals, remembering children of God to be the holy temples of the Lord.



“For the nation of Ireland:



“THESES (40): I have called all of Ireland into this covenant: I see no division between North & South. Patrick was neither Catholic nor Protestant. He was the portrayer of sound doctrine for the whole of the island of Ireland. His doctrine of the Godhead was correct, & I have called this island of Ireland to be portrayers of sound doctrine. But in the South, thou hast allowed in the doctrines of Rome, & built up altars to false gods. And in the North, I have brought together the leaders of nationalism & the leaders known as Protestant.



“As thou accepts, & receives, the bloodstained pages of the Authorised Version, thou wilt see that the doctrine of Patrick can only be supported through the bloodstained pages authorised by King James. The Catholic translations are not in line with this doctrine.



“I call the whole of Ireland to come back to this doctrine of Patrick.



“The next series of theses is for England.



“THESES (41): Your Parliament is known as the mother of parliaments. There are those who have associated the genealogy of your monarch back to David. Along with Scotland, Ireland & Wales, you have sent missionaries all over the world – yet now, you are a nation full of fear & despondency. I am calling your parliament once more to restore the powers given to Wales & Scotland back to Westminster; the affairs of Ireland, though being administrated in Ireland, coming once more under the monarch, the monarch not being seen as Queen or King of England, but of the lineage of David, in holy covenant with Me.



“The people of Southern Ireland must decide whether to come under this, or the curse of the bondwoman.



“THESES (42): Thou art sitting on a time-bomb of racial hatred & mistrust. Thou must re-establish your Constitution & declare Jesus as being the only way to God. Hence, you say in your rituals, “Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.



“THESES (43): Thou art to restore the House of Lords & the House of Bishops back to its original state. Warn the politicians: “Do not touch the landmark of your Constitutional Acts.”



“Give warning to Charles not even to think about changing the Act establishing the Coronation Oath (1689).



“THESES (44): I have called thy nation to be politically incorrect in the world. Thy nation is called to be the manifestation of I, the Great I AM. Thou art to repent of the sins of thy forefathers that suppressed & hurt the peoples of the Empire, & at the same time thanking God for the blessings of the Empire.



“For I have caused thee to have an economic covenant with the Commonwealth of nations that brings about a COMMON WEALTH - & thou art to trade in holy covenant rather than the binding & controlling clutches of the Treaty of Rome.



“THESES (45): Thou hast removed the landmark of a Protestant nation by failing to act upon the foundations of your forefathers. Your nation is under flood, debt & despair. Why not come back to Me, so that I may give thee life?”



PART 2: WEDNESDAY 01 08 07



“THESES (46): Thy festivals are a disgrace unto Me; wandering around, wondering what to buy. Thy Christmases are to worship other gods, far from Me. Easter is a pagan festival, uncalled for by My Word. What I require is your 24-hour attention to My words. Attend to My words: they are life to those who find; healing to thy flesh; & peace to thy hearts.



“What do thy festivals do? Bring stress & death. My Word brings life.



“THESES (47): Thy Sundays are an abomination to Me. Thou art to close down all things except the very essential services to the elderly & the infirm, & bring the whole nation unto God, theCreator of heaven & earth.



“THESES (48): Thou art to remove all learning in your schools which is not of Me; for unless I am seen as Creator of all things, then learning is folly.



“THESES (49): Thou art to remove honour from those who do not trust in Me; for unless I am seen as the Giver of gifts, then an honour to celebrate human achievement is folly.



“THESES (50): Thou art to move into my presence as a nation. Great Britain has been chosen to be a spiritual example to the world, & I am returning thee back to the paths of thy forefathers. The ancient landmarks of My Church must be restored.



“I am causing thee to remove the pagan barriers; to remove the blots from thy landscapes – like standing stones, & white chalk men, etc. etc.



“Fear not for the outrage this will evoke; for My nation is called to follow Me, not those who worship earth in itself.



“THESES (51): Witchcraft again is to be a crime in thy land – a land which is dedicated to Me, not to the pantheistic gods of a devil who is determined to imitate Me.



“His deception is often subtle, yet surprisingly obvious on so many occasions.



“THESES (52): Thou art to recognise those suffering from mental illness, as opposed to criminality. I have given thee authority over all spirits of the underworld. Thou art to cast out spirits, & set men free. (Mark 16)



“THESES (53): Thou hast been right in exposing the Alexandrian scriptures: the so-called “new translations” are an abomination of hell that depicts My Word in a way that apparently pleases all.



“I am a jealous God, & will not tolerate that intrusion into society. I am declaring all theology degrees based on these new translations as null & void, meaning thy teachers have no right to teach children, thy lecturers have no right to teach students. These have to be replaced by those that have dedicated their lives to Me, who will proclaim the message ‘Ye must be born again.’



“THESES (54): I am declaring My Church to be those who have dedicated their lives to Me. Thine altars in thine great cathedrals are an abomination to Me. I have not caused thee to bow down to altars of gold, brass & stone, but rather recognise that thy bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost, meaning that I reign within true believers. So rip down these altars of Satan, & recognise that Jesus is Lord.

“THESES (55): Thou art to rid thy land of political correctness. Thou art not permitted to say in the Church that ‘we believe this, & we believe that,’ but are to emphasise My Word as being fact, not simply a belief on its own.


“For example, thou art to say ‘God created the heavens & the earth,’ not ‘I believe that God created…’



“Thou art to proclaim that Jesus is Lord, not ‘I believe that Jesus is Lord;’ it is a statement of fact, whether you believe it or not.



“THESES (56): I will promote those who don’t know over those who do; for those who do not know will bring the affairs of state to Me, & I will direct thy paths. The steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord.



“Thy Queen is to be an empty vessel for Me, rather than a figurehead of government. Constitutionally, I am to give direction as to whether the Queen should sign acts of Parliament or not.



“Constitutionally, all acts that have been signed under government direction are not acts at all; constitutionally, your nation is a nation under God, your Queen being an empty vessel for My will to manifest.



“THESES (57): Thou art to bring to justice those that have brought in laws contrary to My Word. There is to be special punishment & wrath upon those who have slaughtered innocents, & upon those who have allowed the abomination of mankind to manifest. To avoid My wrath, I call thee to repent, & change thy ways.



“THESES (58): A nation on its knees is a nation at ease.



“THESES (59): There is to be a time of mourning for thy sins. Instead of thy Christmases & thy Easter, I am calling thee to call a day of fasting before Me as an acknowledgement that thou hast repented as a land & nation.



“THESES (60): Thou art to move ahead as directed by My Spirit, rather than thy intellect. I have caused there to be politicians prepared to give their lives for the nation, rather than to go after personal gain.



“Make sure that thy politicians stand for Parliament with a heart of dedication & submission to God, recognising that thy nation is a theocracy – a nation under God, with empty vessels as its Parliament, Assembly & council members.



“THESES (61): Thy seats of government are to recognise that I am the potter, & thou art the clay.



“THESES (62): The abomination of the EU is to be removed from all aspects of government, for thou art to be a nation under God. Amongst nations thou hast called to be a Commonwealth of nations – the emphasis on the word beingCommon Wealth.



“THESES (63): Thou art to remove all other gods from these nations. The tsunami was a sign of My wrath towards nations who have submitted themselves towards other gods.



“Thou art experiencing natural disasters yourselves; for unless your nation returns unto Me, these disasters will increase. Thy crops will be ruined, & there will be famine upon thy land, which the EU funds will not be able to cope with.



“THESES (64): I warn all those who laugh & scorn at My theses shall have no place in My kingdom.



“THESES (65): Thou art to teach thy children the story of Noah as fact; that Jonah did exist, & enter a big fish. My Word must be taken as truth, & must notbe kept under textual criticism.



“THESES (66): In the same manner as Islamic ‘nations’ protect their ‘Word,’ how much more should thou protect My Word, given unto thee.



“Thou must make it an offence to question My Word, for My Word is the stability of thy nation.



“THESES (67): I speak to all those who see themselves as Church leaders: I have seen thy colleges & universities questioning My Word, & I have rejected thee from My kingdom. Unless I witness true repentance, there will be a place for thee in eternal damnation.



“Thou must not question My Word; only believe it.”



“I am causing My nation to protect My Word; & all the Alexandrian counterfeits to be burned on bonfires throughout the whole nation. Hallelujah! My Word once more is to be restored to My land.



“There will be no excuses of it being old English, etc. etc. For thus saith the Lord: it is neither old English nor modern English: it is the language of heaven.



“THESES (68): These theses are to be placed on denominational & “Church” groupings’ doors throughout the whole of thy land. And as these theses are pinned upon the door, so this will mark the beginning of a judgement & wrath that is not of human dimension, but of Me.



“Do not look to blame man; for this is a time of self-examination before Me; a time to die to self-motivations, & a time to repent before my throne.



“THESES (69): Thou art to institute the five-fold ministry: of prophets & apostles, the foundations of the Church, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. (Those with NIVs – do not dare to refer to Me as capstone, for thy ‘Jesus’ is a counterfeit of the One who is equal in substance to the Father. For your NIV has described its Jesus as the capstone unable to grasp equality with the Father. I cause thee to repent of having such an abomination before Me).



“THESES (70): There is to be a time of reflection upon My Word. My Authorised Version, or KJV as it is called in America, includes the word ‘Selah;’ reflect, meditate on My Word. Instead of going through your nonsense of Easters & Christmases, call a day of reflection upon My Word. Gather round a family Bible: Mum & Dad, & the children.



“Those living in sin, recognise the error of thy ways; for there is no such thing as a partner relationship in My kingdom. For I have ordained marriage between a man & a woman to bring forth children built up in My Word. There is no place in My Word for those who live together as a partnership, whether they be man & woman, woman & woman, or man & man.



“THESES (71): I am not pleased with the displays of sodomy in thy streets. I have not changed; for the sin of Sodom yesterday is the sin of Sodom today.



“THESES (72): There is to be a great crying out before Me. I cause thee to put into action the clauses of these theses: for a nation once again to be at peace with itself.



“THESES (73): There is to be a famine upon this land unless thy keep the demands of My Word within thy hearts & minds.



“THESES (74): Thou shalt not have a Queen on ‘Christmas Day’ give a message of goodwill to the Commonwealth, when these nations are far away from Me. Instead, thou shalt have a Queen that calls for national repentance – a day of mourning of thy sin.



“THESES (75): Speak to the islands around thy coasts to come alive, & bear the fruits of revival.



“I speak to the land of the Hebrides to once more bear the fruit of revival. The Kirk of Barvas is once more to be a shining light to the world, having removed the transgressions of false translations But this revival shall be so much bigger than the past one; for it shall reach the ‘Catholic islands’ of the south, & publicans shall once again say that ‘truly, our trade has gone.



“THESES (76): I cause the Island of Orkney to repent of its transgression, its darkness of witchcraft.



“I cause the Isleof Man to remove its swastika of unbelief. Just as I have caused the people of Wales to remove the symbol of the dragon, so I am calling thee to remove the symbol of hatred & unbelief.



“To the islands of Scilly, to the Channel Islands, to the Isle of Wight: think not that I have forgotten thee, but come to Me with all thy hearts, & receive My rest.



“To all the outer isles on the coast of western Scotland: I have seen thy passion towards apparent ‘churchgoing;’ receive My passion to become sons of God, led by the Spirit of God.



“To the island of Iona, I say: remove thy pagan altars, & restore the apostolic mantle of Columba.



“To Holy Island, the Farne Islands: remember thy past, & do not move into the realm of modern theology based on the questioning My Word, but remember the dedication of thy forefathers.



“To the islands off the coast of Ireland: Rathlin, the Aran Isles, etc.: remember, thou hast not been called to be centres of religion, dead observance – but centres of dedication to the Living God.



“To the islands off the coast of Wales: Anglesey, Holy Isle, Bardsey & Ramsey, Skomer, etc., etc.: remember the dedication of the forefathers. And I speak to Anglesey to rid the land of its Druid past.


Continued on Tuesday, 07 August 2007



“THESES (77): Sacrifice: those who have sacrificed, shall gain. Those called into My ministry have sacrificed everything for Me. They shall gain the promised land.



“But woe unto those who have chosen My ministry as a career, in the same way as a man should choose a secular job. They shall be found out.



“THESES (78): Woe unto those who have seen their denomination as being My Church: for the Church is My body.



“Thy idol has been removed.



“THESES (79): Warn those with “Bibles” that hath the word “blood” removed: thou art in danger of eternal fire.



“This is the day of judgement for those who have refused to accept My Word. Your intellect will take you to hell. Your sacrifice will bring you to heaven.



“THESES (80): I speak to those who would call themselves My Church. Do not have opinion on political & ethical matters. Do not have opinion on the situation in the Middle East. Simply remember My everlasting covenant with My children Israel – for if ye are Christ’s, ye are Abraham’s seed (Gal.3).



“THESES (81): The Church is the fulfilment of Israel, not the replacement.



“THESES (82): Under your Constitutional Acts, the Church & state are one together. Make sure you are one with Me, & cease to have tine own opinion.



“THESES (83): Make sure thou dost not question My theses, or question the heart of My prophets; for as in days of old, I speak today through those chosen of Me to be My prophets. Make sure thou dost not intellectualise what they have to say; for those who are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God.



“THESES (84): Thou hast seen amazing things in these days. My prophets have been called to inform the world of impending judgement. The flood of Boscastle was a warning to a Church that had blasphemed My Word. Make sure My Word is presented as Holy Writ before thy congregations.



“THESES (85): My prophets are giving warning of the false doctrines of the “new translations.” Make sure thou hast seen the light, & take the warning of the Council of Nicaea; for “Bibles” without the word “begotten” in John 3:16 are not Bibles at all.



“THESES (86): Suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of God. Restore childhood in your nation; replace evil computer games, over-sophisticated television programmes, with the likes of “Andy Pandy,” “Bill & Ben,” & “Tales of the Riverbank.” Let children be children again. Tell them the stories of Jesus. Sing the lovely hymns which I have ordained for children – hymns that have not been copyrighted for earthly gain, but hymns & choruses that have come from the heart of God. Thou must never copyright the heart of God. Let children be children again.



“THESES (87): Mothers. Look after thy children. Do not regard them as commodities one can place into the care of others.



“THESES (88): Thou shalt protect thy children as a nation, & make them children again. For of such is the kingdom of heaven.



“Woe unto them who have tried to make children sophisticated; for I have called children to enjoy the simple things of life.



“I have ordained Sunday school teachers to work with parents who are ordained to bring up a child in the training & nurture of the Lord. I hathordained a physical correction; for without this a child will have no comprehension of what is wrong; for this correction is one of love, rather than punishment. Removing the correction has resulted in your overflowing prisons in your land, combined with the effects of your evil computer games, & the like.



“My warning to the Church is that unless you teach the wisdom of Proverbs, you will never train parents to bring up children.



“THESES (89): I give warning to those who see themselves as Church, who obey the latest brand of political correctness before My Word: My Word can not be returned void. But if you, as a “Church,” choose to accept the latest brand of ungodly laws, then thou wilt be seen as a harlot before Me.



“THESES (90): A law in your nation is not a law unless it is consistent with My Word; for thy Queen has sworn to keep the laws of God.



“In these remaining theses I am calling thee to reflect on My Word; to have a time reflecting on what I have said, showing that thou hast not come under the bondage of slavery, but hath been freed by My precious blood.



“THESES (91): Woe unto those who have sought to make commercial gain out of My Word. A consecrated life gives all unto Me.



“THESES (92): What I give, the whole world must know without copyright restriction. For My Word is in the public domain.



“Woe unto those with “Bibles” that maintain the little ‘c.’ – unless it be of My crown, which is under Me.



“THESES (93): As I have shown in this prophetic word, the affairs of thy state are the affairs of My Church. My Church is to ensure government honours that which I have said. And as My Church comes to gather before Me, so the nation must stop all but essential services. Thy television & radio must not show anything remotely secular, for I am calling thy nation back to its Sabbath rest.



“Football & cricket shall cease, to be replaced by times around the family Bible, which is to be the centre point of every home in your land, if thou art to be a nation before Me again.



“THESES (94): God does not live in altars made with hands; for My true Church is the temple of the Holy Ghost.



“THESES (95): I John 4:4 ‘Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world.’ I have already won the victory over the god of this world. Let those of his intellect shout & scream; for they intimate the preparation for an eternity in hell.


“Repent of thy intellect & come unto Me; for I am the God who shed his blood for thee.


Final Conclusion: These are the theses which I have called thee, David, to deliver to denominational & leadership doors throughout thy nation. I will provide thee means for these to be delivered. Make sure thou dost not get involved in earthly conversation, but speak out from thy heart the true word of the gospel, remembering that the vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

And this applies to thy nation, on condition that thy nation repents before Me – then I will pardon thy land from the torment it is now under.

7 years on - in 2014 the Theses have been widely ignored and so a further warning has been given:


Word from the Lord through DPG, 19/07/14



“Issue number (1): The love of money.

“Issue number (2): The cries of Peace, Peace.

“Issue number (3): The false unity movement in the so-called ‘Church.’


“Under the direction of My Spirit, thou hast exposed the corruption of the years of Blair & Brown, who brought forth conditions for behind the scenes deals to go on, to protect their own interests, rather than the interests of the nation.


“The first error they made was to remove the landmark of their own party, in that they declared a new emerging movement instead of holding fast to what the pioneers of their movement had in some cases died for.


“They took that ethos into Parliament, not giving  heed to the Constitution of the nation, signing away the foundations on which the nation was built – all apparently for the love of money.


“By taking Britain into a European Union has brought the conditions for a nation obsessed with a love of money rather than, as in World War II, when there was a great passion to protect the heritage of the nation.


“They argued the economic benefits of greater European integration; yet economic benefits can only come through Me, because it is I who prospers a nation. I AM the I AM. I prosper a nation, in relation to its obedience to Me.


“So, ‘Great Britain’ has lost its foundations. So what do you do in a building that has no foundation? You get out before it collapses, which is why I am setting you up outside of the EU; for what is going on in Britain is going on in the whole of Europe; that is, the nations who have bowed down to the stars of Mary. Those who have not bowed down to this Union of Satan will carry on as normal. But those who have come under the Egyptian Pharaoh based in Rome will suffer the consequences of economic collapse like never before.

“Thou hast been warned, Great Britain. My Theses of 2007 were there for you to give heed to. But your seven years are now up, & you must pay the consequences of thine inaction.


“Issue (2): The cries of Peace, Peace:


“It is clear thou hast reached a time that is declared in My Word ‘wars & rumours of wars, with tensions so great in the world that the reality of global union is one based on fear rather than a coming together of the peoples of the world.


“Fear leads to mistrust, & mistrust to war; for one blames the other. For, as in the realm of so-called ‘Church unity,’ there comes far more wars & tensions by pretending to be together, than by having a union of the heart.


“As there is far more divisions in Christendom today, so there are far more divisions in the world than ever before. Yet they cry Peace, Peace. In Europe they declare the EU has brought peace for all the years after the war; but in the natural sense, one can be at peace with one’s neighbour without having to marry them.


“The breaking down of national law-making & constitutions has brought massive instability to Europe; a Europe now divided more than unified, thus leaving the cries of ‘Peace’ a mere lie of the devil.


“Thou art right to warn the people of this instability, for this instability will lead to strife & this strife will lead to war; & those who have had their trust in the monetary systems of Europe need to fully understand that you cannot have your trust in the value of your house & the equity thereof; you cannot have your trust in pensions & wages & social benefits. For your nation has its dependence on a system built on sand, rather than God.

“So be aware of the cries of Peace. They are based on sand rather than the rock of Jesus Christ. If these cries of Peace are the cries of Satan, then what do they really mean? Those staying behind in Great Britain need to prepare for war & poverty, rather than peace & prosperity.


“Issue (3): The denouncing of Protestantism & the marrying to a harlot:


“Have I not warned of the harlot in Scripture? Yet thou hast embraced - & I speak to Christendom – thou hast embraced a harlot. Just as the nation embraced the harlot of the EU; so thou hast embraced the harlot of false unity movements. Just as nations have ignored their constitutions, evangelical movements have put aside their own foundations & embraced the lusts of the harlot of freemasonry that has brought the conditions for the unity movements to prosper.


“You see this occurring with the unity occurring through the York rite in relation to papal orientation.


“So now you have this unity between Charismatics & the order of Rome, just as nations have come under the Treaty of Rome. Just as Great Britain put aside its Protestant Constitution, so evangelical movements have put aside their own Protestant Constitutions so as to embrace a harlot so vast, that past of these movements is being ignored; & just as you had new movements in politics, you now have the word ‘new’ being used in relation to apparent ‘churches.’


“These movements have stolen the resources of My remnant; & thou art right to expose the thief. For the thief comes to kill, steal, destroy; & that is the nature of this so-called rebellious Church; & that is what they have tried to do to you, because you have failed to conform.


“So you see the strategy of Satan has been identical with nations as it has been with movements of the so-called ‘Church.’ So through all of this I have protected thee from going down, My remnant having to be as one as never before; but one in who? Yes, one in Me; for My unity is the unity of My body in Me; the unity of being joined to the Lord as one spirit.


“And here I come to the intercession of thy brother Grubb; the realisation of no independent me, there being only Satan & Christ Jesus; & one needs to ask the question ‘Who is on the Lord’s side?’ One needs to re-sing, ‘Onward, Christian Soldiers’ & ‘Sound the Battle-cry.’ For even though Satan can show you the kingdoms of this world, which he has bound together in fear rather than peace, the love of money rather than the love of God, I have this remnant so much more powerful than what Satan can offer. I have a remnant carrying the blood-stained banner of the cross. I have a remnant that has its reliance on Me rather than the vagrancies of this world.


“Thou art that remnant, baptised in fire. Thou art the remnant who have seen through the wiles of the devil. Thou art the remnant who is My Name has already defeated every move of Satan.



“And so I come to the hundredfold. Take those who have given their all to the land where I have called thee, to work with thy brother for the bringing together of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher. I have not called thee together to equip the saints, but rather to perfect them for the work of the ministry.


“And those thou hast left behind will cry out, ‘There is no peace; there is no unity; we lack resources. Can you help us?’ And you will say, ‘Our reliance is on God; not on mammon, not on false unity, not on all the cleverness man can put together.’ For I have called thee to go into the whole world & preach the gospel. To reach every creature is the cry of thy heart. And yes, has thou noticed there has been a vast increase in the interest in the prophetic word I have spoken through thee?


“This prophetic warning I have given today needs to be taken notice of. For the seven years I have given thee to act are now at an end, & the consequences of disobeying My word are clear to see in Deuteronomy 28.”


From DPG: In 2007 the Lord spoke through me to warn of the consequences of disobedience and our ministry sent out the 95 Theses of that year.


It is clear now that the denominations have ignored this prophetic warning that through our websites have gone out globally as well for governments to pick up.


We are now led to move our H/Q overseas away from the judgment about to hit Britain, a judgment in line with scripture.


Deuteronomy 28:15-68 King James Version (KJV)


15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:

16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field.

17 Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store.

18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.

19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out.

20 The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.

21 The Lord shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it.

22 The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.

23 And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.

24 The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.

25 The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth.

26 And thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray them away.

27 The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed.

28 The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart:

29 And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee.

30 Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof.

31 Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof: thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee: thy sheep shall be given unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them.

32 Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long; and there shall be no might in thine hand.

33 The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway:

34 So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.

35 The Lord shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head.

36 The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone.

37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee.

38 Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field, and shalt gather but little in; for the locust shall consume it.

39 Thou shalt plant vineyards, and dress them, but shalt neither drink of the wine, nor gather the grapes; for the worms shall eat them.

40 Thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts, but thou shalt not anoint thyself with the oil; for thine olive shall cast his fruit.

41 Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity.

42 All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume.

43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.

44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.

45 Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the Lordthy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee:

46 And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever.

47 Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things;

48 Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.

49 The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

50 A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young:

51 And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee.

52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.

53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee:

54 So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave:

55 So that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children whom he shall eat: because he hath nothing left him in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy gates.

56 The tender and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her daughter,

57 And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them for want of all things secretly in the siege and straitness, wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates.

58 If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, The Lord Thy God;

59 Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance.

60 Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee.

61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the Lord bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed.

62 And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the Lord thy God.

63 And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.

64 And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.

65 And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind:

66 And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life:

67 In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.

68 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.


Word from the Lord through DPG, 02/08/14

“As in Sodom, so in U.K.”

Part 1:


“I have spoken through you, David, thou being as Me, warning after warning to U.K. over the last 7 years since My Theses. Those receiving the Theses have had 7 years to act, that those receiving the Theses were all being called back to their original landmark, that is, the visions of their founders, not just to save themselves, but to save the nation.


“Those movements were called simply to be lights amongst the darkness, but they chose the darkness over the light & so are regarded ineffective in relation to the Every Creature Commission; & My Word is clear over what does not bear fruit.


“But what has brought Great Britain to the point of being as Sodom? It is not just a matter of simply passing laws which are not of God; not just a matter of slaying innocents & paying the consequences of the same, be it that if you sow death, that is what the nation will receive.


“My judgements have been manifest throughout the world: the plagues of Africa as a consequence to its witchcraft; the consequences of adhering to other gods in relation to the great tsunami; but what about the consequences for Britain, a nation & its empire I once was in covenant with? For despite of its imperfections, Britain once provided a covering for many nations in Africa & Asia; but now all that is gone & the homosexual kiss of Glasgow was a symbol of the Commonwealth’s divide. But that kiss has not only brought about My wrath against Britain, but My wrath is now to be seen to manifest, particularly in Scotland & Northern Ireland, for forsaking covenants with Me.


“Now I will come to the whole of Great Britain in a moment, but I want to deal with Scotland & Northern Ireland first.


“Thou hast forsaken covenant with Me & must bear the consequences as outlined in Deuteronomy 28. These are the reasons for this wrath, particular reasons for Scotland & Northern Ireland, for thou wilt bear serious consequences of My wrath as a result of dishonouring My covenant.


“My apostle of thy nation of Scotland - & I include Northern Ireland in this, because of its Protestant associations together – thy prophet & apostle, John Knox, as called to bring about a clean nation under God. To achieve this, he was ordered to clear out the antichrist of Rome, challenging government right to the top to keep in line with the will of God. The Covenanters paid with their lives to secure Scotland from a season akin to the Great Tribulation. Thou hast forsaken the blood of the martyrs; & I led thee as a ministry to go to the area of Scotland where Rees Howells had his revelation of the evils of Rome.


“I come to this shortly in relation to the consequences now of what was Great Britain.


“The streets of Edinburgh at the time of writing of this prophecy are celebrating in their Fringe as at Sodom. And so I am not pleased, saith the Lord. The national Kirk has become an abomination to Me. Presbyterianism has split to make it a grouping unrecognisable from its humble beginnings; & so in Scotland, as its leaders look to separate itself from the rest of the U.K., showing no respect to the nation’s foundations, we are therefore to witness a great judgement upon this land.


“Now, a word for Northern Ireland. Thou shalt not bear the brunt of this, for thou hast looked to hold on to thy Christian heritage more than mainland Scotland. So the brunt of My wrath is to be on mainland Scotland, with the Protestant islands waiting to be revived, to be a light to the mainland.

“Thou as a ministry art living in an Egypt, with a leader akin to Pharaoh looking to keep Israel under bondage.


“But I now deal with mainland Scotland. Thou hast seriously forsaken the Covenant of the Covenanters & the ministry of John Knox. Thou hast erected in the south west wicker men, which My prophets pulled down, but thou is guilty of building up again.


“As with the kiss of Glasgow, so with the kiss of Sodom, & the consequences without repentance to be as dire.


“So with this ministry moving its headquarters to Sri Lanka, it has as one of its strands a ministry to uphold the Constitution of Great Britain; but in Scotland thou hast additional promises to adhere to; promises written in the blood of the martyrs.


“So Scotland is under serious judgement. Thy referendum is a sham unto God. So take this as a warning, Scotland. The nations of the Commonwealth have rejected your message of sodomite toleration. Instead, be prepared for great judgement.


“So thou must prepare for My wrath & My judgement. But I hear your reaction; reaction as in the days of Noah, & thou must bear the consequence.


“Now for the whole of Great Britain. Simply look at thy Coronation Oath, & tell Me if thou hast kept it.


“So, Britain, thou art to bear a judgement upon thy shores. So My prophets have warned thee year after year after year since My Theses.


“As in Sodom, so in Great Britain. Look carefully at the Coronation Oath. 


Examine whether or not thou hast kept it, for the consequences of not keeping this oath are extremely dire. A nation in covenant with Me must keep its promises. The consequences are clear in My Word over what is to happen to this nation. A nation that was once the Promised Land has now become a nation festooned with immorality & broken assurances to God. Thy monarch assured Me she would keep the laws of God; yet government after government have presented laws for her to sign that bear no relation to My Word.


“Already thy Health Service is stretched. Instead of repentance, thou art looking to further resource such a Health Service, but you will not be able to keep up with it.


“As with Sodom, so with you. Thou hast forsaken My covenant; & My Theses were there to warn you as a nation to come back to Me.


“Thou art commemorating the sacrifice of thy warriors, yet thou hast placed thy nation under the control of foreign powers which thy martyrs stood against.

“So the alarm bell has gone. The alarm bell has gone. How many times have you said to sound the alarm, blowing the trumpet in Zion? The alarm bell has gone.


“Foolish nation! Thou has forsaken thy covenant with Me & must now bear the consequence.”

Word from the Lord to DPG, 07/10/14

“The Cry of the Prophet”


“The true prophet reaches the depth of despair. Now, if you look at the Scripture, you will see that the apostle Paul was a prophet too; indeed, such was the anointing on his life, all the forms of the 5-fold ministry came out of his mouth. He was an apologist, like you are, in that he knew the philosophies of his day, just like you do, in that you have looked to gain understanding of the blockages within society; in that you have looked to place Brian in strategic places, in his intercessory role. You have also looked to get to the root of the financial issues affecting your (My) ministry.


“The root you have discovered, which is a far deeper root than that of not being provided for at this time; the root you have concentrated on, rather than take personal offence & upset, the root you have concentrated on, is this:


“(1) You have not chosen to manipulate monies from individuals, but have known that those in covenant with you will listen to My Spirit in relation to their giving. It gets left at that. It is for the Spirit to reveal giving.


“The real root of the financial battle is that the resources the founders of movements fought for, like you are fighting for, have had their resources taken into the enemy camp, & it has come through the Alexandrian curse of Higher Criticism.


“You have constantly seen that as the real issue over your lack of resources; & that is where you must continue. The initial approach is one of Satan, for I speak faith & not doubt. That is the root of the problem. That is where you place your resources, in exposing the Higher Critical spirit, rather than the spirit of offence & upset.


“However, the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. You see, this is the real root of your financial problem. When you went to Elim, you went to what they called then, a Bible College. It cost you substantially to go to that College, the assurance being that it was a Bible College you were going to, but they never used the Bible of the founder of that College. You have come to use that Bible, that denomination becoming one of Higher Criticism, having gained the inheritance of the founder & used it for philosophy rather than faith. It is the people of faith who deserve that resource – not who has it at the present time.


“Such as it is with WEC, the Nazarenes, AOG & Apostolic, as well as Elim. The crux of the issue is this: These movements have taken over the resources of their founders, but have removed the ancient landmarks the fathers have set; & you have challenged these movements, & challenged government, who has failed to back you as it should. For they, in rebellion too, have failed to uphold the Constitution of the nation. Likewise, because you have upheld the Constitution of the nation, you are entitled to the resources of it. So the 95 Theses is for government too. This is your role in re-sending these Theses out again, after the 7-year period is over. For these movements will suffer hardship, obvious in their reactionary behaviour, rather than reliance from God. In the build-up to the Election, parties are showing what they can offer the people, rather than what they can offer God. 


Likewise, from the Higher Criticism base of rebellion, the movements we have mentioned of Christendom set up their community churches to give the community what it wants, rather than what is the will of God at that time.


“So when it comes to resource, you have laid everything down before Me; whereas those working in the establishment have their personal reliances on their pensions & house price, etc.


“You have nothing, it would seem; & indeed are so reliant on Me. All I can say is, I have heard the prophet’s cry. But there is this barrier to overcome; a massive barrier. For this massive resource has been stolen from you.


“So what is the answer? Expose, expose, expose. What does My Word say, when the thief is found? For you know where the resources are, My Theses being called to put the resources in the hands of the obedient, rather than the rebels of witchcraft.


“So this is the real issue.”



Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 24/12/14

“The Throne of Satan”


“This is from where what is perceived as being My Word of God is continuously changed. Now, if the codices of the throne of Satan are so accurate & original as they claim, why is it they have to have a committee to continuously change the scriptures of the throne of Satan? The 27th. edition of the Nestle-Aland text underlying all "new translations" in its introduction admits this: 

The text shared by these two editions was adopted internationally by Bible Societies, and following an agreement between the Vatican and the United Bible Societies it has served as the basis  for new translations and for revisions made under their supervision. This marks a significant step with regard to inter confessional relationships. It should naturally be understood that this text is a working text (in the sense of the century-long Nestle tradition): it is not to be considered as definitive, but as a stimulus to further efforts toward defining and verifying the text of the New Testament ......... 

“This throne refers to these scriptures as having to be worked on continuously, this bringing the lack of stability so prevalent in the Emerging Church. The fact that I am the Lord, that changeth not, & that I, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today & forever, is little thought of in the Emerging Church, with its experiences based on fantasy, rather than the true Word of God. This causes instability in the minds of those in the Emerging Church, for the renewed minds of the true Church are based on the Lord that changeth not, & the completed canon of Scripture, whereas the mental problems so prevalent in the Emerging Church, for which they continuously give themselves ‘deliverance,’ & continual praying for each other, rather than fulfilling the Commission call, is one based on the fact that their god is unstable, for he is the god who continuously changes.“In one edition of the NIV, its ‘Jesus’ is the capstone, & in another edition, ‘cornerstone.’ So the ‘Jesus’ being presented here is the ‘Jesus’ who continually changes, the continually changing ‘Jesus’ being the root of mental instability in the Emerging Church. In previous editions to the present one the NIV referred to its counterfeit Jesus being the “Capstone.”

 NIV: I Peter 2:6 For in Scripture it says: 
   "See, I lay a stone in Zion, 
      a chosen and precious cornerstone, 
   and the one who trusts in him 
      will never be put to shame."

7Now to you who believe, this stone is precious.

But to those who do not believe, 
   "The stone the builders rejected 
      has become the capstone,  


“Let Me deal with the point of mental instability. The true Church presents itself to Me with a holy body, the temple of the Holy Ghost, with minds renewed based on Scripture that never changes. This is stability. The false Church, based on ever-changing scriptures - & here you can show the admission of Nestle-Aland – is responsible for the huge amount of mental disorders that is destroying lives & families throughout the Emerging Church.


“Does it not say in John’s gospel that I am the Word? So how can I change, Nestle-Aland? This committee of experts meet in the throne room of Satan, to destroy the lives of those who give credence to these ever-changing scriptures of Satan’s throne. Now, let Me tell you this, & this is why I have re-instated the Bible College of Wales, with a staff that has suffered to the point of the Gethsemane experience: you have a heart to set free the hurting people of Nestle-Aland. It is with this heart that I set you free with thy African & Asian diplomas.


For these diplomas are designed by Me to bring stability to Africa & Asia, so that the moving of the Spirit can be of Me, rather than the ever-changing word. For if the Word changes, the spiritual experience will change along with it, which is why at Toronto & Lakeland, you saw apparent revival experiences, out of line with the Word of God, & therefore out of line with the revivals of Wesley, or Campbell, Roberts, etc. etc. So much out of line, in fact, that the extremity of Satan’s throne brought about sexual immorality in the houses of these ‘revivalists,’ including the ‘revivalist’ television channels that portray this instability of the throne of Satan, that your little channel has been built up by Me, to bring the true Word of God.



The joy manifesting in your meetings on-line so that the world can see, is indeed your strength, because that is what the joy of the Lord is, the new ‘revivalist’ movement, with all its instability, having taken over movement after movement of the true Word of God, now has members attached to these organisations, deeply rooted in paganism & instability.


“Now, to My intercessor I say this: the Romans 12 passage, so portrayed by Rees Howells, is so important in relation to bringing these movements back to Me.“These movements need the stability of the finished Canon; & the people who have been engulfed in this cloud of deceit need the teaching of Romans 12. This is what thy African & Asian diplomas are all about: to bring this stability to these continents.“Now, let Me talk about Europe, America, British Commonwealth, the Middle East, South America: you need this stability too; for antichrist will walk all over this false Church, which continuously gives ‘deliverance’ to each other, rather than with the heart to reach every creature with the gospel. This is the word I gave through Oliver: the distinction between the sons of Zadok & the sons of Eli.


“Reaching every creature is the heart of every true believer. This is why intercessors stood at the gates of Fuller & Saddleback, to restore the heart for the Every Creature Commission. For the people need setting free from the ever-changing word, from the cloud of deceit & deception. And so, this will be at the heart of thy international diploma, to bring a deep understanding of what has happened to the world-wide Church, there now being a clear division between the ‘Church’ of Satan that ministers to each other, wallowing in the lusts of the flesh, to the Church without spot nor wrinkle, that sacrifices all to reach every creature with the gospel; this pure gospel that has never changed; the gospel that was revealed through Isaac Watts, who declared boldly that this never-changing Jesus demands our all, the whole of our lives, so that He can manifest through the empty vessel, the true temple of God, that stands on the Rock, who is the never-changing Word, rather than the ever-changing word of Nestle-Aland.”


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