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The New Revivals of the Emerging Church

God has placed on my heart to study the great revivalists of the past to see if the “Lakeland” Revival matched up to  established revival principles.


I have witnessed myself full blooded revival in the setting of the developing world but have never seen the phenomena in the materialistic West. Throughout this study my heart has pounded for the stirring of revival to be witnessed again and there are those in U.K., America and Canada claiming that they have witnessed revival in Western countries.


Are they right? Well, God has ordained I spend time seeing if the revival principles of old still apply in the new “revival” like of Lakeland, Florida being embraced by so many all over the World or is it a manifestation of an end time warning prophetically given by a colleague of Smith Wigglesworth?


We find out in three parts:

  A Study of the Revivalists of Old and the principles they moved by.

  Part of the Landmark, A “New Thing” or part of the Warning Prophecy given by a colleague of Smith Wigglesworth.

  The “Lakeland Revival”

 Part 1: A Study of the Revivalists of Old and the principles they moved by.

                                        I.     Edwin Orr


Born in Belfast in 1912, Dr. Orr spent his life studying and ministering on the subject of revival & spiritual awakenings before being promoted to glory in 1987.


Orr’s ministry began in his home town in 1930 or 1931 with open air meetings later working with Christian Endeavour. A desire to preach and lead people to Christ developed and this led him to move to London where his preaching career extended throughout the U.K. and abroad.


By 1936 his international career was really developing with tours to New Zealand, Australia, South Africa & Rhodesia, a career clearly shown in his publications.


In 1938 Orr formed a Revival Fellowship team, his doctorate dissertation being published in 1949 called The Second Evangelical Awakening in Britain. In the same year he became a resident of Southern California speaking across the World and in 1966 becoming a Professor at Fuller Seminary’s School of World Mission.

Orr in bringing understanding gave principles developed at various revivals throughout the World.


Principles developed at the Fulton Street Revival, New York:


i)             Spontaneity: there was a leader but only one that would spot people in the audience with interesting information but the use of the leader was rare as meetings were spontaneous as led by the Holy Ghost.

ii)           Harmony amongst the evangelical groupings that gathered with Calvinists & Arminianists avoiding controversial issues with a heart for rescuing perishing souls.

iii)         Punctuality: the meetings began on time & ended on time!

iv)         Prayer and the singing of salvation hymns. The result of all this is given by Orr with a quote from a contemporary writer: "Christians were very much humbled. . . even impenitent men saw and felt that this was holy ground. They felt that it was awful to trifle with the place of prayer; sacrilegious to doubt the spirit, the sincerity, the efficiency, or the power of prayer. It began to be felt that Christians obtained answers to prayer. . . that if they united to pray for any particular man's conversion, that man was sure to be converted. . . because he had become the subject of prayer."


Principles developed in New Zealand.


i)             Keith Rimmer reported that many had been praying for revival.



 God showing his willingness to bless “where there has been a willingness to confess and forsake the things that hinder Divine Power."


ii)           The term “soundly saved” was used a Mrs Graham saying to Edwin Orr:



"Oh, Brother Orr, I am delighted to see you. Do you know? Four girls of mine were soundly saved at that Wednesday evening meeting."


iii)         Confessing faults one to another and a recognition that revival begins in one’s own heart.: Orr’s report -


After the evening meeting, a young man who had been in the revival in Rimmer's tent approached me.

"Mr. Orr," said he. "About a dozen fellows want you to come along to Tent Number Twenty-nine. They are concerned about revival."

I went. We discussed the hindrances to revival with frank earnestness. There seemed to be conviction, deep conviction.

"Now, you fellows," I said. "Do you really believe that God is going to give us revival?"

There was a chorus of " Amen." "Yes, but do you believe that He will start the revival here in this tent to-night?"

After a silence, one young man said quietly:

"If we pay the price."


"All right," said I. "Let's get to prayer and see if God keeps His word. We'll pray for a revival here."

Some of them began to kneel.


“I say," cried one young man. "Don't - before we pray to God for revival, I want to get something off my mind."

A silence of amazement greeted his declaration. Then he turned to another fellow in the tent:


"Jack, I want to confess openly that I have been criticising you behind your back."

We were taken aback.


"Will you forgive me? I think I ought to get right with you first."


After a painful silence, the other fellow said it "That's all right. It's my fault, too. I have been doing the same thing behind your back. May God forgive us both."


When we started praying, transactions were gone through with the Lord. The first prayer was a broken confession of secret sin: another sought cleansing from pride: another confessed criticism: another unbelief. Young men are honest in their prayers - and these were not kept back by the presence of women.


"O God, O God," cried one, "deliver me from the bondage of the flesh."


"Lord, help me. Take out of my life the lust of the eyes."


I think that everyone of the twelve young men got right with God. Then the spirit of revival began to fall upon us - it was an amazing meeting. We sang, we prayed, we rejoiced, we cried unto God. At ten-fifteen, I said to them:


“Now look here. I am going off to my hotel to go to sleep. But take a tip from me-go and try to get some of the other  tents on fire for the Lord. It is your work just as much as mine. . We asked God for a revival here - we have got it. The same thing will apply to the other tents."

They divided up into parties of three and started out. I went to my hotel. I felt the urge to tell Dr. Rolls of the revival, but did not want to disturb him. However, I could not sleep, so I left in my coat, got an apple, told the hotelkeeper that I would go for ten minutes' walk, and set out for the camp. To my amazement (for lights out was at ten-thirty) there were prayer meetings going on in a dozen tents. I listened. In some tents, revival had begun: in others they were asking for blessing. I met some of the boys from '29.'


"How did you get on, eh?"


They laughed.


“We were received very coldly in the first tent we went to as a matter of fact they said we must be crazy and they put us out. But the other fellows are being well received."


"What are you going to do now?" I asked.


There was a late prayer meeting of a score of fellows going on in the big marquee, and the two boys from '29' announced their intention of "butting in." I left them and walked back to the hotel, rejoicing at their boldness. They went down to the marquee, and found a very ordinary sort of prayer meeting about to be closed. Now one of these two young men was an over-exuberant fellow in temperament: the other was a quiet type. The quiet fellow went to the front of the prayer meeting and boldly interrupted the prayers, much to the astonishment of the score of men.


“Listen here, you fellows. What’s the use of praying for other fellows’ sins. You ought to confess your own, and get a revival in your own heart first.”


iv)         Conviction of the Holy Spirit


And so they told an astonished company of how the revival had descended upon Tent 29. In the twinkling of an eye, there was conviction as the Holy Spirit descended upon that prayer meeting. Men were broken down, confessed sin, cried for mercy, sought forgiveness, asked for revival. And the prayer meeting in the big marquee went ablaze with spiritual power.


v)           Peace made with the Lord. Orr’s report:


“You fellows are happy: I am not. Will you pray for me? I am a big hypocrite, that's all I thought I was something, but just now the Lord has shown me that I am steeped in sin. Oh, pray for me."

He sat down and buried his face in his arms, and we could see his shoulders moving with broken sobs. Some got up and ! prayed for him. Then we sang:

Would you be free from your burden of sin?

There's power in the Blood."

By one o'clock there were no fewer than sixty men in that revival meeting - everyone of whom had made his peace with his Lord. Other enemies were reconciled, other sins were confessed, other souls received the transforming power. At one o'clock, I managed to persuade them to go to bed. They protested - I insisted, I backed by a few others. Finally we stood up to sing:

"Hallelujah to the Lamb
Who died on Mount Calvary,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen." 

The benediction was pronounced. It was ignored so far as going to bed was concerned. The praise service started allover again. At last we prevailed on them to go to bed. The last hymn was, "Blest be the tie that binds." The “sixty '' - as they were afterwards called, were one in heart. My only concern was the fact that they had made the noise of six hundred - and that in the middle of the night. But revival had come-we were all convinced of that.”


vi)         Disturbed from sleep. Orr’s report:


“Next morning, there was a buzz of conversation throughout the camps. It appears that people were awakened by the singing within a radius of half a mile. The girls' camp was awakened: sleepers were awakened up across the river. Comment was made everywhere. Most of the people were satisfied with the explanation that revival had begun in the men's camp: but there were mutterings from a minority. Bitter comments were made.

Said one man (indirectly) to me:




"I believe it was the work of the Spirit to disturb people out their sleep. Wait and see for yourself," I rejoined.


After considering the matter prayerfully, I asked permission of the chairman to make a statement publicly. He gave me five minutes. So I explained matters, and said that the sixty young men hoped that no one was unduly hurt.


"I have heard unkind criticism," I concluded. "So let me say this. The majority of these men were leading backsliding lives in bondage to sin for years. Now they have got victory. Do you blame them for praising the Lord far into the night? Why, I wish that you all had been there."

I asked the men concerned to endorse all that I said by standing up. "The Sixty" stood up like one man.

"Did you experience revival last night?"


"Amen." It was emphatic.


“Show these people how you feel about it."


Spontaneously, they burst into a hymn of praise which shook the place. There was no more criticism, for all were deeply impressed. As I sat down, I remarked:


"We have come to Ngaruawahia for revival. Revival has begun. Take heed that you do not hinder the work of the Spirit. Mark my words, you may see revival sweep the camp to-night."


That Saturday was the day of the picnic. I had a chance of making contacts with folks of all classes that afternoon, and truly the expectancy in all hearts was unbounded. It appears that revival broke out independently in a house-party on Saturday morning. All these signs greatly encouraged us.”


vii)       Hush of conviction on revival meeting.


“Saturday evening's service was utterly overcrowded. There were 1,000 people crammed into the tent, and dozens of others all round the place. Dr. Rolls gave me a nod as I started to speak.


"I'm praying for you." I preached for a full hour. The hush of conviction was upon the place-the very same atmosphere that pervaded Merril MacPherson's church before the revival broke out there in Philadelphia. The great problem was how to handle such a great meeting when the break came.


When the appeal was made, a score of young people walked forward to the front and confessed besetting sin. Many were in tears as they knelt there. People began to break down all over the meeting-and yet that meeting was singularly orderly. Mr. Sanders and Dr. Rolls made their way over to the men's dining tent, and to them I sent score after score of young folk seeking blessing. Before very long there were two hundred being dealt with. Other leaders went out and dealt with different groups-there were seventeen after-meetings scattered all over the camp. Rev. A. S. Wilson calculated that over five hundred were dealt with: scores of backsliders were restored: there were dozens of conversions. About three hundred older people waited with me in the big marquee-and revival swept them likewise. Pastors and workers confessed backsliding; tears flowed; decisions for Christ were made by the unconverted. Two Chinamen, who could not speak English, were in the meeting under conviction of sin. They were dealt with through an interpreter and decided for Christ. All told, a score of these converts were received at the Lord's Table on the morrow, and there were others who could not attend.


These after-meetings began at nine-thirty. There was plenty of opportunity for people to slip away. But all were of one mind. About ten-thirty the people in the big marquee began to sing the praises of the Lamb. This was a signal for all around to come back to the main meeting. At ten-thirty, one thousand people were in the tent again-surely the greatest proof of all. That praise service of one thousand happy people continued with- out break until eleven-thirty when the leaders persuaded them to go off to bed. This they were very loath to do, but we insisted.”


viii)    Full Surrender Missions Call. Orr’s Report:


"At the missionary meeting . . . an appeal was made for those who were willing to yield their lives in full surrender to Christ for His service, whether at home or abroad. Hundreds of young folk rose. . . indications are that the £2,000 mark (in missionary subscriptions) will be passed this year.

"Mr. W. J. Mains gave a most searching address in the evening when many more found Christ. At 9.30 the meeting was changed into one for Christians. Very few left the tent which was still practically full at 11 p.m. After singing and prayer, brief testimonies as to how they had entered into the blessing of the Spirit- filled life were given by Dr. Rolls, Mr. Allan and the writer (Mr. Sanders). This met the difficulties in the minds of many who by faith appropriated that same fullness. Rev. A. S. Wilson led in prayer for those who responded. Dr. A. B. Simpson's beautiful hymn expressed the attitude of those present, and was sung with great meaning:

I take the promised Holy Ghost,
I take the power of Pentecost,
To fill me to the uttermost:
I take, He undertakes

Monday morning brought another day of continued revival. It was the closing day of the convention-and yet the feeling was at white-heat. We had a happy time both morning, after- noon and evening.”


ix)         No great wave of emotionalism – but a contagious holy joy!


To quote The Reaper (Newspaper)once more:


"But perhaps the outstanding meeting of the whole camp was the testimony meeting which commenced about 6:30 p.m. (although many had gathered before that). When it was announced that all who desired to testify must come up to the platform and speak through the amplifier, it was thought that few would face the ordeal. From the very first moment, however, the platform was crowded -and sometimes the aisle too-with those eager to tell of blessing received. As it neared ten p.m. and the meeting had been going on for nearly four hours, the writer endeavoured to close down; but the young folks jumped from their seats and literally ran down the aisle lest they should miss their opportunity. After another hour of testimony, unbroken except for choruses, another attempt to close the meeting was made. (It failed.) Once again midnight was drawing near when the meeting concluded with singing such as one expects to hear in heaven. The testimonies given were clear, definite and sincere. One was struck with the confidence with which naturally shy and timid souls gave testimony. They  spoke in a power obviously not their own.


"There were many remarkable features about the gathering. There was a great spontaneity and freedom, and yet no extravagance. In spite of consistently late nights and long meetings, campers did not seem unduly tired. One young hopeful even suggested that we have longer meetings. While there was no great wave of emotionalism, a subdued yet contagious holy joy was in the air. It did not seem unnatural for old men and matrons to yield to the exhortation of Psalm 47:1 and clap their hands for very joy. Our hearts are filled with rejoicing-and the end is not yet." 

Orr's Extreme Emphasis On Repentance

In 1937 Orr published a book saying that “The Church must first repent”.


Rev. 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.


Orr relates this as having been used by the Lord in his messages to the seven churches in Revelation.

The warning of Church becoming a social club is clear in Orr’s writings pointing out that revival is not an evangelistic campaign referring to the concept as being 'full surrender', or 'a clean heart', or 'victory over sin', revival always beginning with the obedience of individuals, rather than the excuses for sin so often given.


Orr goes onto point out the importance of a destructive ministry towards revival too.


Jeremiah 1:10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.


Quoting the above scripture Orr goes onto show the importance of pulling down and destroying that which has infiltrated into the Church to enable the purity of God to spring forth. This is something God has enabled our ministry to do, Orr accepting too that there are other kinds of ministry but within the context of revival, Orr shows in this verse from Jeremiah that four of the injunctions are destructive whilst the latter two are constructive, the destructive elements coming first. 

Edwin Orr: And if we are to plant a garden for the Lord, a place of delight abounding in roses of holiness and love, hedged about by faith in the promises of God, bordered with sweet praise . . . Or if we are to build a palace for our King, a house of living stones, a place of service and adoration . . . Let us remember the first work of rooting out the weeds and utterly destroying them. Let us appreciate the value of slum-clearance. 


One of the great weaknesses of many forms of ministry today, especially Convention ministry, is the attempt to sow good seed among thorns. The thorns generally continue springing up, and the seed is choked thereby, despite the good intention of the human sower. Seed sown in a prepared ground requires only the action of the elements to produce fruit in season. Seed sown by the wayside, or in stony places, or among thorns, will have its prospects of life severely threatened almost immediately. Likewise, changing the mode of illustration, a Christian who is in proper relationship with God is generally hungry for the great truths and affirma- tions of the Gospel.

The Great Message ….


In his final message given on April 21 1987 Orr declared that “revival was like judgment day”! These words he referred to having been given through W.W. Castle during a revival in China.


Orr points out that some see revival as an overflow, a time for hooting & hollering but real revival Orr points out is a time when God exposes all the sins of the Church. We will be identifying this crucial point in the “new revivals” of the last ten years.


After prayer Orr develops comes conviction of sin, blessing following judgment, Orr referring to Campbell Morgan who pointed out that the Welsh Revival was merited by confession, some very costly.


“Every great revival is marked by judgment” declared Orr. “First in the House of the Lord.” He dismissed the misuse of the scripture “Judge Not” saying that the context of this is a prohibition of hypocrisy rather than judgment itself, Paul judging matters in the Corinthian Church.


I Cor. 5: 1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.

2 And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.

3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,

4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,

5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:

8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators:

10 Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.

11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?

13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

Orr identifies that Paul had written a previous epistle to Corinth relating the passage to contemporary days in which he had found a greed for money in Church circles, sponsors putting up with anything to draw a crowd!

In Corinth it is clear that there had been little discipline and judgment, even an allowance for incest, Paul expanding his judgment in the second (third) epistle.


II Cor. 2: 5 But if any have caused grief, he hath not grieved me, but in part: that I may not overcharge you all.

6 Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many.

7 So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.

8 Wherefore I beseech you that ye would confirm your love toward him.

9 For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.

10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;

11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

In amongst all of these conditions there has to be a cry for repentance, and here we have Orr emphasising a concept far deeper than the “Alpha” Course “sorry”; repentance meaning “to change your attitude”, verse 8 of the above scripture demanding we reaffirm our love.

The importance of accountability, of keeping funds for the Gospel is well and truly affirmed by Orr in this awesome message that is a challenge today for the Church to come out of its cosiness and come back to its first love – the Lord Jesus.



Psalm 139: 1 O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.

5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.

6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.

12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.

14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.

20 For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.

21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

“Every great revival is marked by judgment” declared Orr. 

                                        II.     Evan Roberts


The key message of Evan Roberts in light of the 1904 Revival

in Wales is summed up in four parts:



1. Confess all known sin

2. Deal with and get rid of anything ‘doubtful’ in your life

3. Be ready to obey the Holy Spirit instantly

4. Confess Christ publicly


W.T. Stead revealed that the revival in Wales he found to be spontaneous interviewing Roberts in the Rhondda.



"The movement is not of me," said Mr. Roberts— "it is of God. I would not dare to try to direct it. Obey the Spirit, that is our word in everything. It is the Spirit alone which is leading us in our meetings and in all that is done."


Further in the interview Stead saw that Robert’s passion was to be led by the Holy Spirit.


"Do you propose to go to England?"


"No. To North Wales next. They say North Wales is stony cold, but I believe the Holy Spirit will work there also. Oh, yes, God will move North Wales also."


"Can you tell me how you began to take to this work?"


"Oh, yes, that I will," said Mr. Roberts, "if you wish to hear of it. For a long, long time I was much troubled in my soul and my heart by thinking over the failure of Christianity. Oh! it seemed such a failure—such a failure—and I prayed and prayed, but nothing seemed to give me any relief. But one night, after I had been in great distress praying about this, I went to sleep, and at one o’clock in the morning suddenly I was waked up out of my sleep, and I found myself with unspeakable joy and awe in the very presence of the Almighty God. And for the space of four hours I was privileged to speak face to face with Him as a man speaks face to face with a friend. At five o’clock it seemed to me as if I again returned to earth."


In identifying the features of the Revival Matthews declared the following:



"Everything sprang into new life. Former blasphemers were the most eloquent, both in prayer and praise...Drunkards forgot the way to saloons...they were busy worshiping... It was the young people who responded with the greatest alacrity to the challenge of absolute surrender and consecrated to the service of the Lord...With ever increasing momentum, the movement advanced, creating unprecedented excitement among the churches and the secular institutions outside" (Matthews, I Saw the Welsh Revival, Moody). 

What happened in South Wales was heard around the world. From many nations went people of all ranks of life to the country to personally witness the phenomenon. Some criticized and others scoffed, but such voices were answered by the throngs of people who filled the church sanctuaries to capacity for months on end. 

The Welsh revival was not an orgy of emotion but a "mighty outpouring of religious fervor, bringing a whole nation to its knees at the foot of the cross in adoration and praise" (Matthews).  In the midst of the events at Loughor, Roberts was asked to share his message with neighbouring churches in South Wales and eventually in North Wales as well. Marvellous results were very apparent wherever he taught the Word of God.


Having prayed myself in the small Chapel at Loughor, where Evan ministered one can still sense the revival anointing coming from the great prayer meetings Evan had here. These meetings were totally surrendered to the Holy Spirit, those with access to these meetings being moved with conviction, the cry out of Evan being to “Bend Me, Bend Me” – “send your Spirit to Moriah …” The anointing was great – God’s power manifest bringing conviction to the people who turned from their drinking house to the House of Prayer. Such was the affect on society that we saw a great move of conviction and repentance on the nation that led to holiness and mission – an impact still witnessed today all over the World.

                                         I.     Duncan Campbell


In 1956 Duncan Campbell gave significant addresses on the Hebridean Revival at the Keswick in Wales Convention. As these addresses referred to the last major U.K. revival that had an impact on a whole community then points from these addresses are vital in understanding how we can have a real revival in U.K. again.


Address 1:


Gal. 1:20 Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not.

21 Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia;

22 And was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:

23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.

24 And they glorified God in me.

The significance of the glorifying of God in Paul himself is a very significant factor in Campbell’s address on revival. He places this significance into three thoughts.


                                         The Divine in the Human


Declared Campbell: “A Christian is a supernatural being who has had a supernatural experience, and that is something more than singing choruses; that is something more than making a decision; that is something more than becoming a member of a Church; that is something more than enjoying Conventions. It is Christ at the centre of my life.” 

Referring to Paul’s declaration that to “live is Christ” Campbell points out that this is far different than trying to be like Christ, or even trying to imitate Christ and it is this fundamental point we will be looking to find in the “new revivals,” for real revival involves the ordinary man renouncing self and being taken to a plain where to “live is Christ” – the false revival being where a man is glorified and seen by vulnerable people as being God’s messenger and performer alone.


In illustrating these points Campbell quotes Oswald Chambers:


Sanctification is allowing the perfections of Jesus to express themselves through your personality. 

When we consider in the “new revivals” the concept of God moving in a particular way it is important to ascertain that Campbell declared the baptism in the Holy Spirit to mean the revealing of God revealing his Son in me – and you – and you – and you – this is an understanding of divinity manifesting through the human.


                                         I.     The Divine manifested through the human



John 14: 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

I John 4: 17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.


There is one thing about revival that is a fundamental change for real revival shows God – false ones see him as an outside entity. Where is God shown – in me!


Gal. 1: 16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:


The revealing of his Son in me – what an exciting prospect! One thing I have noticed in the “new revivals” is the heavy emphasis on “me” which in true revival is removed. In true revival there is an overwhelming passion for the Gospel – “me” is gone – it is all “him” revealed in “me” – yet not me! Gal. 2:20


This life and this revelation is not a doctrine or a principle about God – it is the revealing of the Lord Jesus – not a thing – but a person and this person is life who reveals himself in delivering power.


Campbell quotes Professor James Denny who referring to the atonement declared this not just to be a fact of history but an ongoing bearing in the body of the dying of the Lord Jesus to enable the life of Jesus to manifest through us. This is Jesus on the earth today and in the “new revivals” there seems to be a looking to a person rather than the revealing of the Lord Jesus through everyone – not just one man!


                                       II.     God glorified in this manifestation


This is the understanding that we are to be “living epistles” and this is a fragrance that goes out from us into the community – in other words a revival has to have an impact – this impact being to society as a whole.


Address 2:



II Kings 4: 2 And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.


Using the illustration of the widow without anything whose vessels were filled Campbell reveals the Biblical truth of God’s willingness to fill and fill on condition that a empty vessel be brought to fill up. Elisha had seen that the widow did not have anything except the pot of oil  but she had a hunger and thirst to be filled – a requirement of God when it comes to supernatural filling.


Campbell goes onto talk of the supernatural cleansing process, God pouring himself into that which has been cleansed which is where repentance comes in and submission to the will of God and we will be examining later if this is given great prominence in the “new revivals.”


Campbell quotes the people of the Hebrides, “Oh God, rend the heavens and come down.” All the time they cried a process of cleansing was going on until a point was reached when the angels and the archangels could cry, “God, the vessels are clean, the miracle can happen now.” Campbell continued:

Barvas Kirk: scene of the Hebridean Revival


“I believe that with all my heart; it is the deep conviction of my soul that they are ever gazing over the battlements of glory and waiting for a prepared people. It is one thing to shout it, it is one thing to sing it, it is one thing to talk about revival, but give me a people on their faces, seeking to be rightly related to God, and when that happens, we will soon know the impact of God-realisation in our country.”


We will seeing if this level of dedication and submission to God is coming out of the “new revivals” but within this submission is a power far beyond natural show, far beyond the beating of as drum – there is a place of idyllic harmony with God, a place said Campbell, “beyond sanctification”  and that place is one of “implicit confidence in God.” Within this is a significant point Campbell brings out and that is of the fact that it is Jesus holiness we are dealing with, not ours! The divine in the human! This is the place of complete obedience to the will of God.


Quoting Hudson Taylor in Perth, Campbell emphasizes this demand of God:


“God gives His Holy Spirit not to those who long for him, not to those who desire to be filled always; He gives His Spirit to those who obey.” 

Address 3


Acts 4: 29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, 30 By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. 31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.


Here Campbell refers to a modern time (1956) in which the stream of vital Christianity is running low, even though the Church has at its disposal a power that “can out-manoeuvre and baffle the very strategy of Hell ….”


Campbell pleads for a manifestation of the supernatural comparing contemporary culture to that of the early Church in that they relied on unction from on High, and not entertainment from men. At a time today when the once great Apostolic Church of Wales has now resorted to raves, hip-hop and trance music to placate the young people it is interesting to note that Campbell related this to a society that demanded entertainment:


One of the very sad features that characterises much that goes under the name of evangelism today is the craze for entertainment. Here is an extract from a letter received from a leader in youth work ……..


“We are at our wits’ end to know what to do with the young people who made a profession of conversion recently. They are demanding all sorts of entertainment, and it seems to us that if we fail to provide the entertainment that they want, we are not going to hold them.”

Yes, the trend of the time in which we live is toward a Christian experience (or should I say experience and leave Christian out of it!), an experience that is light and flippant, and fed on entertainment.


Some little time ago I listened to a young man give his testimony. He made a decision quite recently, and in giving his testimony this is what he said, “I have discovered that the Christian way of life can best be described, not as a battle, but as a song mingled with the sound of happy laughter.” Far be it from me to move the song or happy laughter from religion, but I want to protest that that young man’s conception was entirely wrong, and not in keeping with New Testament Christianity. “Oh, but,” says the advocates of this way of thinking, “how are we to get the people if we do not provide some sort of entertainment?” To that I ask the question how did they get the people at Pentecost? How did the early Church get the people? By publicity, projects, by bills, by posters, by parades, by pictures? No! The people were arrested and drawn together and brought into vital relationship with God, not by sounds from men, but by sounds from heaven today. It seems to me that heavenly sounds are dying out. I am sure you must have noticed that Pentecost was its own publicity.


Campbell goes onto refer to the passage in Acts 2 where the news of what was happening was “noised abroad”, Campbell interpreting the “noising abroad” not primarily the manifestations but the fact that men and women were coming under deep conviction.


Acts 2: 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.

6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.


Campbell declares boldly in a clear warning to the contemporary Church so devoid of conviction and deep repentance:


The early Church cried for unction and not for entertainment because they knew that unction creates interest and real soul concern…….

Yes, unction is the dire and desperate need of the ministry today. They believed in unction and not in entertainment. Further, the early Church put “power before influence.” The present state of our country presents a challenge to the Christian Church. Those who have eyes to see and who are truly observant tell us that ay this very hour forces are taking the field that are out to defy every known Christian principle. The need is desperate, and it is awful. We have got to do something.


When witnessing testimony of a man involved in the recent so called revival in Florida I heard great news of wanting to receive something, a knee in the stomach from the apparent revivalist but I did not hear the cry of God for the people of today. This is the need Campbell was crying on about.

It is interesting that at point of Campbell’s address he gives warning of a counterfeit revival. He pointed out way back in 1956 that unless the Church engrossed itself into a supernatural God then the Church would find itself embracing a counterfeit movement, an action well and truly manifesting itself so obviously in the 21st. century.


Having witnessed the apostasy of the training methods of Elim’s Bible College some years ago now I can bear witness to a quote given by Campbell of a leader in foreign mission activity.


Today we have some Bible Schools in our land and they are turning out young men and young women cultured and polished but without power.

Campbell refers back to the Hebridean story of a young woman devoid of influence but full of so much power that those around her would tremble. 


Campbell: Oh, that the Church today, in our congregations and in our pulpits, would rediscover this truth and get back to the place of God realisation, to the place of power. I want to say further that we should seek power even at the expense of influence. What do I mean by that? I mean this: never compromise to accommodate the devil. I hear people say today, these are different days from the days of the 1859 Revival or the Welsh Revival; we must be tolerant and we must try to accommodate. In order to do that it is necessary at times to lower our standard and seek the co-operation of those who do not accept the position that we hold relative to evangelical truth. The secret of power is separation from all that is unclean, for me there is nothing so unclean as the liberal views held by some today. We dare not touch them. I am stating what to me is a deep seated conviction: “Come out from among them and be ye separate …. And touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you.”                                     Barvas – scene of revival.

In addressing the current move into a “God of Love” without the need for repentance move of the enemy, a move we witness so cleverly presented in today’s “Church” and its false Alpha like courses, Campbell quotes Finney:


Away with your milk and water preaching of the love of Christ that has no holiness or moral discrimination in it, away with the preaching a Christ not crucified for sin. 

Further emphasizing this which I know in the spirit is the point God is getting over to the Church today – a Church stolen by the devils under the false pretence of a Jezebel love, Campbell quotes a Highland Minister:


Be me a God all mercy but not just, bring me a God all love but not righteous, and I will have no scruples in calling Him an idiot of your imagination.

Campbell does not mess around in his concerns for our society, even then the Church in Britain going down under the infiltration of higher criticism and false spirits of love. Campbell declared in assessing the words of the Highland Minister:


Strong words, but I say words that I would sound throughout our land today, in this age of desperate apostasy, forsaking all the fundamental truths of scripture.

I would say that this is where the false codices of Egypt have come in even blaspheming the very deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and I would say “boo” to them all that have come under the name NIV, NASB, NLT, AMP, NKJV and the like. They have played their part in the devil’s role of removing fundamental truths from the Churches leaving them open to wild Gnostic moves of the false spirit manifesting through those like Todd Bentley.

Campbell goes on with the recognition of the Church being afraid of disturbing people. Let that not be said of PHCC & the Sons of God Network for God is using us to rock the applecart of false love so prevalent in churches today.


Campbell quotes Rev. Robert Barr B.D. of South Africa:


This is what our age needs, not an easy-moving message, the sort of thing that makes the hearer feel all nice inside, but a message profoundly disturbing. We have been too afraid of disturbing people, but the Holy Spirit will have nothing to do with a message or with a minister who is afraid of disturbing. You might as well expect a surgeon to give place to a quack who claims to be able to do the job with some sweet tasting drug, as expect the Holy Spirit to agree that the tragic plight of human souls today can be met by soft and easy words. Calvary was anything but nice to look at, blood soaked beams of wood, a bruised and bleeding body, not nice to look upon. But then Jesus was not dealing with a nice thing; He was dealing with the sin of the world, and that is what we are called upon to deal with today. Soft and easy words, soft-pedalling will never meet the need.

Concluding this Address 3 Campbell quotes Dr. Inwood’s cry at the 1924 Keswick Convention:


Christian men and women, self renunciation is the cardinal ethic of the Christian Church. 

Address 4.


Psalm 24: 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.


Campbell introduces his fourth address with this great Psalm of holiness. He continues his address emphasizing the yielding of self. An emphatic statement is made:


Someone has said that the essential nature of sin is my claim to my right to myself. Consecration is my relinquishing of that claim.

Campbell then gives some essential points on how the revival began in Lewis:


   A baptism from God

   A longing from God to do something after a process had taken place of self renunciation.

   An acceptance in Barvas that all human effort had failed and had left them baffled.

   A recognition that their one resource was God.


When man comes to the end of himself – to the end of all human resources – he has reached the beginning of God. That was where I had arrived, and that was where the men of Lewis had arrived. So they entered into a solemn covenant that they would not rest nor cease from prayer until he made “Jerusalem” a  praise on the Island.

   God held to His covenant promise.


You find two elderly sisters on their faces before the peat fire three nights a week pleading one promise, I say “one promise”: “I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground.”

   A question was asked of themselves.


“Are my hands clean, is my heart pure?”

   The realisation that followed.


Three of them fell prostrate on the floor: they realised at that moment that they were now moving, not in the field of the natural, but on the plane of the supernatural. Revival had come and the power that was let loose in that barn shook the whole community of Lewis.

Campbell then delivered in his address his God given definition of true revival.


Revival is a community saturated with God. That is the difference between revival and successful evangelism. In successful evangelism, in successful crusades, you have ten, you have twenty saved here, you have a hundred brought to Christ there, but the community remains unchanged. Men move on to their Christless hell. But when God steps down, when hearts are made clean by Him, then he finds an avenue through which He can move; the community becomes saturated with God, so that many of those who find the Saviour come into saving relationship with Him before they come near any Church or place of meeting.


This is the key to revival, revival saturating a whole community with the awesome presence of God, his power and strength manifesting through those with a clean heart who have climbed the holy hill of the Lord.


Information from Faith Mission Publication: The Price and Power of Revival.

The Hebridean Revival was the last major revival in Britain. Why?

Between 1730 and 1745 from Maine to Georgia came a revival that became known as The Great Awakening. Jonathan Edwards became known as the key revivalist in the Awakening, an account of the revival being given by him in a letter to Rev. Thomas Prince, dated 12 December 1743.


Edwards begins his letter with fruits of the revival which are as follows:


  Vastly more religion ….. among all sorts of persons.

  More general seriousness and decency in attending public worship.

  Great alteration amongst the youth …. With respect to reveling,

frolicking, profane and unclean conversation, and lewd songs.

  Only rare instances of fornication.

  Great alteration amongst young and old in relation to tavern haunting.

  ….. so free of vice.

  Alteration in the community in relation to giving to the poor.

  Increase in visits to Ministers on soul related matters.


Edwards continues to give account of the visit of George Whitefield, the effects of his preaching being as follows:


  A melting of the congregation listening to the messenger of God – almost all the assembly moving into tears.

  Whitefield takes a no compromise position resulting in backsliders being reproofed.

  The whole community across social barriers affected.


Edwards then goes on to show the great affects happening in the community especially among young people, there being a turning away among the youth from the world with tears. The fruits of this revival manifesting through all the community were such that even amongst the youth there is witness of humility, self-condemnation, self-abhorrence, love, joy with many fainting under all of this. There is even an account of young people meeting themselves in light of this revival.


This revival did see manifestations and as we shortly examine the contemporary “revivals” with its manifestations one has to see that it may be a fine line between that which is of God and that which is a dangerous counterfeit of the devil. These manifestations occurred in The Great Awakening:


  Outcries, faintings and convulsions both with distress and joy

  Some bodies so overcome that they could not go home

  Appearance of the work of God in conviction of sinners and conversions in great numbers


This then is Edwards’s account of an Awakening that affected the whole World, an Awakening that clearly brought repentance from sin, the very word being removed from so much of contemporary culture that we surely need to return to this landmark of revival culture before we can see God move again in such power.

                                      John Wesley


"Give me one hundred men who love only God with all their heart and hate only sin with all their heart, and we will shake the gates of hell and bring in the kingdom of God in one generation." 

Apostle John Wesley declared these words with a passion that embraced his call for a Church to move onto entire sanctification and in this regard he saw revival as having a great cost to bear for us all – to obtain it and to keep it!


Wesley saw revival as bringing a change of lifestyle as to that of the Early Church.


Acts 2: 42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. 44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. 46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,


In grasping John Wesley’s passion for revival it is important to look at entries in his Journals. In Wales Wesley became part of the non conformist revival of the 1700’s, Richard Morris writing in 1752:



(That) the mad Methodists... have in a manner bewitched the major part of the inhabitants is generally attributed to the indolence and... ignorance of too many of the parochial ministers.


It is interesting to note that the mad Methodists were accused of “bewitching”, an accusation that is being flung at the modern “revivals” but is a distinction between what was going on then to what is going on today. This is what we endeavour to find out in this paper.


Strange “carryings on” are recorded in a Wesley journal that relates to a meeting of William Williams.

It is common in the congregations attended by Mr. W.W., and one or two other clergymen, after the preaching is over, for anyone that has a mind to give out a verse of a hymn. This they sing over and over with all their might, perhaps above thirty, yea, forty times. Meanwhile the bodies of two or three, sometimes ten or twelve, are violently agitated and they leap up and down, in all manner of postures, frequently for hours together.


Wesley, however, is most known for his doctrine of perfection and it is this which has so often manifest both in the revivals of history and the true revivals of modern times, although I fail to see the latter in Western society whereas I have witnessed the phenomena in developing countries of the East.


It is appropriate, therefore to present Wesley’s own summary of doctrine so as to see if these points are manifesting in the contemporary revival scene.



In the year 1764, upon a review of the whole subject, I wrote down the sum of what I had observed in the following short propositions: --

"(1.) There is such a thing as perfection; for it is again and again mentioned in Scripture.

"(2.) It is not so early as justification; for justified persons are to 'go on unto perfection.' (Heb. 6:1.)

"(3.) It is not so late as death; for St. Paul speaks of living men that were perfect. (Phil. 3:15.)

"(4.) It is not absolute. Absolute perfection belongs not to man, nor to angels, but to God alone.

"(5.) It does not make a man infallible: None is infallible, while he remains in the body.

"(6.) Is it sinless? It is not worth while to contend for a term. It is 'salvation from sin.'

"(7.) It is 'perfect love.' (1 John 4:18.) This is the essence of it; its properties, or inseparable fruits, are, rejoicing evermore, praying without ceasing, and in everything giving thanks. (1 Thess. 5:16, &c.)

"(8.) It is improvable. It is so far from lying in an indivisible point, from being incapable of increase, that one perfected in love may grow in grace far swifter than he did before.

"(9.) It is amissible, capable of being lost; of which we have numerous instances. But we were not thoroughly convinced of this, till five or six years ago.

"(10.) It is constantly both preceded and followed by a gradual work.

"(11.) But is it in itself instantaneous or not? In examining this, let us go on step by step.


"An instantaneous change has been wrought in some believers: None can deny this.


"Since that change, they enjoy perfect love; they feel this, and this alone; they 'rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks.' Now, this is all that I mean by perfection; therefore, these are witnesses of the perfection which I preach.


"'But in some this change was not instantaneous.' They did not perceive the instant when it was wrought. It is often difficult to perceive the instant when a man dies; yet there is an instant in which life ceases. And if ever sin ceases, there must be a last moment of its existence, and a first moment of our deliverance from it.


"'But if they have this love now, they will lose it.' They may; but they need not. And whether they do or no, they have it now; they now experience what we teach. They now are all love; they now rejoice, pray, and praise without ceasing.


"'However, sin is only suspended in them; it is not destroyed.' Call it which you please. They are all love to-day; and they take no thought for the morrow.


"'But this doctrine has been much abused.' So has that of justification by faith. But that is no reason for giving up either this or any other scriptural doctrine. 'When you wash your child,' as one speaks, 'throw away the water; but do not throw away the child.'


"'But those who think they are saved from sin say they have no need of the merits of Christ.' They say just the contrary. Their language is,

'Every moment, Lord, I want The merit of thy death!'


They never before had so deep, so unspeakable, a conviction of the need of Christ in all his offices as they have now.

"Therefore, all our Preachers should make a point of preaching perfection to believers constantly, strongly, and explicitly; and all believers should mind this one thing, and continually agonize for it."

The Works of John Wesley (1872 ed. by Thomas Jackson), vol. 11, pp. 366-446.

as believed and taught by the Reverend Mr. John Wesley,

from the year 1725, to the year 1777

"Therefore, all our Preachers should make a point of preaching perfection to believers constantly,
strongly, and explicitly;
and all believers should mind this one thing,
and continually agonize for it." 

                                         Norman Grubb


Of all teachers of revival I believe God took Norman Percy Grubb to such a unique understanding of the phenomena, that A.W. Tozer recognized this remarkable gifting.


May we of The Christian and Missionary Alliance have the humility to learn from this missionary brother the way into a new place of revival and power. Our world-girdling movement had its birth in just such an atmosphere as is here described. . . . May God help us to recapture this glory—at any cost. - A. W. Tozer 

Grubb referred to a “continuous revival” perhaps going further than Wesley in his perfectioness stance. An acknowledgement is given by Grubb of the often perceived belief of revival being a “longed for ideal”

There is nothing God's people everywhere seek more earnestly or speak about more frequently than revival. But always we look at it as something outside of ourselves, a longed for ideal, something whose realization we can only contribute to by prayer, but which, as an actual experience, is beyond our immediate reach and only comes as a visitation from on High. But God has been teaching some of us differently.

The self-renunciation emphasis which we see in Campbell’s teachings manifests here in relation to Grubb’s declaration that revival in essence is a revitalization “of someone gone dead”!


What is revival in its essence? The revitalizing of someone gone dead. And who goes dead? Anyone infected with sin unconfessed and uncleansed. In other words, a con­stantly "vivid" soul is a person liv­ing in unbroken union with God; a revived soul is one in whom sin has obtained lodgment but who has then recognized it, repented of it and been restored to living relation­ship again.


That is personal, daily revival. But take it farther as a Christian. I am no longer an individual; I am no longer even an individual united to Christ. I am a member of a body, which consists of Head and body the "perfect man" of Ephesians 4:13. I no longer live unto myself. I know my relationship with Christ. I know the rules of the abiding life: faith, obedience, the daily feet washing of John 13:10 (confession and cleansing) after there has been the initial bathing. 1 know thus how to walk with Him. But that is not enough.


Grubb goes onto talk of the plunging “into a fountain”, a place where inhibitions are left behind:


A "break" comes. Hard thoughts, barriers between one and another, even personal sins and backslidings come out into the open, and all rejoice as the fresh plunge is taken into the fountain. God has come down into the midst. But then, back we go into the old position—nice services, nice addresses, good fellowship on a certain level. But the inner center of each one of us has closed up; those inner battles, often failures, problems, even victories, go behind closed doors marked, "Strictly private." Why? Partly because we have not learned and are not taught to live as the members of the early church lived—confessing their faults one to another, sharing the Lord's dealings, exhorting one another daily, provoking one another to love and good works; but very largely also because we have a thing we cherish which we call reserve, but if given its proper name, is at least ninety per cent straight pride. We just don't want other people to know what God knows only too well, that we are not nearly the saints in our homes and hearts that we appear to be from our pulpits and in our pews.


An examination of this statement brings one to a point that there needs to be a plunging, a plunging into an area that is away from our present contemporary culture – a going back to the ways of the Early Church which we were discovering with Wesley. Grubb as with Wesley talks of a daily mortification, Grubb identifying daily excuses for sin like temperament, nerves, pressure of circumstances, difficult people etc., with “little” sins as they are regarded like hard feelings, criticism, dislike, resentment, self-pity, worry, anxiety, unbelief, pride, the unclean look and thought all in fact being sins for they fall short of the glory of God.


Grubb suggests on this quest to revival that face up to these “little” sins quoting I John 1.


I John 1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; 2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) 3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. 5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.


Grubb sees a manifestation of this scriptures coming as frank talking one to another, the opening out of deep seated antagonisms between husband and wife, parents and children, the clearing of misunderstandings and moving on into a  renewed walk. This in continued into Church life and fellowship meetings where the point of interest is not one polished Preacher but a place where the Church as a whole can hear from God.


Heb. 3: 13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

10:24: And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.


Relating these principles into a harvest field Grubb wrote about experiences in Central Africa after just returning from there in 1951.


It might be helpful now to illustrate this from experience. I have recently returned from a visit to my old field in Central Africa. I there saw the field white for the revival harvest, with thousands of church members, many of them, I believe, truly born again and some sanctified and Spirit-filled, just ready for the match to be applied and the fire started (and a small fire was started here and there), but I did not know how to lead them into a fellowship-life where the fire would not only be started, but kept burning.


Then at the end of my visit, I went on to spend a short time in another Central African field where the fires are burning and spreading, and have been for fifteen years. Here I learned the secret. No new thing. Nothing could be simpler. No special person; only Jesus in the midst. No profound "principle," but just walking with Him. Not even the word "revival" used, lest it should divert attention from Christ to a "doctrine." Sin, repentance, the precious blood, cleansing, joy, witness—this was the language spoken.


We learn from this key words being applied here by Grubb and these are Sin, repentance, the precious blood, cleansing, joy, witness and we will be seeing how these concepts are applied in the modern revivals that seem to be bound by “new thing” teaching which will be examined also.

Grubb goes onto talk of a “breaking” work amongst the people who declared simple yet powerful testimony. The testimonies were costly with a principle of touching rock bottom and being taken up high applying to them all.


Nor let it be thought that this means companies of people sinning and being forgiven, and then sinning and being forgiven again. We speak here not of the grosser falls of the flesh, though of course we know that in all companies of God's people Satan does get in here and there in violent ways. There are companies of folk so sensitive to the light of God that they hate "even the garment spotted by the flesh." Any chance seeds of sin sown in their purified hearts are recognized, repented of, confessed, cleansed, and the experience shared with the brethren.


Thus, where we have known many an African brother in Christ to hide the growth of covetousness and worldly ambition in his heart till it bore sudden and evil fruit and carried him away into the world, among these, the first hidden desires for the world are exposed and judged and cleansed. The same with the awful pull of lust so powerful in all of us, but especially in those just dug out of the pit where they had been "working all uncleanness with greediness." How the African churches are devastated with these sudden falls into adultery, fornication and polygamy. But actually no such fall is sudden; it results from a hidden putrid growth in the eye. the mind and the heart. Here among these simple folk those first unseen seeds are vigorously uprooted at the Cross by inward confession and outward testimony.


Does any of us know a sanctification where no daily washings of the feet are needed, even though the initial bathing of the whole man may have taken place long ago? No, I found in myself the hidden pride that did not want to "break" and witness to my brethren where I had hardness in my heart toward another brother. My sight of that sin of hardness and dislike was not so terrible to me that it broke me, as it broke my Lord on Calvary. He was publicly exposed for me there, but I wanted to get through without publicly exposing that sin in my heart. Like Saul, I said in my heart, "I have sinned; yet honour me now before the elders of my people" (1 Sam. 15:30). I saw what they meant when they said that a soul can be bent, but not broken. I did "break" after two days, and of course as I brought the thing to the light, the blood totally cleansed. But it taught me a deeply-needed lesson on the necessity of keeping my pride on the cross daily.


Confession before men is brought out by Grubb too as an act of major commitment. There can be no pride in revival and Grubb takes this major force into a context of affect these people whose hearts were before God in Central Africa.



I want to learn much more of brokenness, openness, fellowship and challenge. God has already begun to do much in our own ranks; there have been movings of revival recently, but not yet the continuous flow I saw in Africa. In our own family life also, where revival always must start and continue, God has been much at work with my wife and myself arid our children, but still there's more to follow. And as for such a broken walk in the light resulting in an "up and down" experience, I find the opposite true; never before have I been able so clearly to lay hold of and experience full salvation in Christ. Yet coupled with this is a new sensitiveness to the least touch of sin, new facing and breaking and walking in the light with my breth­ren, with consequent new revival fellowship among us.

                                        Rees Howells


In his book about Rees Howells Rees Howells Intercessor Norman Grubb writes of Rees Howells’ experiences of revival in South Africa.


Joining up with the South Africa General Mission Rees Howells and his wife arrived to question as to whether they had brought the Welsh Revival blessing with them, a concept of transference being talked about with the modern “revivals.” Rees Howells taught them rather than transferred “the spirit” telling them that the source of all revival is the Holy Ghost.


Rees Howells preached the Word using the word “Pentecost” as this was the most suitable word for translation into their own language.


…..that it was God who had come down then, moving upon the hearts of men and women,

and had swept multitudes into the Kingdom; and that he would do the same with them,

if they were willing to repent.


Rees Howells continued to talk about revival, there was not a sudden transference of “the spirit” to bring revival, there was a consistent preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Within six weeks the Holy Ghost began to move, Mrs Howells teaching the chorus, “Lord send a revival, And let it begin in me.” Being brought into a stillness of God followed a concept the Howells recognized from the Welsh Revival.


As one reads this African accounts one sees again the Holy Ghost moving upon people to confess and be open about their situation, there being weeping on occasions and affects on the community with scores being saved in isolated communities.

Taken from Rees Howells – Intercessor by Norman Grubb.


My father was trained under this man of revival and I can recall the great nights of commitment band passion in the Mission Hall where I was brought up as a child and I declare today that this great passion of God for souls to come clean before him and repent of their sin is a Cornerstone doctrine so powerful that the misinterpretation of “new thing” can devour. I cry out to God for a revival like this one.


Part 2: The New Revivals of the Emerging Church!

Part of the Landmark,

A “New Thing” or part of the Warning Prophecy given by a colleague of Smith Wigglesworth.


                      I.     Part of the Landmark


In Part 1 we established principles of revival from the revivalists of old. Here we begin with a summary of those principles with an analysis of the “new thing” scripture so often used by the Contemporary Church.


In ascertaining whether the “new revival” of Lakeland is of God we study a warning prophecy given through a great friend of Smith Wigglesworth of end time deceptions. Is Lakeland a great deception?


Following this is a study in relation to the false prophet. Is Bentley showing signs akin to the scriptural and prophetic warnings or is he a true prophet of God?


The quest continues.


Revival Principles Summary


*Edwin Orr

Spontaneity with leader who involved the audience

Passion to rescue lost souls


Christians being humbled in the presence of God

Use of the term “soundly saved”

The Confessing of faults

Holy Ghost Conviction

Full Surrender Missions Passion

No great wave of emotionalism but peace and joy

Extreme emphasis on Repentance


* Evan Roberts

Confession of all known sin

Dealing with oneself

Obedience to the Holy Ghost instantly

Public Confession of Christ Jesus

Strong emphasis of the revivalist: “Not Me”!

Life in the Community

Not an orgy of emotion – but a fervour that brought the nation to its knees


*  Duncan Campbell

Strong emphasis on “Christ within” – the Divine being in the human, manifested through the human, God being glorified in this manifestation.

Emphasis on supernatural cleansing


Exposure of contemporary infiltration of the World into Church

Unction and repentance

Warning of future revival counterfeits & of “God of love” teaching without the need for repentance

Holiness and moral discrimination

Self renunciation

Clean heart that has climbed the hill of the Lord


*  Jonathan Edwards

Seriousness and decency

Great alteration amongst the youth

Increase of visits to Ministers

Congregations melted

No compromise to backsliders

Outcries, faintings, and convulsions

Conviction of sinners and conversions in great numbers

v John Wesley

Change of lifestyle back to the Early Church

Singing over and over again

Recognition that there is perfection


* Norman Grubb

Reference to a “continuous revival”

Self renunciation emphasis

Revitalization of someone gone dead

Plunging into a fountain

Confessing faults showing the Lord’s dealings

Frank talking

Sin, repentance, precious blood, cleansing, joy, witness


Brokenness, Openness, Fellowship and Challenge


*  Rees Howells


No transference of Welsh Revival Spirit

Instead – work of Holy Ghost in the particular place

Consistent Preaching and Teaching of the Word

Confession and weeping

                      II.     A “new thing”?


It is often presented by those supporting the “new revivals” that God is doing a “new thing” now, thus leaving the old time principles to history! Isaiah 43 is commonly used as a supporting scripture but can this be used within the context of a “new thing” revival of God? Hardly! God does not change and the “new thing” of Isaiah has nothing to do whatsoever with the “new thing” of the “new revivals”. The “new thing” of Isaiah relates to the coming out of the captivity of Babylon and it is simply not good enough to use a scripture of a “new thing” to dismiss the revival principles of the past. God has not changed and so it is important for any “new revival” to fully embrace all the principles of the Ancient Landmark God has set through the fathers.


The “new thing” philosophy, however, is that God is moving on from the past but is God really moving away his revival techniques away from the old days of blood, conviction and repentance. We examine the scripture so commonly quoted.


Isa 43: 1 But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.3 For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.4 Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.5 Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;6 I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;7 Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.8 Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. 9 Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, It is truth. 10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. 11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. 12 I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God. 13 Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it? 14 Thus saith the LORD, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whose cry is in the ships. 15 I am the LORD, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King. 16 Thus saith the LORD, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters; 17 Which bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinct, they are quenched as tow.

18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

20 The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen. 21 This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. 22 But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel. 23 Thou hast not brought me the small cattle of thy burnt offerings; neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices. I have not caused thee to serve with an offering, nor wearied thee with incense. 24 Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money, neither hast thou filled me with the fat of thy sacrifices: but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities. 25 I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. 26 Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified. 27 Thy first father hath sinned, and thy teachers have transgressed against me. 28 Therefore I have profaned the princes of the sanctuary, and have given Jacob to the curse, and Israel to reproaches.


The middle verses underlined clearly indicate to remember not the “former things” because God is doing a “new thing” but do the “former things” relate to revivals and does the “new thing” relate to God no longer requiring repentance?


I most certainly do not think so! This is a gross simplification of the passage that has brought serious errors into the Church and doctrines of devils! It has also led to a New World Order Church so alien to that of the Early Church landmark. Today we have specially altered Bibles with Alexandrian origins to bring about the conditions for a multi faith one world religion with the commercial Babylon publishers of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan right at the forefront of this, and so we have a contemporary Church without the blood and conviction thus making it a sitting duck for a counterfeit revival, but is Lakeland counterfeit? We find out! Certainly Thomas Nelson and Zondervan are right at the heart of it!


Proverbs 22: 28 Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.


Mal. 3: 5 And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts. 6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.


Heb. 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.


Edwin Orr’s “Revival is like Judgment Day” would seem to be a “Former thing” in today’s new Church culture but as we see from the “new thing passage” God is not dismissing his judgment, for without judgment there can be no repentance and without repentance there can be no revival.

The “former things” in the “new thing” passage are the things of Babylon, the things of captivity from which God has redeemed them but is this the case in the contemporary Church with its commercial barrage of books coming out of publishing houses so bent in the occult that indeed they are the forerunners of an Antichrist World devoid of truth and justice?


These “former things” are not to be forgotten as in Israel’s case because unlike Israel the Church at this time has been infected by a pollution that does not allow conviction of sin thus leaving the Church to be under a chain of Babylonian chaos.


God is not doing a “new thing” under the air of unrepented sin, it is from the point of repentance at the Cross that we move on forgetting the former things!


Spurgeon in his examination of Isa. 43 gives a clear indication that there has been a forgiveness of God in this passage, the forgiveness however being a following on from the judgment of God’s people, the judgments being clearly presented in the passage.

Spurgeon identifies the judgments, in verse 22 that the people to receive the forgiveness were a prayerless people, but instead of using the passage as a pre-requisite for declaring a new thing without repentance – Spurgeon goes for the sinner.

If you will turn to your Bibles, you will find who are the persons here spoken of. Look for example at the 22nd verse of the chapter from which our text is taken, and you will see, first, that they were prayerless people:


"Thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob." And are there not some prayerless ones sitting or standing here this morning? Might I not walk along these benches, and point my finger to one and another, and say, "Thou art not a praying one?" Or might I not reach out my hand to one and another upon this platform, and say,


"Thou hast not been with God in secret, and held heart converse with him?" These prayerless ones may have repeated many a form of prayer, but the breathing desire, the living words, have not come from their lips. Thou hast lived, sinner, up to this time without sincere prayer, and if an ejaculation has been forced from thy lips from a fear that took hold of thee; if a cry has gone forth from thee when in the sufferings of a sick bed, because the pains of death gat hold upon thee; if it has not been thy habit to pray, the impressions of that trying period have soon been forgotten. Is prayer your constant practice, my hearers?


How many of you now before me, ay, and behind me too, must confess that you have not prayed, that it is not your habit to hold communion with God. Prayerless souls are Christless souls; for you can have no real fellowship with Christ, no communion with the Father, unless you approach his mercy-seat, and be often there; and yet if you are condemning yourselves, and lamenting that this has been your condition, you need not despair, for this mercy is for you:


"Thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob;" yet, "I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake."

Spurgeon goes on to point out that these people whom God had taken out of captivity were “despisers of religion”, proof of this being in the reference to the children of  Israel being “weary”.


Other references relating these people being useless and thankless are given but Spurgeon draws a distinction between this passage and the Church for the Church can only be redeemed through the blood of Jesus whilst the Israelites were awaiting that day of redemption. How can it be, therefore, that a reference to the newly freed Israelites be associated with Christian revival? Spurgeon had it right for he associated the going forward and forgetting the past to reaching a higher place of redemption linking the passage to coming towards a special goal.


The standards and demands today are if anything higher for now we are followers of the resurrected Christ, rather than Israelites looking forward to that day, these Israelites returning to a physical temple rather that the Body of Christ believer whose very own body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost.

                      Stanley Frodisham’s Prophecy of 1965

It was given in Chicago in 1965 - five years before he died.)


The purpose of presenting this prophecy here from this great friend of Smith Wigglesworth is in relation to “testing the spirits”. God has not moved away from his revival principles despite of “new thing” attempts to move the Church away from its ancient landmark, our purpose therefore being to ascertain if the principles and operations of Lakeland line up with the ancient landmark beliefs or is Lakeland a part of Frodisham’s prophetic warning?


The new “revivals” of Toronto, Brownsville and now Lakeland seem to be in an atmosphere of the Church emphasizing the Father’s love whereas the old revivals seem to emphasize judgment, conviction and repentance. If this prophecy is true then what has been happening lately in the Western Church is somewhat out of line with the landmark and the following Word from God.

Great Judgements

“With great judgements will I plead with the population of this country. Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall come upon them. The darkness shall be so great and the anguish so sore that men shall cry out for death and shall not find it. There shall be a lingering death, famine and great catastrophes.

My wrath shall be manifested against all ungodliness. It shall come with great intensity. You have known my love but have not experienced My wrath or My severity. My judgements are literal and not a thing to be passed over lightly. Realise the severity of My judgements and My intense anger against the sin in My Household. My judgements shall begin in My House, for I will cleanse My House that it be not a partaker of My wrath against
the iniquities of the cities. Before I visit the nations in judgement I will begin at My House. When I do cause My wrath to come upon the cities of the world My people shall be separate. I desire a people without spot or wrinkle and such will be preserved by Me in the time of My wrath, which will be coming upon all iniquity and unrighteousness.

I am going to prepare you for the coming days by a hard path that  will cause many to cry out continually unto Me. For when the going is easy men do not seek Me, but rejoice in a temporary blessing. And when that blessing is removed they so often turn this way and that way but do not come to Me. I am showing you these things in order that you may seek Me continually and with great diligence. As you seek Me I will open up truths to you that you have not seen before, and these very truths will be such that will enable you to stand in these last days. As you are persecuted, reviled and rejected by your brethren then you will turn unto Me with all your heart and seek Me for that spiritual life that you need. So that when the tribulation comes you will have that which will enable you to stand. For many will be tossed to and fro, men’s hearts shall fail them because of trouble on every hand. These days shall be very terrible the likes of which have never been seen before..

Coming Glory – and – Deceiving Spirits

When I visit My people in mighty revival power, it is to prepare them for the darkness ahead. With the Glory shall come great darkness, for the Glory is to prepare My people for the darkness. I will enable My people to go through the darkness because of the visitation of My Spirit. Take heed to yourselves lest you be puffed up and think that you have arrived. Many shall be puffed up as in the olden days, for then, many received My message but they did not continue in it. Did I anoint Jehu? Yet the things that I desired were not accomplished in his life. Listen to the messengers, but do not hold men’s persons in admiration or adulation. For many whom I shall anoint mightily with signs and miracles shall become lifted up and shall fall by the wayside. I do not this willingly for I have made provision that they might stand. I call many into this ministry and equip them, but remember that many shall fall. They shall be like bright lights and the people shall delight in them. But they shall be taken over by deceiving spirits and shall lead many of My people astray. Hearken diligently concerning these things, for in the last days shall come seducing spirits. They shall turn many of My anointed ones away, many shall fall through diverse  lusts and because of ‘sin abounding’.

But if you will seek Me diligently I will put My Spirit within you so that when one shall turn to the right hand or to the left hand you shall not turn with them, but instead you will keep your eyes fixed wholly on your Lord. The coming days are going to be most dangerous, difficult and dark for there shall be a mighty outpouring of My Spirit in judgement upon many cities and many shall be destroyed. My people must be diligently warned concerning the days ahead. Many shall turn after seducing spirits and already many are seducing My people. It is those who ‘Do Righteousness’ that are righteous. Many cover their sins by great theological words. But I warn you of seducing spirits who instruct my people in an evil way. Many of these I will anoint that they in turn may purify and sift My people, for I will have a holy people. When I come I shall not find faith upon the earth but in a few, for when the time of testing comes many will depart from their Lord.

Many shall come with seducing spirits and hold out lustful enticements. You will find that after I have visited My people again the way will become more and more narrow, and fewer shall walk therein. Be not deceived, the ways of righteousness are My ways. For though Satan come as an angel of light hearken not to him; for those who perform miracles and speak not righteousness are not of Me. I warn you with great intensity that I am going to judge My House and have a church without spot or wrinkle when I come. I desire to open your eyes and give you spiritual understanding, that you may not be deceived but may walk with uprightness of heart before Me, loving righteousness and hating every evil way. Look unto Me and I will make you to perceive with the eyes of the Spirit the things that lurk in darkness, that are not visible to the human eye. Let Me lead you in this way, that you may perceive the powers of darkness and battle against them. It is not a battle against flesh and blood, for if you battle in that way you accomplishnothing. But if you let Me take over and battle against the powers of darkness then they are defeated, and then liberation is brought to My people.

The Ways of Deceivers

I warn you to search the Scriptures diligently concerning these last days. For the things that are written shall indeed be made manifest. There shall come deceivers among My people in increasing numbers, who shall speak forth the truth and shall gain the favour of the people. For the people shall examine the Scriptures and say, ‘What these men say is true’. Then when they have gained the hearts of the people, then and then only shall they bring out their wrong doctrines. Therefore I say that you should not give your hearts to men, nor hold people’s persons in admiration or adulation. For by these very persons Satan shall gain entry into My people. Watch for seducers! Do you think a seducer will brandish a heresy and flaunt it before the people? He will speak words of righteousness and truth and will appear as a minister of light, declaring the Word. The people’s hearts shall be won. Then when the hearts are won, they will bring out their doctrines and the people shall be deceived. The people shall say ‘Did he not speak thus and thus’? ‘And did we not examine it from the Word’? ‘Therefore he is a minister of righteousness. This that he has now spoken we do not see in the Word but it must be right, for the other things he spoke were true’.

Be not deceived. For the deceiver will first work to gain the hearts of many, and then shall bring forth his insidious doctrines. You can not discern those who are of Me and those who are not of Me when they start to preach. But seek Me constantly, and when these doctrines are brought out you shall have a witness in your heart that these are not of Me. Fear not, for I have warned you. It is possible that the very elect may be deceived. But it is not possible if you walk in holiness and uprightness before the Lord, for then your eyes shall be open and the Lord will protect you. If you will constantly look unto the Lord you will know when the doctrine changes, and will not be brought into it. If your heart is right I will keep you, if you will look constantly to Me, I will uphold you.

The minister of righteousness shall be on this wise --- his life shall agree with the word, and his lips shall give forth that which is wholly true, there will be no mixture. When the mixture appears then you will know he is not a minister of righteousness. The deceivers speak first the truth and then error, to cover their own sins which they love. Therefore I exhort and command you to study the Scriptures relative to seducing spirits, for this is one of
the great dangers of these last days.

I desire you to be firmly established in My word and not in the personalities of men, that you will not be moved as so many shall be moved. I would keep you in the paths of righteousness. Take heed to yourselves and follow not the seducing spirits that are already manifesting themselves. Diligently inquire of Me when you hear something that you have not seen in the word, and do not hold people’s persons in admiration, for it is by this very method that Satan will hold many of My people.


The Way of Triumph

I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly, that you may triumph where I triumphed. On the cross I triumphed over all the powers of Satan and I have called you to walk in the same path. It is when your life is on the cross that you shall know the victory that I have experienced. As you are on the cross, seated in Me, then you shall know the power of the resurrection. When I come in My Glory the principalities and powers in the heavenly places shall be utterly broken. Fear not, for I have given you the power whereby you may tread down the powers of darkness, and come forth victorious through every trial. As you are on the cross then you are victorious. It was on the cross that I triumphed over all the powers of the enemy. My life shall flow through as you enter into these precious truths. Look unto Me and appropriate My life. As your eyes and desires are toward Me and you know what it is to be crucified with Me, then you shall live and your anointing shall increase. It was not in My life as I walked upon the earth but rather it was in My life as I hung upon the cross that I openly spoiled principalities and powers.

I am showing you truth that shall cause you to overcome, to have power over the wicked one, this is the truth that will liberate you and those around you. You shall know also the fellowship of My sufferings. There is no other way whereby you may partake of this heavenly glory and to reign with Me. My word says that If we suffer with Him we shall reign with Him. I desire to make these truths real within you. As you keep them before you, you will in turn liberate many who are in bondage. You will have revelation of those who are in darkness and will have the keys to liberate the captives. Many seek to liberate but do not have the keys. Upon the cross continually you will know the power of My resurrection.


If you will indeed judge yourself you shall not be judged. As you seek My face and desire to be cleansed by Me in all truth and sincerity of heart, I will judge you in the secret place, and the things that are in the secret place of your heart shall not be made manifest to others. I will do it in the secret place and no man will know it. The shame that will be seen on many faces shal l not be seen on your face. Therefore in mercy and love I am instructing you in order that you may partake of My Glory. As you are willing to walk with Me and rejoice in your sufferings, you shall in turn partake of My Glory. Look unto Me for you have need of power to overcome the wicked one and the bondages in other’s lives.

I said that if a man will judge himself he shall not be judged. It is not My good pleasure that the shame of My people be seen by all. How can I judge the world if I judge not first My own house? Hearken unto these things that I am telling you, for if you will not hearken unto Me thy shame shall be evident to all.

God’s Part and Our Part

I would have you consider My life on earth --- the anointing upon Me was great and yet the temptations were great on every side; they came in one form and then in another, offering Me first the glory of the kingdoms of the earth and then in the  form of reviling and persecution. There will be great glory given to My people but also the temptations will be intensified on every side. Think not that with the glory there shall be no temptations or persecutions. The glory to My church shall be great and so also the temptations from the enemy to turn My people from My paths. I warn you again that when the glory shall be manifested the temptations shall be great until very few that started shall finish the course. First of all they shall be offered great worldly possessions and then will come great revilings and unbelief.

Consider your Lord, that as He walked so it shall be for you. There shall be need of great intensity of purpose. At times it will seem that everyone is rising up against you, trying to turn you from the course that I have set for you. It is written of Me that I set my face as flint to go in the direction that My Father had prescribed for Me. If you will finish the course the Lord has laid down for you, you too will have to set your face as a flint. With great determination you must walk in the course laid down for you. Many of your loved ones and those who follow with you will seek to persuade you and try to turn you from the course. With many words that seem right in the natural they will speak to you. Did not Christ rebuke Peter who would turn Him from the course God had prescribed?

Understand these two things and meditate upon them solemnly --- the persecution and the darkness shall be as great as the glory in order to try to turn the elect and the anointed ones from the path the Lord has laid down for them. Many shall start but few shall be able to finish because of the greatness of grace that shall be needed to be able to endure unto the end. The temptation and the
persecution of your Lord was continuous. He was tempted by Satan in many forms throughout His entire life and even to the cross where the ungodly cried out ‘if thou be the Christ come down from the cross’. Think not that there will be a time of no persecution, for it shall be from the time of your anointing until the end. Difficulties and great persecution will go on to the end. The Lord must prepare you to be an overcomer in all things, that you may be able to finish the course. The persecution shall increase even as the anointing shall increase.

In paths of judgement and righteousness shall the Lord God lead His people and bring them into that place which He has chosen for them. The Lord has chosen a place for His people, a place of righteousness and holiness where He shall encamp around them. All who will be led of the Lord will be
brought into this holy place. For the Lord delights to dwell in His people and to manifest Himself through His people. The holiness of the Lord will be
manifested through His people. Let the Lord lead you and He will lead you in the difficult places. He led His people of old through a place where no man dwelt, where no man passed through, in a place of great danger and in the shadow of death. The Lord will indeed lead His people again through such places, and at the same time will bring them out into a place of great glory. Understand that the way toward the glory is fraught with great danger and many shall fall to the right or the left, many shall camp on lesser ground. But the Lord has a place of holiness and no unclean thing shall dwell among His people.

Put your trust in Him and He will bring you into a place of holiness. He desires to bring His people into a great glory --- the likes of which has never been seen, for this is what the Lord will do for those who put their trust in Him. It is a place of darkness and great danger and it will separate His people into the place where He would have them walk. He will protect them from the voices that would turn them  from His path. He will bring them through the dark places and treacherous paths and lead them out into the light of His glory. He will rejoice greatly over His beloved and cause them to be filled with joy unspeakable. He seeks to lead His people into a new place of grace and glory where He will indeed encamp among them. Put your trust in Him and He will surely bring you into this new place.

Fear not the days to come, but fear this only --- that you shall walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord. In this time I am ordering and setting up My church and it shall indeed be pure, without spot or wrinkle. I will do a work in My beloved that has not been seen since the foundation of the world. I have shown you these things that you may seekthe Lord diligently with all your heart, and that you may be a preserver of His people.

Run not to this one or that one for the Lord has so ordained that salvation is in Him and in Him alone. You shall not turn to this shepherd or to that one, for there shall be a great scattering upon the earth. Therefore look unto Him for He will indeed make these things clear to you. You shall not look here or there, for His Wells shall increase your strength and your faith as He prepares you forthe times that are coming.

The truths that I have revealed to you must become a part of you --- not just an experience, but a part of your very nature. Is it not written that I demand truth in the inward parts? It is the truth of the Lord expressed in your very being that shall hold you. Many shall experience the truth but the truth must become a part of you, your very life. As men and women look upon you they will hear not only the voice but see the expression of the truth. Many shall be overcome because they are not constant in My ways and because they have not permitted the truths to become a part of them. I am showing you these things that you may be prepared, and having done all, to stand.” 

Key Points from the Prophecy


Judgement upon apostate nations


Wrath (not love) against all ungodliness


Anger against sin in the Church first


Separated people without spot or wrinkle (perfection)


Strong emphasis on reliance on God


Revelation to prepare for hard times – detailed warning given


Warning about pride


Warning against holding men in admiration and adulation


Many who have been anointed with signs and miracles become lifted up and fall


Same persons who have been bright lights with the people delighting in them are taken over by deceiving spirits and lead many people astray.


Last day warning of seducing spirits


Many of God’s anointed ones turned away by all this – many falling through diverse lusts – sin abounds


Holy Spirit within emphasis and being led of the Spirit


The mighty outpouring will be one of judgment (the counterfeit has been one of Jezebel love) upon many cities – many being destroyed – many turning to seducing spirits


Doers of the Word emphasized – the action saints!


Theological words used to cover sin


Purification and sifting of the people of God – only a few (remnant) having faith when Jesus comes – such is the testing!


Few walking the narrow way (there are courses like Alpha that have made the narrow way wide!)




Further emphasis on JUDGEMENT!


Spiritual – not physical battleground!


Encouragement to search the scriptures in relation to the last days. Things written shall be manifest.


Deceivers amongst God’s people in increasing numbers who speak forth the truth and gain favour of the people – people see what they say is consistent with the scriptures – one accepted by the people – only then do they bring forth wrong doctrines.


False Ministers will appear as the “Truth”


Inner Witness will warn of a Minister not of God


Warning that even the elect shall be deceived but not those in holiness and uprightness


Those who look to the Lord will know when the doctrine changes.


Ministers of righteousness – their own lives will agree with the Word.


Deceivers speak truth first – then error!


Desire of God for his Saints to be established in the Word – not in the personalities of men.


Emphasis on the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Being crucified with Him – anointing increase


Knowing the fellowship of Christ Jesus suffering – no other way to partake of heavenly glory


Those who keep God’s truths before them will liberate many in bondage.


Man to judge himself – not be judged


Temptations will be intensified – Glory will be great alongside – keep on track!


Place of Holiness


Running not after this one or that one but looking unto the Lord.

Is the Prophecy in Line with the Word of God?


Most certainly! False prophets with signs and wonders are talked about throughout the whole of scripture. Wonders have been used by supernatural agencies over thousands of years to lead people away from doctrinal truth, the miracle becoming the evidence of a revival being correct!


Deut. 13 1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; 3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. 5 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.


A call to going after “other gods” followed the sign and wonder that came to pass, and so in the case of Lakeland it is not good enough to simply accept the miracle, we have to test the spirits and check for sound doctrine, one of the translations embraced by Bentley declaring its “Jesus” to be “a son of the gods”. The warning needs to be heeded both in the Word and the Prophecy, the Prophecy being consistent with the Word.


The New Testament too gives warnings:


Matthew 7: 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matthew 24: 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

II Peter 2: 1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

I John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

I believe that what we are dealing with today is a New World Order taking over the Church and states. This order is Roman Catholic in origin, its background coming out of the mire of the Gnostics theologians of Alexandria, Egypt. In our study of the “revival” of Lakeland I can guarantee that there is a strong Roman Catholic influence, to what extent, I encourage you to find out in Part 3.


  • Mark of the False Prophet


Whatever the result of our Lakeland enquiry one can say categorically that this is a time during which the False Prophet will have manifested or is about to do so.


Rev. 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


Rev. 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.


Rev. 19: 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.


What we need to look out for, therefore, when testing the spirits in these last days when dealing with signs and wonders prophets is as follows:

  • Great wonders

  • Maketh fire come down from heaven upon the earth (Is there significance in the name of Bentley’s ministry?)

  • Deceiveth them on earth with miracles

  • Make an image to the Beast – can a tattoo be an image – Does Bentley have an image of a devil on his body? See Part 3 remembering he had tattoos done after being in ministry.

  • Marks on right hands and foreheads

  • Manifesting unclean spirits

  • Both the Beast and the False Prophets performed miracles – Is therefore the emphasis at the “Lakeland Revival” on miracles, what has come down from heaven or the old time revival landmark of conviction, commitment and repentance?

  • Lake of fire and brimstone end

Thanks to Stewarton Bible School’s excellent notes on this.

  Part 3: The Lakeland Revival, Florida

Our Objective and Reminder from Part 2.


Our objective is to reach a conclusion as to whether this “revival” is of God or not. On studying the principles of revival in Parts 1 & 2 you will witness that what is going on in Lakeland is very different indeed! If this “revival” of Lakeland is of God – then it is very clear that God has left his decree to change not – or is God doing a “new thing” – being part of a paradigm shift by moving into a “new age”?


To reach this conclusion we begin with study of the “Revivalist” Todd Bentley quickly discovering an immediate pagan influence on his book “Journey into the Miraculous.” We see how in this “revival” commercial Babylon has a controlling interest and discover a major heresy manifesting through the spiritual roots of this “escapade into the spirit” for many people.


We look at Bentley’s teachers & associates followed by finding out how this “revival” began. His apparently unique doctrine of angels and his tattoos and piercings come under scrutiny too with the question as to why a Christian Minister (which Bentley appears to be) would have pagan, philosophical and apparent Christian tattoos permanently placed on his body. How can a Christian do this in light of scripture but does Bentley have scripture? We find out!


We follow by assessing other people’s accounts of the revival and whether what is going on matches up to the Word of God. Does the “revival” have an affinity with the “ancient landmark” of revival or is it more akin to Frodisham’s and/or the Acid Cloud Vision prophecy? Does Bentley speak the truth and follow with false doctrine as warned about in Frodisham’s prophecy? Are we dealing with a form of Gnostic “Christianity” entering a cloud where there is a “Jesus” but a “Jesus” very different to the “Jesus” of scripture and the great landmark revivals of the past?


We then conclude with not only a conclusion – but a section on solutions because the fall out from this “revival” requires a way forward. What is that way – we seek the Lord.

Reminder of key points from Revelation in relation to the Activities of the Beast and the False Prophet (See Part 2 for detail)


  • Great wonders

  • Maketh fire come down from heaven upon the earth (Is there significance in the name of Bentley’s ministry?)

  • Deceiveth them on earth with miracles

  • Make an image to the Beast – can a tattoo be an image – Does Bentley have an image of a devil on his body?

  • Marks on right hands and foreheads

  • Manifesting unclean spirits

  • Both the Beast and the False Prophet performed miracles – Is therefore the emphasis at the “Lakeland Revival” on miracles, what has come down from heaven or the old time revival landmark of conviction, commitment and repentance?

  • Lake of fire and brimstone end

Most Important : There is also a further prophecy I feel led to bring in at this stage. It is the “Acid Cloud Vision” given in 1994 by Richard Smith. Smith introduces the prophecy and gives what he saw, particularly as it relates to the U.K.

This vision emerged with an unusually vivid degree of clarity on Thursday morning the 29th September 1994, just before I was about to go out and do some studying.



Following a period of pouring out my distressed feelings about the condition of the Church to Jesus, who is our heavenly Advocate, I saw ahead of me a large billowing black cloud which carried lots of soot and other pollutants. Its sulphurous stench revealed that here was no natural cloud, but rather it was the type of acid cloud which arises from the explosion of some chemical plant or oil installation. Blown by its own momentum, the acid cloud was rapidly heading towards a low waterless desert plain which lay beneath some rocky mountains. Filling the plain were all types of people whom I understood represented the Christian population of England. Most were indigenous white Anglo-Saxons, but there were members of various ethnic minorities as well. These stood for the immigrant population in England.



FOUR GROUPS. On closer inspection, I could see that this vast assembly was divided into four main groups. The first of these was the one that was nearest to the cloud and was obviously coming under its influence. This particular group can be known as the intoxicated. Behind them, closely intermingled together, were the second and third groups - these can be known as the fearful and the angry. Still further behind at a little distance was a smaller group who will be known as the prepared. However, one fact was obvious - the acid cloud was going to cover all four groups regardless of whether they wanted it to or not.



It was at this point that I perceived that the cloud was blowing in from the Westerly direction.In response to this cloud, the first group were laughing, dancing and singing. A few of their members were lying prostrate

and making all kinds of animal noises. Some were so deliriously happy that they actually formed a dance line, which - while they were dancing the conga - snaked its way into the cloud. With a start, I realised their mistake. Already intoxicated by invisible fumes emanating from the front of the cloud, this group were wrongly assuming that the polluted cloud was a refreshing rain cloud that represented God's presence. They failed to see what its true nature was.The second group of Christians saw what the cloud consisted of, but then panicked. Some ran away and tripped over, knocking themselves out, while others stood there, frozen to the ground, looking in two directions at once. Like the first group, they too were swallowed up by the cloud. Their fundamental mistake was to panic in the face of evil.Whilst this was happening, the third group of Christians (who also saw that the cloud was a menace) stood before it shaking their fists and making all kinds of angry noises. Some were kicking at it with their feet. Like the previous two groups, they were clad in light, flimsy summer clothing. Their mistake was to try to fight the cloud in their own strength. Consequently, they too were swallowed up. Moreover, as the cloud ate up each of the three previous groups, there was silence, followed by ear-piercing howls of pain, succeeded by more silence - which was broken only by the odd intermittent moan or throaty gurgle which very much reminded me of a First World War gas attack.



THE PREPARED. However, the fourth group of Christians were getting ready to deal with the threat posed by this cloud. With urgent haste, they were donning anti-chemical suits of clothing, clamping on gas masks and putting on strong safety helmets which had a bright light, like a miner's lamp, attached to it. Above the lamp (which represented the light of the Holy Spirit) near the top of the helmet was a bright red spot. At once I discerned that this symbolised the Blood of Jesus Christ. It was His mark on this group.

Strapped to their sides were white first-aid cases with red crosses on them. These carried a wide assortment of medical aids to help those Christians who had been burned by the cloud. In their right hands they carried strong transparent riot shields, while in their left hands they carried various types of weaponry. These were obviously designed to fight the various kinds of principalities which inhabit the cloud.



Suddenly, at God's own timing, they formed a line, linked shields and marched at an orderly pace into the cloud. They were obviously directed by the Lord to do this. It was also clear that they were called to work very closely together. (Note; later, Richard was shown that the strategy of this group would be to advance at the Lord's command, fight strenuously, rescue and minister to some of the wounded; then stand their ground awaiting the next call for advance).BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT. Somewhat taken aback by the implications of this vision, I then used my mind to apply 1 Jn 4:1-3. In blunt Yorkshire tones, I said, "Do you, the spirit who has brought this picture so vividly to mind, boldly confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh"? "Yes, I boldly confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh". "Fine, what do you say about the Blood He shed on the Cross?" "Through the Blood there is forgiveness of sin. It protected the Israelites from My judgement on the Egyptian firstborn". "Good. Now let's take counsel together and have some intelligent discussion. Without repeating all the details that were revealed earlier, would you please, Abba Father, send your Holy Spirit to complete the interpretation of this vision?"



THE INTERPRETATION. Still utterly in control of what was happening, I then slowly took stock of what the Holy Spirit was saying. While creating a piercing clarity of mind that served to heighten my intellectual faculties, the Holy Spirit gave me the following interpretation:



1) The acid cloud not only represented what is currently known as the Toronto Phenomenon, it also represents all that will come out of that occurrence. The Toronto Phenomenon is so to speak only the front edge of the cloud. It is paving a way for even more extreme manifestations of the evil one. In short, "Toronto" can be seen as a beginning rather than an end.



2) Being blown by its own momentum indicates that within the cloud there is only what can be described as a hostile alien spirit. It is the head spirit of many other spirits which inhabit the cloud. Moreover, this alien spirit has been given permission by God to try the loyalties of Christians in this country. Through a process of sharp division, which will cause many wounds, it will become really clear who in the Church is standing by Jesus and who is not. However, some of those who belong to the first three groups will be given a few further chances to repent. For a little while, the opportunity to get back into a right relationship with God will exist.


3) The flat waterless desert plain represents English Society which is bereft of the Holy Spirit. It may also have some bearing on other places within the British Isles - even though it is England which is primarily represented. Another point to mention is that if the Lord's people had been on top of the rocky mountains, (which represents nearness to God's presence) then they would have escaped the influence of the acid cloud. Their position on the desert plain has left them desperately vulnerable to the corrosive effects. In other words, being in the place where Jesus Christ doesn't want them to be has stripped the Church of many spiritual defences. Far from putting on the armour of God, it is wearing loose, light summer clothes. Furthermore, being in the desert place has caused many Christians to seek to assuage their thirst from the wrong spiritual sources. That is one reason why the first group greeted the cloud with such enthusiasm. It seemed to offer an easy way to meet their needs.


4) As was stated earlier, the people in the plain were Christians - mainly charismatic/evangelical Christians, but there were also a fair number of representatives from the established denominations as well. They were conspicuous for their clerical collars, long robes and self-important expressions on their faces. It was clear that this cloud is going to have a very widespread effect.



5) As was clearly seen in the vision itself, the four groups rep-resented four possible reactions to the acid cloud. Only the last was appropriate to the situation in hand. In particular, those who stood frozen to the ground looking in two directions stood for Christian leaders who were trying to find expedient diplomatic solutions to what was an impossible situation. Not surprisingly, most of their supporters were quickly deserting them - leaving them alone to be swallowed up by the cloud. At this juncture, I believe the Holy Spirit is clearly saying, "beware of man-made expedients in dealing with the Toronto Phenomenon". What the Church faces here is primarily a spiritual, not cultural or psychological problem. Spiritual weapons will be needed to deal with it.



6) The role of the fourth group, which was the only one really doing God's will, was two-fold. Firstly it has to use the spiritual weapons given it to attack the principalities which were in the cloud. Secondly, it had to help restore Christians from the previous three groups who had been injured by it. Regrettably, some Christians they will have to bypass, because they will either refuse treatment or be in such a wild state that it will be impossible to deal with them.



By no means will all Christians survive the passing of the cloud. Some will forsake their faith, while others will suffer from permanent physical and mental breakdowns. A few will even lose their very lives there.



I began to see that the acid cloud was also the cloud of God's judgement that will have to pass over the Church until evil is

forcibly removed from it. Only after the acid cloud has done its work will the Church be pure enough to receive the cloud of God's presence. This cloud will in turn bring further cleansing and much-needed revival. However, the time for this second cloud to pass over is not yet. Any hopes of immediate revival are therefore premature. This means that taken as a whole, the Toronto Phenomenon does not represent a time of refreshing, rather it represents what is perhaps the first instalment of a VERY severe judgement on the churches in this country.






In a very real sense, the mass of God's people are being handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. Only those who are faithful to the Lord in all things will be exempt from this judgement - even though they may be distressed by its consequences. For members of the fourth group, there is the challenge to stand together and not act as a group of disparate individuals.



In closing, I believe the Holy Spirit is challenging you who read this document to decide which groups you belong to - is it to be the intoxicated, the fearful, the angry or the prepared? Great evil is coming upon many churches in this country - there exists only a little time to make this decision.Leeds, United Kingdom

The evidence you are about to study overwhelmingly proves that the “Lakeland Revival” is not of the God of the Bible.


I have not come to provide proof primarily from an academic angle but to give the heart of God who loves all those caught up in this cloud. Our heart is to “set the captive free”, our God using Satan to destroy the great flesh elements of Babylon that have infiltrated the Church.


New Age Christianity is growing fast but I believe God has a remnant he has been preparing through suffering to manifest him to many broken hearted who will be victims of this false cloud of “revival.”

As well as bringing facts my main heart is to bring a true prophetic insight into a “revival” that is being embraced by millions worldwide.

Rev. David P. Griffiths

I  The “Revivalist”: Todd Bentley

(Seen here seemingly ministering before tattoos and piercings) 

Primary evidence is the key to understanding whether this apparent man of God is truly the “revivalist” he seems to claim to be. One can then discern through the power of God whether this is real or one of the end-time deceptions Frodisham’s prophecy warns us about, our study including the role of the Beast and False Prophet during the end times.


The primary evidence being used in this study is Bentley’s own book: Journey into the Miraculous published by Destiny Image Publishers of P.O. Box 310, Shippensburg, PA 17257-0310. The book is copyrighted by Todd Bentley himself dated 2008. Acknowledgement is given to Thomas Nelson Inc., the founder of this company reportedly associated with the Rhodes Round Table in Edinburgh that reportedly set up the opportunity for Alexandrian Bible translations to help bring in a one world religion.  

Proven: Pagan Influence on Bentley's Book

Rupert Murdoch, owner of The Sun and Sky Television is acknowledged too through his company Zondervan who gave permission for use of their pagan “Bibles” all of whom question the very deity of Jesus Christ. We will see how key this is with Patricia King’s “blue flame belief” which gives ultimate reference to “a son” as in the NIV rather than “the son”! This without doubt immediately shows a pagan influence on the book whether or not this is realised by Bentley.

See "Acid Cloud" Vision 

Commercial Babylon is rife in the Church – these new concocted “revivals” being backed by big business. We need to get rid of this refusing to use commercially motivated “praise songs”, books and “Bibles”. You can tell the commercial interest when work is copyrighted and sold for company profit.


I Timothy 6: 9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

"Love of money ....."

We will see this scripture manifest before us during this study with those of the commercial interest falling into foolish and hurtful lusts. We must throw the money changers out of “the Temple” as Jesus did.


Bentley claims to have been born again between Christmas 1993 and the first week of January 1994. Journey into the Miraculous p. 21. Bentley’s second chapter tells of a traumatic childhood escaping death on occasions with mum kicking dad out, an apparent victim of the late 60’s, early 70’s free love, peace and sex era. Journey into the Miraculous p.41.


Testimony of a past in the occult, heavy metal music and pornography is openly admitted by Bentley as well as an admission of being a thief. Journey into the Miraculous p.44/45.  Admission is also given of communicating with spirits from the grave.

Bentley: I was so hungry for the spirit world and so fascinated by ghosts, demons, and horror movies, that I’d go and get high and drunk in cemeteries. What I was really hungry for, though, was God, but I didn’t know Him, or know how to find Him.


Today, people ask me if my involvement with the occult and my hunger for the dark side had anything to do with how quickly I eventually grew in the anointing. I believe that those demonic experiences did help me become more sensitive to the spirit realm. God is amazing- He can redeem anything! 

Journey into the Miraculous p. 47-48.

Bentley’s adolescence is covered in Chapter 4, Bentley stating that he grew up with few restraints and little discipline. He admits violent passions and being involved with parties and gangs. He seems willing to be frank and open about a lurid past before being “born again”.


Bentley goes into detail about his past seemingly preferring that we hear it directly from him rather than have the press blast him and his ministry. His past is summed up by Bentley as follows:

Hate filled messed up youth

Criminal activity and charged with sexual assault

Hurt many people and spent time in prison because of it

Sexually abused at 8

First sex with a woman at age 11

Incarcerated with murderers and sex offenders

Drug Addict


Bentley claims that the blood of Jesus has washed this away. Who can argue with that? If this is the case, therefore how is it that during his time in Christian ministry Bentley covered himself with tattoos of an obviously pagan nature? Journey into the Miraculous p. 54-64 WE ask that question particularly in relation to “blood cutting” and the message Bentley’s tattoos are giving out.

Bentley then shows a re-uniting with his dad before overdosing the second time, the drug being LSD. Journey into the Miraculous p. 64-67

The story of how Bentley becomes “born again” follows in his book and in this part of our analysis let me say that God is giving me a great heart for Todd, there is a crying out from my soul but I genuinely wonder whether there has been a genuine or counterfeit experience here. My heart is to be led of God and if a counterfeit I trust there can be a real experience.


I believe Todd is under a counterfeit influence and control which comes out later in this report. This influence and control is widespread across the world, many falling for it – the remnant being prepared with a great rescue package from God.

Testimony. Bentley admits he had reached rock bottom and did not feel able to return to his dad. He rang his Auntie Bell asking if Mom would have him home. His mom however was apparently scared of him and had not seen him for four years, but nevertheless she had him home.

On coming home Bentley discovered that one of his friends from school Aaron was a drug dealer who was able to supply Bentley with what he wanted. They met in drug ridden ‘demonic’ activities until Aaron became “born again.”


An encounter with a tough guy named Wally in a restaurant followed, this guy having been involved in enforcing loan shark payments by breaking legs etc. He brought in a Catholic family Bible asking if Bentley knew where he had got this Bible. This Bible had fallen off the bookstore shelf showing a sale price Wally could afford, Wally following this up with a witness to Bentley that involved “hell fire and brimstone”!

Thumping a big white Catholic Bible at Bentley Wally demanded that Bentley had to get saved!

Crux of the Problem

I believe this is where we are hitting the crux of the problem with Bentley. It is highly significant that it was a Catholic Bible that fell off the bookshelf with Wally. It is highly significant that the true Word of God, one that does not have to rely on physical manifestation does not seem to play any part in Bentley’s Testimony.


For the true Word of God does not have to rely on physical occurrences which are a primary part of Bentley’s testimony.


Hebrews 11: 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


I believe there has been a widespread infiltration throughout the world of occult forces into the Churches – forces that appear “like the most high” but forces that have come to “kill, steal and destroy”. Lindsay and I have witnessed this throughout 20 years of Christian Ministry in Britain – evil forces infiltrating in and taking people away into a cloud of control and manipulation. We believe what’s happening now with this “Bentley new thing” is a Catholic motivated trap taking away Protestants into a trap of mysticism,  escape, and greed – the greed coming from the Catholic side which Luther stood against – the wholesale ripping off - of the people!

Different "Jesus" in Catholic Bibles

We see that the evidence of “things not seen” does not seem to pay any part in this testimony; indeed if we start reading the texts of Catholic Bibles we discover the “Jesus” in them is a very different character to the one of the true Bible.


It is not altogether clear from the text which Catholic Bible, Bentley is referring to but it is like to be either Rheims Douay or the Jerusalem Bible. With all the modern translations (of which publishers Nelson and Murdoch Bentley has had to ask permission to use) depicting a very different Jesus to that of the Authorised Version, we have to ask which Jesus Bentley has received his salvation through. We discover later in this study that there is a New Age Jesus as well as a Biblical one!


First of all we need to establish from the true Word of God that Satan – the Counterfeit Christ will appear “like the most high.” We have already established that the False Prophet of Revelation will perform miracles and so testimonies of miracles are no proof that Lakeland is a genuine “revival”, but can Satan appear as Christ? Can Satan appear as the Saviour and even have a giving of a life to him in the form of a counterfeit salvation? I believe this is absolutely the case and the counterfeit Bibles with their heretical doctrines all play a part in this process. Bentley has even acknowledged that he has asked permission of the Publishers of the counterfeit Bibles to use them in his book. Had he used the KJV – no such permission would have been required for the price of this book has been paid for in blood.


Can Satan be like the most high?????


KJV Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.


Answer: YES


Does Satan enjoy the same titles as Jesus in Bentley’s Catholic Bibles?


 NIV Isa. 14: 12 How you have fallen from heaven,
       O morning star, son of the dawn!
       You have been cast down to the earth,
       you who once laid low the nations!

 13 You said in your heart,
       "I will ascend to heaven;
       I will raise my throne
       above the stars of God;
       I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
       on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. [c]

 14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
       I will make myself like the Most High."

 15 But you are brought down to the grave,
       to the depths of the pit.


NIV II Peter 1:19  And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.


NIV Rev. 22:16  "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you[a] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."


Look how serious this is: Bentley’s NIV depicts the “Morning Star” as being both Jesus and Lucifer.


Answer: Absolutely – both Satan and NIV’s “Jesus” enjoy the very same title, NIV’s Morning Star (note NIV has given the title “Morning Star” to Satan) is referred to as arising in believers hearts! Rheims Douay and the New Jerusalem Bibles refer to Day Stars and Morning Stars in relation to Lucifer and its Jesus too. We therefore can identify a Jesus in the Bibles referred to by Bentley as a “Jesus” alien to the Jesus of the revivals of old. This is the primary reason why the fruits of Lakeland are so different to the revivals of the past which enjoyed a Protestant Reformed heritage rather than a polluted Catholic one.

We can prove the Catholic Gnostic origins  of the "Bibles" Bentley uses  ...

The codices used in the translations of all these “Bibles” are Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, codices for centuries discredited by the Protestant Church. Bentley’s Catholic history goes further. As well as accepting Catholic scriptures, no mention has been found by me of the Protestant scriptures, Bentley admits to partaking of Catholic Mass after being “born again”. See his You Tube video at The evidence is there for all to hear!

Bentley Partakes of the Mass!

Bentley admits partaking of the Catholic Mass on Monday nights as well as getting involved in what may appear as the gifts of the Spirit. This is a major change from the attitude of former revivalists. Would Edwin Orr, Evan Roberts, Duncan Campbell, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Norman Grubb & Rees Howells have partaken of the Catholic Mass and moved in the gifts of the Spirit after being born again?


The Catholic Mass is a major heresy and the fact that Bentley links the activity to moving on to what appears to be the gifts of the Spirit is a major concern. The Council of Trent which gives direction to Catholic Priests affirms that priests have power to turn bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Jesus meaning quite frankly that this is re-crucifying Jesus which is why Catholics still have Jesus on the Cross.


"The Council of Trent summarizes the Catholic faith by declaring: "Because Christ our Redeemer said that it was truly his body that he was offering under the species of bread, it has always been the conviction of the Church of God, and this holy Council now declares again, that by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. This change the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation." Pg. 347, #1376.


This clearly proves that Bentley (after being “born again”) has partaken of a ceremony akin to cannibalism – the eating of the literal body, and drinking of the literal blood of Jesus Christ’s earthly body.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church goes further showing for how long the Eucharistic presence of Christ lasts.


"The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsist. Christ is present whole and entire in each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ." Pg. 347 #1377

This "revival" is part of a wholesale attempt to rid our nation of its Protestant heritage

Attempts of the Catholic Church to support these actions with scripture are weak indeed, and we have to remember that we live in a Protestant country, the Protestant Reformed Religion being established by law, and the sight of charismatics of Protestant origin embracing a spirit away from our Christian heritage is one which God looks upon with great sadness, His Holy Ghost having brought us a Reformation that freed us from all this oppression.


Bentley openly admits his Catholic “born again” testimony and openly admits his partaking of the literal body of Christ Jesus in the form of a wafer, the reference in John 6 being a clear spiritual reference, not a physical one as the New Covenant is the spiritual covenant.


The Protestant Church is clearly entering a challenging time as we lead up to Christ Jesus return, this challenge is the fact that many are being seduced away from the ancient doctrine of faith, Bentley’s Catholic Bibles telling a very different Gospel to that of the True Word.




NJB Phil. 2:6  Who, being in the form of God, did not count equality with God something to be grasped.


NIV Phil. 2:6 Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,


NIV John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (Jesus not “begotten” here)


Daniel 3:25   He said, "Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods."


NOTE THE FALSE PROPHET OF DEUT. 13 brought wonders and called the group to other gods. With Bentley’s tattoos depicting other gods, with Bentley’s Bibles proclaiming Jesus as “a god” – then surely Bentley is meeting the criteria of a Biblical false prophet.


KJV Deut. 13 1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;

KJV II Peter 2: 1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.


What greater heresy can you get by denying the very deity of Christ Jesus, these heresies being in Bentley’s Bibles and in his action of transubstantiation.


In the true Bible Jesus is of the same substance of the Father – fully one with the Father – “begotten” not made!


KJV Phil. 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

KJV John 3: 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

KJV I John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.


I John 5:7 NOT IN BENTLEY’S NIV or likely CATHOLIC BIBLE NJB. We know, therefore that Bentley embraces the Catholic Mass and “Bibles” that have vital doctrines removed replacing them with damnable heresies as Peter warned us would happen.


KJV Deut. 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you


KJV Rev. 22: 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


This sad story of Bentley continues with an apparent quest for the Bible but which Bible? He fails to say but one would assume it would be one of the ones he has asked Thomas Nelson and Rupert Murdoch to use.


Communication with men of FGBMFI, a charismatic organization highly influenced by the Catholic Church followed with an admitted continued fellowship with Catholics on Mondays! He continued Word studies using a Catholic Concordance with an admission that at that stage he had not realised that there was a difference between Catholic and Protestant concordances. What is even more important is whether he realises there is a difference between Catholic Bibles embracing Codices Vaticanus and Sinaiticus and the blood bought Protestant Bible – the KJV!

Speaking in tongues and being “baptised in the Spirit” after being ministered to by FGBMFI followed with a comment that God can do anything he wants, apparently not knowing that there are things God cannot do. Journey in the Miraculous p. 81-87


God Cannot Lie: Hebrews 6: 18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:


The Word of God cannot return void: John 1: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


Isa. 55: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Catholic Mentor

Bentley relates a story of his Catholic mentor Frenchie who moved by the gifts as Bentley puts it but behaves in a different way. We would argue that it is the Word of God that convicts which is why so much emphasis with the old revivalists is placed on the true Word, the true scriptures looking to be completely missing from Bentley’s life. Journey in the Miraculous p. 88-89


Various accounts continue in Bentley’s book of spiritual experiences in his life, there being a summary in Chapter 9 of five areas “the Lord” was dealing with him. These were intimacy, the prophetic, healing, evangelism and repentance and so as this paper has an emphasis on revival, we concentrate on the latter as this was so much a part of the old revivals.


An interesting comment is made by Bentley: The Highway of Holiness. Week after week I preached the conviction of sin, repentance, holiness and the consecrated life. I realized that the highway of miracles and glory was the highway of holiness. Journey in the Miraculous p. 152

This comment is very much in line with the revivalists of old but with all the history, one wonders if God has really taken Bentley to a point of repentance to him despite of all the heresy and false teaching so prevalent in his book.


He states that the Holy Spirit dealt with him in areas of ungodly music, sexual impurity and a set-apart lifestyle. Of course it is true to say that the Holy Ghost would deal with these areas and Bentley relates repentance and conviction happening amongst young people. Bentley, however,  discovers the order his ministry would take, an order out of line with the priorities of the old revivalists.


Bentley places revival through intimacy and God’s prophetic voice first, then healing, and then holiness, repentance plus the abandoned life but surely the priority is all wrong here. Surely repentance would come first to allow God to speak through the cleansed vessel rather than the unclean. Journey in the Miraculous p. 153

Normal Pentecostal Background?

As regards to the healing ministry Bentley claims a normal Pentecostal background in ministry reading T.L. Osborn’s Healing the Sick & F.F. Bosworth’s classic Christ the Healer.


Bentley: I started preaching on everything I saw in the Bible that had to do with healing – the principles of faith, theology of healing, hindrances to healing, and how to maintain your healing. I trusted that the Holy Spirit would confirm the word. Journey in the Miraculous p. 167


Testimonies of miraculous healings follow with Bentley claiming later to have a “healing mantle” with Bentley referring to the great healing evangelists of the past and present. Bentley recalls travelling to South Africa to receive as Bentley puts it the “mantle of John G. Lake”, a trip seemingly confirmed by Patricia King.   Journey in the Miraculous p. 181-202


Great testimonies of great meetings follow which look so consistent with the Word of God, these meetings seeming to be more Pentecostal than Catholic Charismatic. 

"Healing Revival Angel"

An encounter with an angel follows in Bentley’s accounts of great happenings around the World but what is unusual in the book which separates it from all other Pentecostal healing accounts is a call to Edinburgh, seat of Thomas Nelson, Publishers –place of the reported New World Order threat to true Christianity. A distinction is given in his Scottish account, Scotland being the last place of U.K. Revival in 1949, this distinction being that Bentley for the first time uses the term healing revival for which a healing revival angel had been assigned.


Bentley: While I was out on the floor in Albany, the Lord said, (as a confirmation to me that this was an angel of healing revival,) that he was going to give me the name of three revivals and the three revivalists that this angel had worked with ……


 Frodisham’s prophecy featured in Part 2 says this:


Be not deceived. For the deceiver will first work to gain the hearts of many, and then shall bring forth his insidious doctrines.


After recounting a great deal of healing evangelistic meetings around the world that seem to have a continuous Pentecostal base, Bentley then relates the “hound of heaven on Dad’s trail.” An account of his father Dave is given saying that after being saved he had toured the world with Todd.


Journey in the Miraculous p. 335-347

Major Heresy

Bentley then gives his insights into the future and the development of his ministry. Journey in the Miraculous p. 351-368 This development is very concerning as he “prophetically” utters that the emphasis needs to be on the supernatural for the Church already believes in Jesus so this “awakening” – the “new thing” is about the angels – the prophetic! (taken from audio of Todd Bentley)

Jesus Christ : the PRE-EMINENT!

Col. 1: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;


Bentley has got it wrong in his priorities! This is the emphasis. I know about moving in the prophetic, I have seen great healing miracles but if I only know one thing – its this – in all things CHRIST JESUS MUST HAVE THE PRE-EMINENCE and I believe the Jesus (when he does use the name) Bentley is honouring is not the Jesus of my Bible! 

"New Age Christianity"

I really believe we are dealing with a New Age Christianity spirit here so embraced by Patricia King that what we are seeing is a New Age festival of false signs and wonders akin to the False Prophet and the Beast of Revelation.

I can prove it:


It is clear from our discoveries in this section on Todd Bentley’s life from primary evidence that there is clearly a different Jesus being talked about here:


1)  A “Jesus” who is “a son of the gods” and not equal with the Father (in Bentley’s Bible)

2)  A “Jesus” who becomes his previous physical self in a wafer to be eaten by his followers.

3)  A “Jesus” who seems to have forgotten all the landmark revival principles of the Bible.


It is clear from our studies that this “Jesus” of this revival is appearing “like the most high” as the scripture saith! The Jesus of Alexandrian Roman Catholic Gnosticism is not the Jesus of the Bible.


Go ye therefore, saith the Lord and preach this word throughout the World that I have come that ye may have life and life in abundance.

Truly these are the days saith the Lord that I gave clear instruction about in my Word, clear words that are to be heeded by my people!


Explore my scriptures in depth, be moved by My Spirit saith the Lord and be prepared for a mighty harvest of souls. Be not dismayed by the goings on of this world, be moved by My Word to preach the Gospel, to establish sound doctrine amongst my people to prevent them from being led astray by the vagrancies of the evil one.

The modern “revivalist” movement conducted by those

with huge commercial interest has played a

massive part in deceiving so many!

II    Bentley’s Teachers and Associates

Peter Wagner of the International Coalition of Apostles


The following is a transcript of what Peter Wagner said on the platform of the “Lakeland Revival” – June 23, 2008.


A warm welcome to those of you who are present in this tent and to you who are watching through GOD TV. You are about to witness an event which could well have historic implications not only for the Lakeland Outpouring but also for our nation and for many other nations of the world. Prophets have been telling us for years that God is about to launch an extraordinary spiritual awakening with signs and wonders, and for over two months Todd Bentley has been leading one of the more obvious fulfillments of those prophecies. This is an exciting place to be right now! 

My name is Peter Wagner and I am President of Global Harvest Ministries based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have served the body of Christ in apostolic ministry for many years, and currently I preside over the International Coalition of Apostles which brings together over 500 recognized apostles. I have the honor of being assigned to preside over this momentous occasion, and I am humbled as I approach the task with an enormous sense of awe. Holy Spirit, I invite Your presence, Your power, and Your direction.


This is a ceremony celebrating the formal apostolic alignment of Todd Bentley. My first desire is to lay a biblical foundation for what we are about to do.


I will begin with a scripture that has been a central text for those of us who are in the stream of the contemporary apostolic/prophetic movement,


Ephesians 4:11-12:

And He Himself [Jesus at His ascension] gave some
To be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists
And some pastors and teachers,
For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry.


(This apparent scriptural reference is from the highly discredited NKJV published by Thomas Nelson in view of producing a one-world religion …… - the true scripture relates the task to perfecting which is discouraged by these false revivals as this task means bringing about the manifestation of the Body of Christ – Eph. 5:30)


The word “equipping” is a translation of the Greek katartizo which literally means “aligning,” as in setting a broken bone or a chiropractic adjustment. It means putting things in order so that the body functions as it was designed to function. This is one of the responsibilities of apostles such as those whom you see on the platform, and that is the reason we are present tonight.


For example, Paul wrote to Titus, “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking” (Titus 1:5).


Speaking of Paul and Titus, their relationship is a biblical prototype of apostolic alignment. The same would apply to Paul and Timothy. The apostolic alignment of Timothy and Titus with Paul was a principal factor in allowing God to develop and fulfill His complete destiny in both of their lives.

But Paul himself was also apostolically aligned. Soon after he was called to join Barnabas and his colleagues in Antioch for the then controversial ministry of planting churches among Gentiles, he traveled to Jerusalem to bring a gift for famine relief and also to align with some of the apostles.


I want to use the experience that Paul had on that occasion as the text for the protocol for tonight’s alignment and commissioning of Todd Bentley. It is found in Galatians 2:9 which tells the story of one of Paul’s visits to Jerusalem:

And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars,
Perceived the grace that had been given to me,
They gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship,
That we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised.

Todd is following Paul’s example by inviting to the platform three apostolic pillars of today’s church: Ché Ahn of Pasadena, California, Bill Johnson of Redding, California, and John Arnott of Toronto, Canada, Todd’s native land. They represent an apostolic network called Revival Alliance.

Notice that the apostles in Jerusalem “perceived the grace that God had given to Paul.” “The word “grace” is charis, the root of charisma, meaning “spiritual gift or gifts.” In Paul’s case it was the gift mix necessary to carry the gospel to the Gentiles. In Todd’s case it is the gift mix necessary to lead the Lakeland Outpouring.


I have a question for the three apostles: Do you perceive the grace of God given to Todd Bentley as an evangelist to lead the Lakeland Outpouring? [Answer: “I do.”]


I have a question for Todd Bentley: Do you recognize the apostolic authority of these three men in your life and ministry, and do you desire to establish an apostolic alignment with them and with Revival Alliance? [Answer: “I do.”]


With this affirmation we will move to a formal commissioning, equivalent to “offering the right hand of fellowship” as the three apostles did to Paul in Jerusalem.


This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world. With this in mind, I take the apostolic authority that God has given me and I decree to Todd Bentley:


· Your power will increase.
· Your authority will increase.
· Your favor will increase.
· Your influence will increase.
· Your revelation will increase.

I also decree that:

· A new supernatural strength will flow through this ministry.
· A new life force will penetrate this move of God.
· A government will be established to set things in their proper order.
· God will pour out a higher level of discernment to distinguish truth from error.
· New relationships will surface to open gates for the future.

Rory and Wendy Alec

( It is understood this couple are no longer together, there having been an acknowledged moral failure - so common with those incolved in these "Emerging Revivals") see


As one time partners with God TV Lindsay and I are saddened at the way this channel has moved forward in a melting pot of New Age conflict and ideas.


In their partnership letter of 19th. May II Chronicles 7:14 is quoted. Quoted but not correctly written as in the following KJV statement.


II Chron. 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Rory and Wendy, however, chooses to take away the key introduction of the verse and quote a Egyptian counterfeit version namely NIV, the perversion that gives the same title to Jesus as it does to Lucifer, declaring Jesus to be “Capstone” the top stone of a pyramid. No wonder we are living in a day when sound doctrine is not being endured. Part in green not in God Channel presentation.


NIV II Chron. 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


It is interesting to note that the key introduction is left out in a letter that is supposed to be about Bentley’s “revival.”


Alec continues to say about the privilege it has been to present Todd Bentley’s “revival” from Florida, an action which apparently broke their programming budget! What a shame they were not around in 1949 because the dear souls in the Hebrides would not have charged to present what God was doing there! However, in the commercial Babylon of the Florida Revival one can well understand that the Alec’s have broken their budget!!!!!

A very revealing statement summing up the situation with God Channel is revealed by a statement in their June programming details: (some years ago now)


We sense so strongly in our spirits that this is the beginning of A NEW DIMENSION OF CHRISTIAN TELEVISION which focuses on the SUPERNATURAL. Our vision and passion at GOD TV is to bring anointed, prophetic, and SUPERNATURAL programming to YOUR television screen and screens across the globe so that people everywhere can be reconciled with God.

My conviction is to preach the WORD first and HAVE JESUS IN THE PRE-EMINENT POSITION for by concentrating on the supernatural without discernment is leaving oneself open to disaster. Preaching the WORD must come first with God confirming his WORD second.


Mark 16: 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. 20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

  • John Arnott

Part of the commission team supporting Bentley, Arnott sees a link with his own “revival”, the “Toronto Blessing” that affected the World writing to Bentley:



Todd, you need to keep going in these meetings as long as the Lord is moving. I feel that this is a prophetic sign that another wave of revival is coming to North America. If you remember, the laughing revival was released in Lakeland via Rodney Howard Browne. Randy Clark went to one of Rodney's meetings in November 1993 in Tulsa and came to Toronto in January of 1994 and it all broke out here. So, the meetings starting again in Lakeland could mean that revival gets another fresh start all over the world!

What a silly, silly comment to make, revival in history never starting like this – look what the Toronto phenomenon caused. I witnessed it when at Elim Bible College, a fellow student Greg coming out to me declaring “they’re just manifesting devils in there” A release from all this is coming for God is establishing a remnant who will move in and restore the Word to those longing release from the Torontos, Alphas and Lakelands that have caused so much damage to so many!

Rick Joyner – Member of the Knights of Malta!

Cedric Harmon in Charisma clearly proved that Joyner is a member of this sinister order infiltrating into all areas of Charismatic churches, resulting in my view into spiritual experiences most Charismatics need deliverance from. Part of Charisma magazine’s article is here: 


Joyner has even written a book about the Knights of Malta, Courage That Changed the World, which features a
photograph of the robed "grand master" of the order. In the book, Joyner compares the Knights to end-time Christians who will overcome the world's evils through faith in Christ.

What Joyner didn't realize when he wrote his book is that the group he joined has "no connection whatsoever with any legitimate order of chivalry of that name," according to Guy Stair Sainty, historiographer of the priory in the United States of the Most Venerable Order of St. John.

In a letter of response to an inquiry about Joyner's group, Sainty said the order Joyner has joined is not the original Knights of Malta but "one of more than 20 similar bodies which misuse the name of St. John [to distribute] invented titles...and worthless knighthoods." Sainty added that individuals who join the legitimate Knights of Malta group must be Roman Catholic and have a bishop's recommendation.

Joyner's connection to the Knights of Malta has troubled some in the prophetic movement who can't reconcile their Christian faith with membership in a group they consider secretive or elitist. "I have a concern about it. It's a secret society," says one former Morning Star staff member who left in 1999 and requested anonymity when interviewed.

There are beliefs around stating that Joyner is part of a false church moving into false revivals that will establish the religious side of the New World Order. Please see  and


There is reference to a roundtable in the latter site in which Joyner is involved and this would be consistent with the Round Table reportedly set up in Edinburgh with Thomas Nelson that led to his phoney NKJV devastating ministries all over the World.


There does not seem to be any denial from Joyner over his links to the Knights of Malta, in fact it would seem his book embraces them but as with all Gnostics there are elements of truth in Joyner’s teachings coming out in his report of the Lakeland Revival.


Joyner says that controversy and persecution come with any move of God which is true but the apparent move of Lakeland has little scripturally to be able to stand up to that controversy. He compared the persecution to the attack on Jesus when he began his healing ministry but Jesus had the Word of God as his sword, whereas the “Bibles” of Lakeland are catastrophic phoneys of Egypt.


Joyner follows with an attack on the Welsh Revival saying “there was no significant message that came out of it other than God moving and awakening his Church”. A complete nonsense, the message coming out of it was the cry of “Bend me” Bend me”, the brokenness of man leading onto such a surrender that the greatest missions move of the twentieth century began.

Bentley's Tattoos

In reference to Bentley’s tattoos Joyner has recognized that for some they are hard to take but argues that it has been these tattoos that have attracted many, a sharp contrast to the Hebridean Revival where the brokenness of two praying ladies brought about such a move of the Holy Ghost that people were driven to get right with God. Since when has the Church been called to resort to the pagan practices of the World to draw the sinner in?


This whole situation is a disgrace and I call both Joyner and Bentley to leave their pagan outpouring and come into the fullness, freshness and glory of God. “Emerge Update” (In Jesus)

Bob Jones


One of the controversial “Kansas City Prophets” Jones often

speaks of a “paradigm shift” going on in the Church! This is an

entering in of a “new age” in which miracles will become normal.

Those resisting entry into the “new age,” occurring after the world

has gone will go through a time of distress and not survive. 


Chris Perver has written the following about Jones and Bentley describing their activities within the context they both work.


Both Todd Bentley and Bob Jones claim to have experienced visitations from angels. As we discussed in the previous article, these angels are not following the Biblical pattern. These angels seek to glorify themselves instead of Christ, they seek to usurp authority over the Church, they proclaim the prosperity gospel and they manifest their presence in ungodly ways. Both men also claim to have ascended into heaven on numerous occasions. We have already related the story of how Todd Bentley was beamed up into heaven through a "pillar of fire", and was cut open by four angels while lying conscious on an operating table. Bob Jones also claims to have ascended up into heaven. In fact Jones says he is able to do this 'at will', simply through an act of faith. And he has taken others with him for the ride. King then recounts an experience in which she was invited to ascend into the "third heaven" with Jones. He took her by the hand and they both closed their eyes, and after several minutes had transpired, King says she began to see a bright light which Jones then claimed was the heavenly realm. But is there any Scriptural precedence for their experience? The Bible does mention several incidents where people have been caught up into heaven. The Apostle Paul was caught up into the third heaven, and saw things which he said were not lawful for a man to utter (2nd Corinthians 12:2). But it is believed that this may have occurred during a near death experience when Paul was stoned in the city of Lystra (Acts 14:19). The Apostle John was also caught up into heaven, and this was to receive a revelation of what will to come to pass during the last days (Revelation 4:1). But when it comes to claiming to be able to ascend into heaven at will, the Bible is emphatic. "No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even] the Son of man which is in heaven", John 3:13. Proverbs 30:4 also asks the question, "Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?". The experiences that these men talk about are not mentioned in the Bible. But they do have a precedent in the New Age movement. Astral projection is practiced by those involved in the occult. "Astral projection (or astral travel) is a paranormal interpretation of an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation".


These are disturbing words indeed Perver using


Strangely named angels are not new phenomena. Paul Keith Davis on Bob Jones’s website writes of an angel called “Breakthrough” in his article on revival dated April 2006.


This is in line with Jones’s own belief system which disturbs me as Bentley’s does, as this way of belief is one of experience first without real Biblical conviction leaving those taking part wide open to the operations of devils.


This was probably the case with Jones the Olathe Daily News of November 13th. 1991 reporting:


Bob Jones, an associate of the Olathe Worship Center of the Metro Vineyard Fellowship of Kansas City, confessed Saturday to sexual misconduct with two women, who attend a Vineyard church in the Kansas City area, said Kenn Gulliksen, North American coordinator for the Association of Vineyard Churches. Jones, 63, was removed from his church duties for an undetermined amount of time, Gulliksen said.


While ministering at the churches’ national headquarters in Anaheim, Calif., last weekend, Jones was confronted with allegations of the incident by several close friends, Gulliksen said. The two women, after confronting Jones with their concerns about the possible impropriety of the incident, brought it to the attention of church leaders in Kansas City. When confronted, Gulliksen said Jones confessed to the allegations.

“He was ministering here in California on Saturday,” Gulliksen said. “He was very effective and helpful. He’s a sweet guy. Separate from the incident, he’s a sweet guy.”


Jones, whose Kansas City area phone number is unlisted, could not be reached for comment. An official at the Olathe church refused to comment and directed all calls to the Kansas City office. Repeated calls to the senior pastor in Kansas City were not returned.

Gulliksen would not elaborate on the incident, other than to say that during the past six months Jones had “delved into sexual misconduct” but that it did not involve sexual intercourse. Jones, who is not an ordained minister, has been with the Olathe church for about a year and a half and in the Kansas City area Vineyard churches since 1983, he said.


Jones is considered a nationally recognized prophetic leader by the church. The incident occurred while Jones was ministering prophetic teachings, his supernatural gift of knowing and preaching the words of God, Gulliksen said. Usually these situations are done with several people in attendance, including a church pastor. This incident did not occur in that context, he said.


There are 900 ministers and 100,000 parishioners in the 320 Vineyard churches across the country. Six of those are in the Kansas City area, with three in Kansas and three in Missouri. About 400 people attend the Olathe church. Those who attended morning services Sunday in the Kansas City area were directed to the Grandview, Mo., church for the announcement about Jones, Gulliksen said.


He said the church follows the religious doctrine that when a leader falls into sin, he should be rebuked publicly so that the others may take warning. Because of Jones’ national visibility and ministry, the National Board for the Association of Vineyard Churches in Anaheim, led by John R. Wimber, issued a letter Tuesday to all of its churches explaining the incident.


“The sins for which Bob has been removed from ministry include using his gifts to manipulate people for his personal desires, sexual misconduct, rebelling against pastoral authority, slandering leaders and the promotion of bitterness within the body of christ,” the letter stated.  

Paul Cain


Again with Paul Cain, a similar scenario occurred. The point in exposing these falls is not to show corruption as such but to show that where spiritual experience comes before The Word – and that is the true blood bought Word of God – not the “mickey-mouse” translations – then a fall is almost inevitable!


Wikipedia gives a resume of his life beginning with a remarkable birth in 1929. His mother was diagnosed with cancer and tuberculosis and was not expected to live. Paul was successfully born and his mother healed, Cain interestingly attributing this remarkable event to a visitation of an angel which gives understanding to Bentley’s approach.

I would argue, however, that healing comes primarily through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the presence of angels playing a part but not the primary part. In all things Christ Jesus must have the pre-eminence.


In his youth Cain became involved with the Voice of Healing Movement working with Chuck Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel. He felt many leaders, however at the time had gone into excess but declared William Branham to be the “greatest prophet of the century!”


In 2004, however, Cain admitted to homosexuality and alcoholism. Cain, Paul. A Letter of Confession. Paul Cain Ministries. Retrieved on 2005-02-25.


The following is from Rick Joyner’s website:


"In February 2004, we were made aware that Paul had become an alcoholic. In April 2004, we confronted Paul with evidence that he had recently been involved in homosexual activity. Paul admitted to these sinful practices and was placed under discipline, agreeing to a process of restoration, which the three of us would oversee. However, Paul has resisted this process and has continued in his sin... With our deepest regrets and sincerity, Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, Mike Bickle." http://www.morrnnsstrarministries.ore/oages/ special~bulleu.ns/0ct_19.html


 In May 2008 he spoke at Bentley’s “revival” at Florida suffering a stroke afterwards from which he is still recovering. 


Charisma magazine reported from the “revival” and what Cain had to say declared that Cain took on those who had said he had not repented of past sins, the response, however, being from some that he was denying past sins.


It would seem Bentley brought him to Lakeland to talk of past prophecies relating to “healing revivals”. A sad state of affairs indeed.

I know something here I need to share. I know that ministers can battle day by day with emotions and feelings. This is why we have the Word of God, we all being called to study precious word daily but what we have here is a group of people completely devoid of the Word of God (I do not include “new translations” as the Word of God but counterfeit translations of Egyptian Gnosticism) and so are wide open to minister in a sensual way leaving out the revival cry to “die to self.” This is affecting even the once great Pentecostal denominations of Britain in which one Apostolic Church in South Wales is holding meetings with “trance music!” One Elim Church in Belfast is reported by British Church Newspaper (No. 140 July 2008 p. 2) as bringing in an associate of Bentley Bobby Sullivan. The North Belfast Elim Church according to the report has become a scene of shouting and according to BCN’s Belfast correspondent pushing over people, the correspondent describing what he saw “as false fire on the altar!” A far cry from the early days of the Elim Movement which began in Northern Ireland.

In our view .......  these crazy ministers of today are destroying the Pioneering Work of those like the Elim Founders .......

Patricia King


Bentley describes King as a “prophetess” who allowed him to speak for ten minutes at a Mothers Day Conference, an event that made King, Bentley’s first partner.

Reading Bentley’s account one can discern a desire to hold big meetings like that of Benny Hinn and Billy Graham, this desire seeming to take place after his encounter with King. Journey in the Miraculous p. 157-167


His ministerial relationship with King seems to follow in relation to “third heaven” aspects, King having ministered too into the “Dudley” apparent revival in U.K. where she gave “word” about a “blue flame”, an expression known in witchcraft, now seemingly adapted into a form of “Christianity.”


She calls this “blue flame” the “blue flame of the Lord.” This “blue flame” according to King’s revelation speaks of divine revelation, passionate love and the essence of heaven.


Patricia King:  I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking upward into the sun while in flight. My eyes were fixed on the sun.


“Eyes fixed on the sun.”The problem with this is its affinity to New Age in which “The Great Central Sun” is also known as the “heart of God.”  The Ascended Masters Research Center gives clear insight into a belief system that talks of a Christ alien to the Christ of the Bible, but in harmony with physical effect.


The Ascended Masters present their case as follows:


The Great Central Sun is the Source and the Center of a Galaxy and a Cosmos. It is the Point of Integration of the Spirit/Matter Cosmos, and the Origin of all physical-spiritual creation. It is the Nucleus, or White Fire Core, of the "Cosmic Egg". (The God Star Sirius is the Focus of the Great Central Sun in our sector of the Galaxy.)

The Sun behind the Sun is the Spiritual Cause behind the physical effect we see as our own Physical Sun and all other stars and star systems, seen or unseen, including the Great Central Sun. The Sun behind the Sun of Cosmos is perceived as the Cosmic Christ - the Word by Whom the Formless was endowed with form and Spiritual Worlds were draped with physicality. 3


"The Great Central Sun is One with every individual's Mighty I AM Presence." 1

Also known as:

The Source

The Great Hub 3

Central Source of Life and Intelligence 1

The Heart of God

Great Central Source

Great Central Source of All Intelligence 1

Taken directly from


King: He leads and guides us into all truth, and grants us revelation concerning Christ and His invisible Kingdom.


But ….. what is concerning here is that the focus has been on the “sun”  - not THE SON and the Ascended Masters website depict “the sun” as being of a blue flame! What is also concerning is the widespread use of “fire” in Charismatic symbols and belief system, a symbols luring often unsuspecting people into areas where they become under the control of spirtual masters. I believe Bentley is under such a control!


King: When we are filled with His passionate love, the blue flame is also ignited within us and creates an intense love response to Him.

But … the problem here is we have seen so much false love in the Church – Jezebel being allowed to operate unchecked – see Rev. Suresh Ramachandran teaching on this available from this ministry.


King:  Multiplied manifestations of Heaven will be seen in the earth. More believers will live under the blessings of the Open Heaven. Let’s prepare ourselves to receive revelation into the deep mysteries of God and await authentic encounters with the very atmosphere of Heaven


Studying the above tells me there is a move into deep “New Age Christianity” going on – the following proving that the name “Jesus” is being used in New Age Circles – his role being “a son” as in Bentley’s NIV rather than “the son”. Look at this belief system related to the “Blue Flame” … This clip from a “Christian New Age” site shows the belief.

The Ascended Masters

You may never have heard of the Ascended Masters, but they have loved you for eons and have both sponsored your excursions into the Earth and watched over each embodiment with the care and concern of a devoted parent. The Ascended Master most widely known is Beloved Jesus. But the Ascension was not unique to only this Son of God. Many have glimpsed the edges of Higher Consciousness, pursued their Vision, and are today Ascended and Free as Ascended Masters. You, too, can become as they are!

It is certainly clear that there are strong “new age” links in King’s teaching fitting in perfectly with the Gnostic Bibles so widely in use. My heart is going out to all those in Dudley that is seen as being the English offshoot of the Lakeland “revival” when really it’s an offshoot of King – and I speak prophetically.  

King: Recently while teaching at Glory School in Dudley, England, with Trevor and Sharon Baker, I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking upward into the sun while in flight. My eyes were fixed on the sun. Eagles (often a Biblical symbol of the prophetic) in the natural have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have. This allows them to look directly into the sun without damage to their vision.


As I gazed into the sun, I could feel myself being drawn towards its center, and that is when I saw it–the Blue Flame. It was so beautiful. I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected, and also I felt its passion.

Look at the work and influence of these teachers of a new Gospel that has widened the road. We need to Compare their teaching with the revivalists of old and discuss ways of

counteracting this manifestation of the “other Jesus”.

III  How the “revival” began and why it is so popular


The “revival” began it would seem because apparent prophets foresaw events like Lakeland. “Prophet” Bob Jones is quoted by Bentley as having seen this in 1973, Bentley claiming that Bob said to him that he was one of the “first fruits” wave. Journey into the Miraculous p. 22-23

Paul Cain is also quoted in this context by Bentley, Paul apparently seeing stadiums over the USA full with revival, signs, wonders and miracles. The term “Joel’s Army” is used and so Lakeland is presented as being part of all of this – a huge end time revival but what is meant by the term “revival” here because up to now I have failed to see the words judgement, conviction, and repentance being said within the context of scriptural  emphasis. I have seen heavy emphasis on the terms revival, signs and wonders but not on the old terms of judgement, conviction, and repentance!  Journey into the Miraculous p. 23-25


A lot of what Bentley says in the opening Chapter of his book is true looking back to the Champions of Faith of the past with God wanting to do it again with greater measure, so the language is good but is this a part of a master plot, a plot identified in Frodisham’s prophecy? Has the “Acid Cloud Vision” come to pass? We shall see!

Ignited Church, Lakeland

In practical terms the “revival” began at Ignited Church, Lakeland, Florida on April 2nd. 2008 with Todd Bentley coming for a 5 day “healing revival.” This was extended as reports state that people were coming to get healed and get “drunk in the spirit”, a dangerous phenomena when discernment is not being taught! It is still a phenomena, however, that has been part of Pentecostal Churches for many years. It is important to know that God does intend us to be drunk (Acts 2 style) in him, but we have to have the Word of God pulsating from our hearts rather than the commercial Babylon root so evident at Lakeland.


Acts 2: 14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: 19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: 21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Why so popular??????????

In answering the question as to why this “revival” is so popular one has to understand that we have a generation of charismatics who have been brought up without true regard to the blood bought Word of God. The “phoney translations” of Egypt are so common amongst these people that discernment (NIV describes Jesus as “a son” rather than “the son of God”) seems to have gone out of the window!


How then has Bentley reached his level of spirituality without regard to the true Word of God?  Bentley has placed his adherence to the Bibles of Catholicism and the “Christ” wafer of transubstantiation?

Eastern Religions

In getting to understand Bentley’s undoubted spirituality reported quotes from him give understandings into Eastern religions remembering that there does not seem to be discernment in Bentley’s belief system as regards to elect and fallen angels.


Bentley: “…in a vision, the Glory Cloud of Revelation descending upon the church.  It was also during this time of prayer that God took me in a vision to what I believed to be the Himalayan Mountains.  I saw an Indian man with a turban on his head and heard the whisper of the Spirit say, “This is Sundar Singh.  I am releasing anointing of revelation like this.”  I had no communication with this old saint, nor did he say anything to me.  The experience lasted only a moment …”  

Sundar Singh

The “Discerning the World Website” through a lady called Deborah seems to have done a lot of study on Sundar Singh remembering that Bentley had apparently seen this “old saint” in a vision. Through her research we discover that Singh really brought together Christian, Hindu and Buddhist spirituality quoting Sundar as saying:


“Regarding the Buddha, he said that he respected him for the strength of his intellect and the purity of his life; but in the Sadhu’s opinion he was lacking in humility and for that reason did not attain knowledge of God. Had he truly longed for God, he would have gone to the Sannyasi whom he had first met. For it is only through humility that we can know God.”


The Sannyasi is a pagan deity which Sundar is referring to and his belief system related Christ to Hinduism too.

Hinduism has been digging channels,” he wrote. “Christ is the water to flow through these channels…there are many beautiful things in Hinduism; but the fullest light is from Jesus Christ…”

Kundalini Yoga!

A further influence of Hinduism in this revival is identified by Patrick Ersig. Hinduism according to Ersig includes a type of yoga that can bring the individual into a state of cosmic consciousness and unity with “God”. Indeed moksha the ultimate state of Hinduism relates a coming together with Brahman, the yoga being suggested by Ersig relating to one with its origins in the Kashmir where Shiva is worshipped. This is kundalini.


The reason we mention this here is that the manifestations of this Hinduistic activity are as follows and whilst accepting as Pentecostals that there is the concept of “Acts 2 – these are not drunk as you suppose) we have to be on our guard against the infiltration of other spirits, hence this warning here:


  • Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms.

  • Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body

  •  Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations

  •  Intense heat or cold

  • Involuntary bodily movements,  jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways. 

  • Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns

  • Episodes of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue

  • Intensified or diminished sexual desires

  • Headaches, pressures within the skull

  • Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest

  • Digestive system problems

  • Numbness or pain in the limbs (particularly the left foot and leg)

  • Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and neck

  • Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts; seemingly unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage, depression

  • Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and weeping) -- are as unintentional and uncontrollable as hiccoughs

  • Hearing an inner sound or sounds, classically described as a flute, drum, waterfall, birds singing, bees buzzing but which may also sound like roaring, whooshing, or thunderous noises or like ringing in the ears.

  • Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating

  • Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness; spontaneous trance states; mystical experiences (if the individual's prior belief system is too threatened by these, they can lead to bouts of psychosis or self-grandiosity)

  • Heat, strange activity, and/or blissful sensations in the head, particularly in the crown area.

Kundalini and the Spine!

What is significant in comparing Bentley’s activities to that of Kundalini is the references Bentley gives to the spine. “I used to feel the anointing in my hand; now I feel it in my spine” declared Bentley, the spine being the very place the Kundalini snake spirit takes up residence and I speak prophetically that this snake spirit is causing people to receive great headaches as it coils up from one part of the body to the next and I declare in the Name of Jesus that there is deliverance for this by coming into his lovely presence and receiving the goodness of God that can only come through the precious Saviour. Revival transference is a concept rejected by Rees Howells. The Deception Bytes Website giving a possible reason:


So why does Todd Bentley insist on laying hands on everyone present in his meetings even when they number in the thousands (which by the way would exhaust the very strongest among us)? Because he needs to lay hands on to transfer the power or energy. This power or energy in the occult is called the shakipat. “Shakti”means power or energy, and “pat” means transfer.  Kundalini awakening or (shaktipat) is the infusion of energy from the spiritual master to the seeker, bringing about the awakening of the seeker’s own inherent spiritual power, called “Kundalini.”


According to  “Few Christians realize that for thousands of years gurus have operated with gifts of healing, miracles, gifts of knowledge, and intense displays of spiritual consciousness as they stretch out and connect with a cosmic power which, though demonic in origin, is very real. The meetings which mystic Hindu gurus hold are called 'Darshan'. At these meetings devotees go forward to receive spiritual experience from a touch by the open palm of the hand, often to the forehead, by the guru in what is known as the Shakti Pat or divine touch. The raising of the spiritual experience is called raising Kundalini……


After a period when the devotee has reached a certain spiritual elevation they begin to shake, jerk, or hop or squirm uncontrollably, sometimes breaking into uncontrolled animal noises or laughter as they reach an ecstatic high. These manifestations are called 'Kriyas'. Devotees sometimes roar like lions and show all kinds of physical signs during this period. Often devotees move on to higher states of spiritual consciousness and become inert physically and appear to slip into unconsciousness when they lose sense of what is happening around them. This state is called 'Samadhi' and it leads to a deeper spiritual experience.'

Real Pentecostal Ministry

I know from personal experience with Christ Jesus within me and the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon me that great miracles can happen in Jesus Name but revival comes from within, the anointed power of God manifesting with power through the broken individual before him. The power (virtue in the scriptures) I have felt come out of me and I have had to go back for more. This is Pentecost. We do not want to decry power ministry. What we want to ensure is that its source is the one true God and we are discovering from our studies that there are serious problem areas with what is going on at Lakeland.

Multi-Faith????  the practices of these new charismatic revivals are embracing not just one faith but many,

not just one lifestyle but many thus making a

spiritual snake pit of massive proportions

What we are asking here in relation to the popularity of Lakeland is whether the worldwide move to “multi-faith” is establishing itself through a spiritual revival that can embrace all aspects of spirituality, this “all aspects” clearly being shown as symbols on Bentley’s body in the form of tattoos. 

IV  Bentley’s Doctrine of Angels


A lot of coverage on the internet is given to Bentley’s references to angels. It is my intention to present his own references on angels in his Journey into the Miraculous book, and in his Angelic Hosts Paper as well as his references on stage. These references will then be compared with the recent comprehensive study by David Owen entitled What does the Bible say about Angels, an apt title particularly as Bentley’s accounts seem to relate more to experience rather than scripture.


As regards to healing experiences Bentley’s accounts of his meetings look classical Pentecostal as they would be as one of his reference books is the classic Christ the Healer by F.F. Bosworth. There seems to be confusion in the use of the term “revival” as this term seems to be used in conjunction with healing meetings rather than revival meetings. One does not want to be legalistic about this and move by the Spirit but the distinction is an important one. A revival meeting is one that has conviction, judgement and repentance as its emphasis, obedience, holiness and mission following and after this healing as one walks in God’s will; Ex. 15:26, Deut. 28, Ps. 24. An evangelistic meeting is one where lost souls come to Christ, physical bodies are healed – the Lord confirming the Word with signs; Mark 16. Journey Into the Miraculous p. 237-240


I do not have a problem with the healing meeting accounts in themselves but with Bentley there seems to be a lot more besides going on like partaking of the Catholic Mass, an act proven earlier in this study. As you have seen I have great problem with this as this is the partaking of another deity in the wafer. Following on from this in his book is the case of an apparent angel, which appears to Bentley a partaker of the Catholic Mass, the angel being the healing angel that worked with the Great Reformer and Opposer of the Catholic Mass John Knox.

John Knox - Healing Evangelist??????

One can’t help but feel confused by this for Knox was certainly not known as being a healing revivalist and the likelihood of a spiritual affinity between Bentley and Knox seems highly unlikely due to Bentley’s partaking of the Catholic Mass.


From Knox the healing angel moved onto William Branham and John G. Lake, the latter two certainly being associated with healings and great miracles, Branham also being known for losing his way doctrinally. Journey into the Miraculous p. 237-242

John Knox was a fierce reformer preaching Calvinism all over Scotland opposing the Church of Rome wherever he went. The thought of him being a healing evangelist with a “healing angel” is somewhat remote from Knox’s historical persona.

Knox's Passion was to correct Roman Catholic Doctrine.

Indeed, according to history Knox had a great passion to correct Catholic doctrine particularly transubstantiation of which Bentley is a partaker.


John Knox: Here is briefly declared in a summary, according to the holy scriptures, what opinion we Christians have of the Lord's Supper, called the sacrament of the body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ.


First, we confess that it is a holy action, ordained of God, in the which the Lord Jesus, by earthly and visible things set before us, lifts us up unto heavenly and invisible things. And that when he had prepared his spiritual banquet, he witnessed that he himself was the lively bread wherewith our souls are fed unto everlasting life.


And therefore, in setting forth bread and wine to eat and drink, he confirms and seals up to us his promise and communion (that is, that we shall be partakers with him in his kingdom); and he represents unto us, and makes plain to our senses, his heavenly gifts; and also gives unto us himself, to be received with faith, and not with mouth, nor yet by transfusion of substance; but so, through the virtue [power] of the Holy Ghost, that we, being fed with his flesh, and refreshed with his blood, may be renewed both unto true godliness and to immortality.


And also [we confess] that herewith the Lord Jesus gathered us unto one visible body, so that we are members one of another, and make altogether one body, whereof Jesus Christ is the only Head; and, finally, that by the same sacrament, the Lord calls us to remembrance of his death and passion, to stir up our hearts to praise his most holy name.


Furthermore, we acknowledge that this sacrament ought to be come unto reverently, considering there is exhibited and given a testimony of the wonderful society and knitting together of the Lord Jesus and of the receivers; and also, that there is included and contained in this sacrament, [a testimony] that he will preserve his kirk. For herein we are commanded to show the Lord's death until he come (1 Cor. 11:26).


Also we believe that it is a confession, wherein we show what kind of doctrine we profess; and what congregation we join ourselves unto; and likewise, that it is a bond of mutual love amongst us. And, finally, we believe that all the comers unto this holy Supper must bring with them their conversion unto the Lord, by unfeigned repentance in faith; and in this sacrament receive the seals and conrmation of their faith; and yet must in nowise think that for this work's sake their sins are forgiven.


And as concerning these words, Hoc est corpus meum, "This is my body" (1 Cor. 11:24; Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19), on which the Papists depend so much, saying that we must needs believe that the bread and wine are transubstantiated unto Christ's body and blood: we acknowledge [declare] that it is no article of our faith which can save us, nor which we are bound to believe upon pain of eternal damnation. For if we should believe that his very natural body, both flesh and blood, were naturally in the bread and wine, that should not save us, seeing many believe that, and yet receive it to their damnation. For it is not his presence in the bread that can save us, but his presence in our hearts, through faith in his blood, which has washed out our sins, and pacified his Father's wrath towards us. And again, if we do not believe his bodily presence in the bread and wine, that shall not damn us, but the absence out of our hearts through unbelief.


[1]Now, if they would here object, that though it be truth, that the absence out of the bread could not damn us, yet are we bound to believe it because of God's word, saying, "This is my body" (1 Cor. 11:24); which who believes not, as much as in him lies, makes God a liar; and, therefore of an obstinate mind not to believe his word, may be our damnation: [2]To this we answer, that we believe God's word, and confess that it is true, but not so to be understood as the Papists grossly affirm. For in the sacrament we receive Jesus Christ spiritually, as did the fathers of the Old Testament, according to St. Paul's saying (1 Cor. 10:3-4). And if men would well weigh, how that Christ, ordaining his holy sacrament of his body and blood, spoke these words sacramentally, doubtless they would never so grossly and foolishly understand them, contrary to all the scriptures, and to the exposition of St. Augustine, St. Jerome, Fulgentius, Vigilius, Origen, and many other godly writers.

Activity to Renounce

It is far from likely therefore that Knox would have had fellowship with Bentley because of his embracing of what is seen by all active Protestants as heresy. Indeed it would be seen by many old time Pentecostals as an activity to renounce.


Bentley: “I first saw the angel called Healing Revival on December 5 of 2000 in Grant’s Pass. The angel came to me again in Albany the next February. He stood in the church service with his body going through the ceiling of the church. Then the Lord told me the angel’s name and that he was the same angel I saw in Grant’s Pass earlier. God also revealed to me that this angel was involved in the ministry of John Lake, William Branham, and John Knox in Scotland. This angel, the Lord said, is from the North West Healing Revival and is manifesting again as a sign that God is restoring the Voice of Healing revival and opening up the ancient wells” ANGELIC HOSTS Revivalist Todd Bentley

Branham - "no more revivals in U.S"

William Branham, however, prophesied no more revivals in America so how could the same “revival” angel manifest?

“The revival is over. America had her last chance   in 1957. Now the tongues, are God’s sign of impending disaster, even as they were when they appeared upon the wall at Belshazzar’s feast….”




According to Bentley this angel moved onto work with William Branham, a man with a very different ministry to that of John Knox the Reformer.


With Branham we do see a possible affinity with Bentley for it would seem from one of his sermons that Branham may have come near transubstantiation.

William Branham: 56 And we do this because that we are giving thanks to Him and among one another, eating the bread between each other, drinking the wine between each other, as His Blood and His Flesh.


"Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." See? You see, that's what the Bible said. Except you do it, there's no Life. You see? You are then, more or less, showing you are ashamed to identify yourself as a Christian, because of the life that you live. And then this is the really the showdown. Then if you don't do it, you have no Life. If you do do it unworthily, you're guilty of the body of the Lord. …..


Studying the sermon as a whole, however, we find that Branham has a very different perspective seeming to use scripture to prove that those with the different doctrine given by an angel are accursed.


Branham: 67 Now, 23rd verse of the 11th chapter of I Corinthians, listen at Paul now. Now, remember, keep this in mind, Galatians 1:8, "If we or an angel from heaven preaches any other Gospel unto you (than this Gospel that he had preached), let him be accursed." See?


For I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:

And when he had given thanks, he brake it,... said, Take and eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

Now, let me stop right here. You see? But taking the body of the Lord Jesus Christ in this communion does not mean that that communion is the literal body of Christ. That's Catholic. I do not believe that that's right. I believe it's only an ordinance that God made with us (See?); it isn't the actual body. It's... Now, it's really a little piece of kosher bread. It's just an ordinance.


69 Neither do I believe that the baptism of Jesus Christ, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in water does forgive your sins. I do not believe that you... I believe you could be baptized all day long... Now, I know that there's perhaps people setting here who come from the Apostolic church, I mean, or the United Pentecostal church, which they teach that. But, you see, I--I do not believe that the water forgives sins. Or if it was, then Jesus died in vain. See? I believe that it's only an ordinance of God (See?) to show that you have been forgiven. But to be baptized for regeneration, no, I--I--I don't believe that. I don't believe that water forgives sins.

Neither do I believe that this bread and wine has anything to do with you, only keeping an ordinance that God has ordained for us to do. See? That's right. I believe water baptism is the same thing. I believe it's compelling to us to do it, that He done it all for our example. And He done this for our example. And He washed feet for our example.


71 Now...

After the same manner also,... (25th verse)... After the same manner also he took the cup, and when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as you drink it, in remembrance of me.

For as oft... (Remember now.)... For as oft as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do shew forth the Lord's death till he come. (How long? "Until He comes." See, see?)


Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.

Let me stop just a minute. The reason he said this, you noticed in another verse here, another chapter, that he said, "I understand when you--when you come together you're eating, even getting drunk at the Lord's table." They misunderstood it. You see? They just gluttoned in. See? Just like people are doing today, just live any kind of life and take it. See? And he said, "You got homes to eat in. (See?) But, this is an ordinance that we should keep." See?


72 Now:

But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread, and drink of the cup.


For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. (See?)

What are you? You're a Christian; you live before everybody as a Christian. And if you take that and don't live as a Christian, you're not discerning the Lord's body. You're putting a stumbling block in somebody else's way (See?), as they see you trying to do that and then not living what you're supposed to live. See, you're not discerning the Lord's body. Now, watch what it--what the curse of it is:


For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many are sleep. (The right translation of that word, Brother Pearry, is "dead." See? "many are dead.")

For if we--for if we would judge ourself, we should not be judged. (See, if we judge ourself we won't be judged. See?)

But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. (See, not any attach to the world.)

Wherefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, tarry one for the other. (See?)


And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that you come not together unto condemnation. And the rest I will set in order when I come. (See?)

74 Now, in other words, don't just come to take it as a... As I said awhile ago, about what the Jews, their sacrifice, they... It was wonderful; it was given by God. But it got to a place where they didn't do it in sincerity and reverence and in order, then it become just a--it become a--a stench in His nose.

Now, the same thing is by our coming to take the Lord's supper, that we must come knowing what we are doing. Just like when you go into the water to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, you know what you're doing; you're putting on to the church what God has put in you, Christ.
When we take this, it shows to the church that "I believe every Word of God. I believe that He is the Bread of Life that come from God out of heaven. I believe every Word that He says is the Truth. And I live by It to the best of my knowledge, God being my Judge. Therefore, before my brothers, before my sisters... I--I do not swear; I do not curse; I do not do these things, because I love the Lord, and the Lord knows it and bears me record. Therefore, before you, I take the parcel of His body, to know that I am not condemned with the world." See? There you are, then it's a blessing.

77 And, remember, I could give many testimonies on this, where I've took that and explained it in a sickroom and seen them healed.

Remember, when Israel taken the type of this, they had journeyed forty years in the wilderness and their clothes never even wore out, and they come out without one feeble one--one among them, with two million people as a type of this. Well, what will the antetype do? If the body of a sacrificial animal did that for them, what will the Body of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, do for us? Let's just be reverent when we come. Let us be just as reverent as we know how to come.

Within the context of the scripture Branham quotes from Paul’s letter we have to ask if Bentley has received a different Gospel from an angel. We ask this because within his understanding we see a major role for angels, Paul to the Galatians giving warning about ensuring that the correct Gospel has been received. It would seem possible, therefore, that another gospel can be received and we ask if this has happened with Bentley.


Gal. 1: 1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) 2 And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia: 3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, 4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: 5 To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.


The link to Bentley’s angel and healing revival seems much more probable with Branham, however, who said in 1947:



E-14 Just an analysis to make an estimation now, that since I was in Phoenix, there has been at least six... [] I'd say... Well, I'd say twenty-five or thirty-five thousand people, prayed for, maybe more than that. And there's been at least ten thousand of them healed. Would you think of that? Such as cancers that are laying at their last moment, are well people since the last meeting. I guess, in the--in the--the provinces of Canada alone, there was at least two hundred and fifty, or maybe more than that, cases of cross-eyed people with their eyes straightened. And mutes, it's innumerable to count them, for there was multiplied scores of them that came, that were some deaf, dumb, some hard of hearing and everything that were made perfectly whole. Now, that's only done through the visitation of the Angel.


Branham does emphasize the coming of an angel and the healing ministry and so even though Bentley and Branham seem to have a doctrinal difference on communion, there does seem to be a doctrinal coming together on healing remembering during 1947 Branham was ministering in an orthodox Pentecostal way and Bentley has shown that his studies on healing have been with classical Pentecostal material.

John G Lake

John G. Lake also refers to an angel, an angel informing him in his Portland Vision of 1920:


This is Pentecost as God gave it through the heart of Jesus. STRIVE FOR THIS. CONTEND FOR THIS. TEACH THE PEOPLE TO PRAY FOR THIS. For this, and this alone, will meet the necessity of the human heart, and this alone will have the power to overcome the forces of darkness…… Pray, Pray, Pray, Teach the people to pray. Prayer and prayer alone, much prayer, persistent prayer, is the door to the entrance into the heart of God.

We can therefore associate angels with the ministries of Branham and Lake, however Bentley places great emphasis on visiting Knox’s grave in a trance following this up with an actual trip to Scotland and his leading of a Pastor to the actual grave where Bentley recounts that he had a strong visitation of the Lord falling under “the power of God for four hours.”


In this part of Bentley’s book, he is careful to describe a classical Pentecostal doctrine of angels in that he proclaims Jesus first saying that angels are sent on behalf of the saints to minister to people. What is unorthodox, however, is his admission that warlocks approach him and describe the angel!  Journey into the Miraculous p. 238-241

Craziness and Orthodoxy

What comes through Bentley is a common orthodox approach to ministry, then a seemingly crazy scenario taking the whole ministry into areas of doctrinal concern. He seems to be proud that he has not been to Bible School but the Bible does teach to “study diligently, and one also has to learn when moving in the Spirit what is of God and what is not for I have had the devil actually come and ask me a question – what was I doing at Duror where he had driven the people away? God had told me to go there and put on a meeting not knowing there had been a clearance of people from the land there. The devil talks to the mind whilst God speaks from within. It is also a reason why I am endeavouring in this study not to dismiss Bentley using a system of human rationale, I am endeavouring to move by the Spirit and obey the scriptural injunction to “test the spirits.” I can assure you that during the course of this study I have encountered many evil spirits involved in this operation of Bentley.


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